@model DerivationSchemeViewModel @addTagHelper *, BundlerMinifier.TagHelpers @{ Layout = "../Shared/_NavLayout.cshtml"; ViewData.SetActivePageAndTitle(StoreNavPages.Index, $"{Model.CryptoCode} Derivation scheme"); } @section HeadScripts { } @if (!ViewContext.ModelState.IsValid) {
@if (!Model.Confirmation) { } else { }
@if (!Model.Confirmation) {
Derivation scheme

A derivation scheme facilitates generation of the destination addresses for your invoices so funds can be received on-chain.

Address type Example
P2WPKH xpub...
P2SH-P2WPKH xpub...-[p2sh]
P2PKH xpub...-[legacy]
Multi-sig P2WSH 2-of-xpub1...-xpub2...
Multi-sig P2SH-P2WSH 2-of-xpub1...-xpub2...-[p2sh]
Multi-sig P2SH 2-of-xpub1...-xpub2...-[legacy]
Additional pairing information
} else {
Confirm the addresses (@Model.CryptoCode)
Please check that your @Model.CryptoCode wallet is generating the same addresses as below.
@if (Model.Source == "Vault") { } @foreach (var sample in Model.AddressSamples) { @if (Model.Source == "Vault") { } }
Key path AddressActions
@sample.KeyPath @sample.AddressShow on device
Wrong addresses?
Help us to find the correct settings by telling us the first address of your wallet
@section Scripts { @await Html.PartialAsync("_ValidationScriptsPartial") }