@model PullPaymentsModel @{ Layout = "../Shared/_NavLayout.cshtml"; ViewData.SetActivePageAndTitle(WalletsNavPages.PullPayments); ViewData["Title"] = "Pull payments"; } @if (TempData.HasStatusMessage()) {

Pull payments are a way to allow a receiver of your payment the ability to "pull it" from your wallet at a convenient time. For example, if the receiver of your payment is a freelancer, you allow the freelancer to pull funds from the wallet, at his convenience and within limits, as he completes the job. This decreases the need of communication required between you and the freelancer.

Create a new pull payment
@foreach (var pp in Model.PullPayments) { }
@foreach (var pp in Model.PullPayments) { }
Start Name Refunded Actions
@pp.StartDate.ToBrowserDate() @pp.Name
View - Payouts - Archive