using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using BTCPayServer.Services.Invoices; using NBitcoin; using Newtonsoft.Json; namespace BTCPayServer.Payments.Bitcoin { public class BitcoinLikePaymentData : CryptoPaymentData { public PaymentTypes GetPaymentType() { return PaymentTypes.BTCLike; } public BitcoinLikePaymentData() { } public BitcoinLikePaymentData(Coin coin, bool rbf) { Outpoint = coin.Outpoint; Output = coin.TxOut; ConfirmationCount = 0; RBF = rbf; } [JsonIgnore] public OutPoint Outpoint { get; set; } [JsonIgnore] public TxOut Output { get; set; } public int ConfirmationCount { get; set; } public bool RBF { get; set; } /// /// This is set to true if the payment was created before CryptoPaymentData existed in BTCPayServer /// public bool Legacy { get; set; } public string GetPaymentId() { return Outpoint.ToString(); } public string[] GetSearchTerms() { return new[] { Outpoint.Hash.ToString() }; } public decimal GetValue() { return Output.Value.ToDecimal(MoneyUnit.BTC); } public bool PaymentCompleted(PaymentEntity entity, BTCPayNetwork network) { return ConfirmationCount >= network.MaxTrackedConfirmation; } public bool PaymentConfirmed(PaymentEntity entity, SpeedPolicy speedPolicy, BTCPayNetwork network) { if (speedPolicy == SpeedPolicy.HighSpeed) { return ConfirmationCount >= 1 || !RBF; } else if (speedPolicy == SpeedPolicy.MediumSpeed) { return ConfirmationCount >= 1; } else if (speedPolicy == SpeedPolicy.LowMediumSpeed) { return ConfirmationCount >= 2; } else if (speedPolicy == SpeedPolicy.LowSpeed) { return ConfirmationCount >= 6; } return false; } public BitcoinAddress GetDestination(BTCPayNetwork network) { return Output.ScriptPubKey.GetDestinationAddress(network.NBitcoinNetwork); } string CryptoPaymentData.GetDestination(BTCPayNetwork network) { return GetDestination(network).ToString(); } } }