using BTCPayServer.Authentication; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using BTCPayServer.Filters; using BTCPayServer.Logging; using BTCPayServer.Models; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using NBitpayClient; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using BTCPayServer.Data; using BTCPayServer.Services.Invoices; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cors; using BTCPayServer.Services.Stores; namespace BTCPayServer.Controllers { [EnableCors("BitpayAPI")] [BitpayAPIConstraint] public class InvoiceControllerAPI : Controller { private InvoiceController _InvoiceController; private InvoiceRepository _InvoiceRepository; private TokenRepository _TokenRepository; private StoreRepository _StoreRepository; private BTCPayNetworkProvider _NetworkProvider; public InvoiceControllerAPI(InvoiceController invoiceController, InvoiceRepository invoceRepository, TokenRepository tokenRepository, StoreRepository storeRepository, BTCPayNetworkProvider networkProvider) { this._InvoiceController = invoiceController; this._InvoiceRepository = invoceRepository; this._TokenRepository = tokenRepository; this._StoreRepository = storeRepository; this._NetworkProvider = networkProvider; } [HttpPost] [Route("invoices")] [MediaTypeConstraint("application/json")] public async Task> CreateInvoice([FromBody] Invoice invoice) { var bitToken = await CheckTokenPermissionAsync(Facade.Merchant, invoice.Token); var store = await FindStore(bitToken); return await _InvoiceController.CreateInvoiceCore(invoice, store, HttpContext.Request.GetAbsoluteRoot()); } [HttpGet] [Route("invoices/{id}")] public async Task> GetInvoice(string id, string token) { var bitToken = await CheckTokenPermissionAsync(Facade.Merchant, token); var store = await FindStore(bitToken); var invoice = await _InvoiceRepository.GetInvoice(store.Id, id); if (invoice == null) throw new BitpayHttpException(404, "Object not found"); var resp = invoice.EntityToDTO(_NetworkProvider); return new DataWrapper(resp); } [HttpGet] [Route("invoices")] public async Task> GetInvoices( string token, DateTimeOffset? dateStart = null, DateTimeOffset? dateEnd = null, string orderId = null, string itemCode = null, string status = null, int? limit = null, int? offset = null) { if (dateEnd != null) dateEnd = dateEnd.Value + TimeSpan.FromDays(1); //Should include the end day var bitToken = await CheckTokenPermissionAsync(Facade.Merchant, token); var store = await FindStore(bitToken); var query = new InvoiceQuery() { Count = limit, Skip = offset, EndDate = dateEnd, StartDate = dateStart, OrderId = orderId, ItemCode = itemCode, Status = status == null ? null : new[] { status }, StoreId = new[] { store.Id } }; var entities = (await _InvoiceRepository.GetInvoices(query)) .Select((o) => o.EntityToDTO(_NetworkProvider)).ToArray(); return DataWrapper.Create(entities); } private async Task CheckTokenPermissionAsync(Facade facade, string expectedToken) { if (facade == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(facade)); var actualTokens = (await _TokenRepository.GetTokens(this.User.GetSIN())).ToArray(); actualTokens = actualTokens.SelectMany(t => GetCompatibleTokens(t)).ToArray(); var actualToken = actualTokens.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Value.Equals(expectedToken, StringComparison.Ordinal)); if (expectedToken == null || actualToken == null) { Logs.PayServer.LogDebug($"No token found for facade {facade} for SIN {this.User.GetSIN()}"); throw new BitpayHttpException(401, $"This endpoint does not support the `{actualTokens.Select(a => a.Facade).Concat(new[] { "user" }).FirstOrDefault()}` facade"); } return actualToken; } private IEnumerable GetCompatibleTokens(BitTokenEntity token) { if (token.Facade == Facade.Merchant.ToString()) { yield return token.Clone(Facade.User); yield return token.Clone(Facade.PointOfSale); } if (token.Facade == Facade.PointOfSale.ToString()) { yield return token.Clone(Facade.User); } yield return token; } private async Task FindStore(BitTokenEntity bitToken) { var store = await _StoreRepository.FindStore(bitToken.StoreId); if (store == null) throw new BitpayHttpException(401, "Unknown store"); return store; } } }