@model DerivationSchemeViewModel @{ Layout = "../Shared/_NavLayout.cshtml"; ViewData["Title"] = "Add derivation scheme"; ViewData.AddActivePage(BTCPayServer.Views.Stores.StoreNavPages.Index); }


@if (!Model.Confirmation) {
Derivation Scheme
The DerivationScheme represents the destination of the funds received by your invoice. It is generated by your wallet software. Please, verify that you are generating the right addresses by clicking on 'Check ExtPubKey'
BTCPay format memo
Address type Example
P2WPKH xpub
P2SH-P2WPKH xpub-[p2sh]
P2PKH xpub-[legacy]
Multi-sig P2WSH 2-of-xpub1-xpub2
Multi-sig P2SH-P2WSH 2-of-xpub1-xpub2-[p2sh]
Multi-sig P2SH 2-of-xpub1-xpub2-[legacy]
} else {
Confirm the addresses (@Model.CryptoCode)
Please check that your @Model.CryptoCode wallet is generating the same addresses as below.
@foreach (var sample in Model.AddressSamples) { }
Key path Address
@sample.KeyPath @sample.Address
Wrong addresses?
Help us to find the correct settings by telling us the first address of your wallet
@section Scripts { @await Html.PartialAsync("_ValidationScriptsPartial") }