@model TwoFactorAuthenticationViewModel @{ ViewData.SetActivePageAndTitle(ManageNavPages.TwoFactorAuthentication, "Two-factor authentication"); } @if (Model.Is2faEnabled) { if (Model.RecoveryCodesLeft == 0) {
You must generate a new set of recovery codes before you can log in with a recovery code.
You can generate a new set of recovery codes.
You should generate a new set of recovery codes.
Disable two-factor authentication. Re-enabling will not require you to reconfigure your Authenticator app.
Regenerate your two-factor recovery codes.
Invalidates the current authenticator configuration. Useful if you believe your authenticator settings were compromised.
Display the key or QR code to configure an authenticator app with your current setup.
Enable two-factor authentication using TOTP with apps such as Google Authenticator.