var app = null; var eventAggregator = new Vue(); function addLoadEvent(func) { var oldonload = window.onload; if (typeof window.onload != 'function') { window.onload = func; } else { window.onload = function() { if (oldonload) { oldonload(); } func(); } } } addLoadEvent(function (ev) { Vue.use(Toasted); Vue.component('contribute', { props: ["targetCurrency", "active", "perks", "inModal"], template: "#contribute-template" }); Vue.component('perks', { props: ["perks", "targetCurrency", "active", "inModal"], template: "#perks-template" }); Vue.component('perk', { props: ["perk", "targetCurrency", "active", "inModal"], template: "#perk-template", data: function () { return { amount: null, expanded: false } }, computed: { canExpand: function(){ return !this.expanded && && (this.perk.price.value || this.perk.custom) } }, methods: { onContributeFormSubmit: function (e) { if (e) { e.preventDefault(); } if(!{ return; } eventAggregator.$emit("contribute", {amount: this.amount, choiceKey: this.choiceKey}); }, expand: function(){ if(this.canExpand){ this.expanded = true; } } }, mounted: function(){ this.amount = this.perk.price.value; } }); app = new Vue({ el: '#app', data: function(){ return { srvModel: window.srvModel, connectionStatus: "", endDate: "", startDate: "", startDateRelativeTime: "", endDateRelativeTime: "", started: false, ended: false, contributeModalOpen: false, endDiff: "", startDiff: "", active: true, animation: true, sound: true, lastUpdated:"" } }, computed: { targetCurrency: function(){ return this.srvModel.targetCurrency.toUpperCase(); }, paymentStats: function(){ var result= []; var combinedStats = {}; var keys = Object.keys(; for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { if(combinedStats[keys[i]]){ combinedStats[keys[i]][keys[i]]; }else{ combinedStats[keys[i]][keys[i]]; } } keys = Object.keys(; for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { if(combinedStats[keys[i]]){ combinedStats[keys[i]][keys[i]]; }else{ combinedStats[keys[i]][keys[i]]; } } keys = Object.keys(combinedStats); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var newItem = {key:keys[i], value: combinedStats[keys[i]], label: keys[i].replace("_","")}; result.push(newItem); } for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { var current = result[i]; if(current.label.endsWith("LightningLike")){ current.label = current.label.substr(0,current.label.findIndex("LightningLike")); current.lightning = true; } } return result; }, perks: function(){ var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.srvModel.perks.length; i++) { var currentPerk = this.srvModel.perks[i]; if(this.srvModel.perkCount.hasOwnProperty({ currentPerk.sold = this.srvModel.perkCount[]; } result.push(currentPerk); } return result; } }, methods: { updateComputed: function () { if (this.srvModel.endDate) { var endDateM = moment(this.srvModel.endDate); this.endDate = endDateM.format('MMMM Do YYYY'); this.endDateRelativeTime = endDateM.fromNow(); this.ended = endDateM.isBefore(moment()); }else{ this.ended = false; } if (this.srvModel.startDate) { var startDateM = moment(this.srvModel.startDate); this.startDate = startDateM.format('MMMM Do YYYY'); this.startDateRelativeTime = startDateM.fromNow(); this.started = startDateM.isBefore(moment()); }else{ this.started = true; } if(this.started && !this.ended && this.srvModel.endDate){ var mDiffD = moment(this.srvModel.endDate).diff(moment(), "days"); var mDiffH = moment(this.srvModel.endDate).diff(moment(), "hours"); var mDiffM = moment(this.srvModel.endDate).diff(moment(), "minutes"); var mDiffS = moment(this.srvModel.endDate).diff(moment(), "seconds"); this.endDiff = mDiffD > 0? mDiffD + " Days" : mDiffH> 0? mDiffH + " Hours" : mDiffM> 0? mDiffM+ " Minutes" : mDiffS> 0? mDiffS + " Seconds": ""; } if(!this.started && this.srvModel.startDate){ var mDiffD = moment(this.srvModel.startDate).diff(moment(), "days"); var mDiffH = moment(this.srvModel.startDate).diff(moment(), "hours"); var mDiffM = moment(this.srvModel.startDate).diff(moment(), "minutes"); var mDiffS = moment(this.srvModel.startDate).diff(moment(), "seconds"); this.startDiff = mDiffD > 0? mDiffD + " Days" : mDiffH> 0? mDiffH + " Hours" : mDiffM> 0? mDiffM+ " Minutes" : mDiffS> 0? mDiffS + " Seconds": ""; } this.lastUpdated = moment(; = this.started && !this.ended; setTimeout(this.updateComputed, 1000); }, submitModalContribute: function(e){ debugger; this.$refs.modalContribute.onContributeFormSubmit(e); } }, mounted: function () { hubListener.connect(); var self = this; this.sound = this.srvModel.soundsEnabled; this.animation = this.srvModel.animationsEnabled; eventAggregator.$on("invoice-created", function (invoiceId) { btcpay.setApiUrlPrefix(window.location.origin); btcpay.showInvoice(invoiceId); btcpay.showFrame(); self.contributeModalOpen = false; }); eventAggregator.$on("invoice-error", function(error){ var msg = ""; if(typeof error === "string"){ msg = error; }else if(!error){ msg = "Unknown Error"; }else{ msg = JSON.stringify(error); }"Error creating invoice: " + msg, { iconPack: "fontawesome", icon: "exclamation-triangle", fullWidth: false, theme: "bubble", type: "error", position: "top-center", duration: 10000 } ); }); eventAggregator.$on("payment-received", function (amount, cryptoCode, type) { var onChain = type.toLowerCase() === "btclike"; if(self.sound) { playRandomQuakeSound(); } if(self.animation) { fireworks(); } if(onChain){'New payment of ' + amount+ " "+ cryptoCode + " " + (onChain? "On Chain": "LN "), { iconPack: "fontawesome", icon: "plus", duration: 10000 } ); }else{'New payment of ' + amount+ " "+ cryptoCode + " " + (onChain? "On Chain": "LN "), { iconPack: "fontawesome", icon: "bolt", duration: 10000 } ); } }); if(srvModel.disqusEnabled){ window.disqus_config = function () { // Replace PAGE_URL with your page's canonical URL variable = window.location.href; // Replace PAGE_IDENTIFIER with your page's unique identifier variable = self.srvModel.appId; }; (function() { // REQUIRED CONFIGURATION VARIABLE: EDIT THE SHORTNAME BELOW var d = document, s = d.createElement('script'); // IMPORTANT: Replace EXAMPLE with your forum shortname! s.src = "https://"+self.srvModel.disqusShortname+""; s.async= true; s.setAttribute('data-timestamp', +new Date()); (d.head || d.body).appendChild(s); var s2 = d.createElement('script'); s2.src="//"+self.srvModel.disqusShortname+""; s2.async= true; s.setAttribute('data-timestamp', +new Date()); (d.head || d.body).appendChild(s); })(); } eventAggregator.$on("info-updated", function (model) { console.warn("UPDATED", self.srvModel, arguments); self.srvModel = model; }); eventAggregator.$on("connection-pending", function () { self.connectionStatus = "pending"; }); eventAggregator.$on("connection-failed", function () { self.connectionStatus = "failed"; }); eventAggregator.$on("connection-lost", function () { self.connectionStatus = "connection lost"; }); this.updateComputed(); } }); });