@model InvoicesModel @{ ViewData["Title"] = "Invoices"; var rootUrl = Context.Request.GetAbsoluteRoot(); } @section HeadScripts { }


Create, search or pay an invoice. (Help)

You can search for invoice Id, deposit address, price, order id, store id, any buyer information and any product information.
You can also apply filters to your search by searching for filtername:value, here is a list of supported filters

  • storeid:id for filtering a specific store
  • orderid:id for filtering a specific order
  • itemcode:code for filtering a specific type of item purchased through the pos or crowdfund apps
  • status:(expired|invalid|complete|confirmed|paid|new) for filtering a specific status
  • exceptionstatus:(paidover|paidlate|paidpartial) for filtering a specific exception state
  • unusual:(true|false) for filtering invoices which might requires merchant attention (those invalid or with an exceptionstatus)

If you want all confirmed and complete invoices, you can duplicate a filter status:confirmed status:complete.

@foreach (var invoice in Model.Invoices) { }
Date OrderId InvoiceId Status Amount Actions
@invoice.Date.ToTimeAgo() @if (invoice.RedirectUrl != string.Empty) { @invoice.OrderId } else { @invoice.OrderId } @invoice.InvoiceId @invoice.Status @invoice.AmountCurrency @if (invoice.ShowCheckout) { Checkout [^] @if (!invoice.CanMarkStatus) { - } } @if (invoice.CanMarkStatus) { } Details
@if (Model.Skip != 0) { << - } >>