@using BTCPayServer.Components.StoreLightningBalance @using BTCPayServer.Components.StoreLightningServices @using BTCPayServer.Components.StoreNumbers @using BTCPayServer.Components.StoreRecentInvoices @using BTCPayServer.Components.StoreRecentTransactions @using BTCPayServer.Components.StoreWalletBalance @using BTCPayServer.Components.AppSales @using BTCPayServer.Components.AppTopItems @using BTCPayServer.Client @model StoreDashboardViewModel @{ BTCPayServer.Plugins.PluginExceptionHandler.SetDisablePluginIfCrash(Context); ViewData.SetActivePage(StoreNavPages.Dashboard, Model.StoreName, Model.StoreId); var store = ViewContext.HttpContext.GetStoreData(); }


@if (Model.IsSetUp) { /* include chart library inline so that it instantly renders */
@if (Model.WalletEnabled) { } else {
This store is ready to accept transactions, good job!
Set up a Lightning node
Set up a wallet
} @if (Model.LightningEnabled) { } @if (Model.WalletEnabled) { } @foreach (var app in Model.Apps) { }
} else {

To start accepting payments, set up a wallet or a Lightning node.

Create your store
@if (Model.Network is BTCPayNetwork) { @if (!Model.WalletEnabled) {
Set up a wallet
} else {
Set up a wallet
} } @if (Model.LightningSupported) { if (!Model.LightningEnabled) {
Set up a Lightning node
} else {
Set up a Lightning node
} }