@using BTCPayServer.Models.StoreReportsViewModels;
@using BTCPayServer.Views.Stores;
@inject Safe Safe
@inject BTCPayServer.Security.ContentSecurityPolicies Csp
@model StoreReportsViewModel
ViewData.SetActivePage(StoreNavPages.Reporting, StringLocalizer["Reporting"]);
@section PageHeadContent
@* Set a height for the responsive table container to make it work with the fixed table headers.
Details described here: thttps://uxdesign.cc/position-stuck-96c9f55d9526 *@
{{ chart.name }}
{{ titleCase(group, true) }} |
{{ titleCase(agg, true) }} |
{{ displayValue(group.name) }}
{{ displayValue(group.name) }}
Total |
{{ displayValue(value) }}
{{ displayValue(value) }}
{{ displayValue(value) }}
Grand Total |
{{ displayValue(value) }} |
Raw data
No data
@section PageFootContent {