window.BTCPayShopifyIntegrationModule = function () { const pageElements = document.querySelector.bind(document); const insertElement = (document.querySelectorAll.bind(document), (e, n) => { n.parentNode.insertBefore(e, n.nextSibling) }); // execute BTCPayShopifyIntegrationModule as soon as possible var paymentMethod = pageElements(".payment-method-list__item__info"); if (null === paymentMethod) { return void setTimeout(() => { window.BTCPayShopifyIntegrationModule(); }, 10); } if (!window.btcpay) { throw new Error("The BTCPay modal js was not loaded on this page."); } if (!window.Shopify) { throw new Error("The Shopify global object was not loaded on this page."); } if (!window.BTCPAYSERVER_URL || !window.STORE_ID) { throw new Error("The BTCPAYSERVER_URL STORE_ID global vars were not set on this page."); } const shopify_order_id = Shopify.checkout.order_id; const btcPayServerUrl = window.BTCPAYSERVER_URL; const storeId = window.STORE_ID; var currentInvoiceData; var modalShown = false; let buttonElement = null; var pageItems = { mainHeader: pageElements("#main-header"), orderConfirmed: pageElements(".os-step__title"), orderConfirmedDescription: pageElements(".os-step__description"), continueButton: pageElements(".step__footer__continue-btn"), checkMarkIcon: pageElements(".os-header__hanging-icon"), orderStatus: pageElements(".os-header__title"), paymentMethod: pageElements(".payment-method-list__item__info"), price: pageElements(".payment-due__price"), finalPrice: pageElements(".total-recap__final-price"), orderNumber: pageElements(".os-order-number"), }; function setOrderAsPaid() { document.title = document.title.replace("Review and pay!", "Thank you!"); pageItems.mainHeader.innerText = "Thank you!", pageItems.orderConfirmed && ( = "block"), pageItems.orderConfirmedDescription && ( = "block"), pageItems.continueButton && ( = "visible"), pageItems.checkMarkIcon && ( = "visible"), buttonElement && ( = "none"); } function showPaymentInstructions() { document.title = document.title.replace("Thank you!", "Review and pay!"); pageItems.mainHeader && (pageItems.mainHeader.innerText = "Review and pay!"), pageItems.continueButton && ( = "hidden"), pageItems.checkMarkIcon && ( = "hidden"), pageItems.orderConfirmed && ( = "none"), pageItems.orderConfirmedDescription && ( = "none"); } function getOrCheckInvoice(backgroundCheck) { const url = btcPayServerUrl + "/stores/" + storeId + "/plugins/shopify/" + shopify_order_id+"?amount="+Shopify.checkout.payment_due+ (backgroundCheck ? "&checkonly=true" : ""); return fetch(url, { method: "GET", mode: "cors", // no-cors, cors, *same-origin, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "accept": "application/json", } }) .then(function (response) { return response.json(); }).catch(function () { if (!backgroundCheck) alert("Could not initiate BTCPay Server payment method, try again later."); }) } function onPayButtonClicked() { buttonElement.innerHTML = "Displaying Invoice..."; getOrCheckInvoice().then(handleInvoiceData).catch(fail.bind(this)); } function handleInvoiceData(data, opts) { currentInvoiceData = data; if (!currentInvoiceData) { if (modalShown) { window.btcpay.hideFrame(); fail(); }else if(opts && opts.backgroundCheck){ injectPaymentButtonHtml(); }else{ fail(); } return; } if (["settled", "processing"].indexOf(currentInvoiceData.status.toLowerCase()) >= 0) { setOrderAsPaid(); } else if (["invalid", "expired"].indexOf(currentInvoiceData.status.toLowerCase()) >= 0) { fail(); } else if (!opts || !opts.backgroundCheck) { showModal(); } } function showModal() { if (currentInvoiceData && !modalShown) { modalShown = true; window.btcpay.setApiUrlPrefix(btcPayServerUrl); window.btcpay.onModalReceiveMessage(function (evt) { if (evt && evt.invoiceId && evt.status) { currentInvoiceData = evt; } }); window.btcpay.onModalWillEnter(function () { modalShown = true; }); window.btcpay.onModalWillLeave(function () { modalShown = false; getOrCheckInvoice(true).then(function (d) { buttonElement.innerHTML = payButtonHtml; handleInvoiceData(d, {backgroundCheck: true}) }); }); btcpay.appendAndShowInvoiceFrame(currentInvoiceData.invoiceId); } } function fail() { currentInvoiceData = null; buttonElement.innerHTML = payButtonHtml; } const payButtonHtml = ''; function injectPaymentButtonHtml() { // Payment button that opens modal buttonElement = document.getElementById("btcpayserver-pay"); if (buttonElement) { return; } buttonElement = document.createElement("div"); = "btcpayserver-pay"; buttonElement.innerHTML = payButtonHtml; insertElement(buttonElement, pageItems.orderConfirmed); } if (["bitcoin", "btc", "btcpayserver", "btcpay server"].filter(value => pageItems.paymentMethod.innerText.toLowerCase().indexOf(value) !== -1).length === 0) { return; } showPaymentInstructions(); window.onPayButtonClicked = onPayButtonClicked.bind(this); getOrCheckInvoice(true).then(function (d) { injectPaymentButtonHtml(); handleInvoiceData(d, {backgroundCheck: true}) }); }; window.BTCPayShopifyIntegrationModule();