using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Net.Http; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using BTCPayServer.Controllers; using BTCPayServer.Data; using BTCPayServer.Models.StoreViewModels; using BTCPayServer.Rating; using BTCPayServer.Services.Rates; using BTCPayServer.Storage.Models; using BTCPayServer.Storage.Services.Providers.AzureBlobStorage.Configuration; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; using NBitcoin; using NBitpayClient; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Xunit; using Xunit.Abstractions; using Xunit.Sdk; namespace BTCPayServer.Tests { [Trait("ThirdParty", "ThirdParty")] public class ThirdPartyTests : UnitTestBase { public ThirdPartyTests(ITestOutputHelper helper) : base(helper) { } [FactWithSecret("AzureBlobStorageConnectionString")] public async Task CanUseAzureBlobStorage() { using var tester = CreateServerTester(); await tester.StartAsync(); var user = tester.NewAccount(); user.GrantAccess(); var controller = tester.PayTester.GetController(user.UserId, user.StoreId); var azureBlobStorageConfiguration = Assert.IsType(Assert .IsType(await controller.StorageProvider(StorageProvider.AzureBlobStorage.ToString())) .Model); azureBlobStorageConfiguration.ConnectionString = FactWithSecretAttribute.GetFromSecrets("AzureBlobStorageConnectionString"); azureBlobStorageConfiguration.ContainerName = "testscontainer"; Assert.IsType( await controller.EditAzureBlobStorageStorageProvider(azureBlobStorageConfiguration)); var shouldBeRedirectingToAzureStorageConfigPage = Assert.IsType(await controller.Storage()); Assert.Equal(nameof(StorageProvider), shouldBeRedirectingToAzureStorageConfigPage.ActionName); Assert.Equal(StorageProvider.AzureBlobStorage, shouldBeRedirectingToAzureStorageConfigPage.RouteValues["provider"]); //seems like azure config worked, let's see if the conn string was actually saved Assert.Equal(azureBlobStorageConfiguration.ConnectionString, Assert .IsType(Assert .IsType( await controller.StorageProvider(StorageProvider.AzureBlobStorage.ToString())) .Model).ConnectionString); await UnitTest1.CanUploadRemoveFiles(controller); } [Fact] public void CanQueryDirectProviders() { var factory = FastTests.CreateBTCPayRateFactory(); var directlySupported = factory.GetSupportedExchanges().Where(s => s.Source == RateSource.Direct) .Select(s => s.Id).ToHashSet(); var all = string.Join("\r\n", factory.GetSupportedExchanges().Select(e => e.Id).ToArray()); foreach (var result in factory .Providers .Where(p => p.Value is BackgroundFetcherRateProvider bf && !(bf.Inner is CoinGeckoRateProvider cg && cg.UnderlyingExchange != null)) .Select(p => (ExpectedName: p.Key, ResultAsync: p.Value.GetRatesAsync(default), Fetcher: (BackgroundFetcherRateProvider)p.Value)) .ToList()) { TestLogs.LogInformation($"Testing {result.ExpectedName}"); result.Fetcher.InvalidateCache(); var exchangeRates = new ExchangeRates(result.ExpectedName, result.ResultAsync.Result); result.Fetcher.InvalidateCache(); Assert.NotNull(exchangeRates); Assert.NotEmpty(exchangeRates); Assert.NotEmpty(exchangeRates.ByExchange[result.ExpectedName]); if (result.ExpectedName == "bitbank" || result.ExpectedName == "bitflyer") { Assert.Contains(exchangeRates.ByExchange[result.ExpectedName], e => e.CurrencyPair == new CurrencyPair("BTC", "JPY") && e.BidAsk.Bid > 100m); // 1BTC will always be more than 100JPY } else if (result.ExpectedName == "polispay") { Assert.Contains(exchangeRates.ByExchange[result.ExpectedName], e => e.CurrencyPair == new CurrencyPair("BTC", "POLIS") && e.BidAsk.Bid > 1.0m); // 1BTC will always be more than 1 POLIS } else if (result.ExpectedName == "argoneum") { Assert.Contains(exchangeRates.ByExchange[result.ExpectedName], e => e.CurrencyPair == new CurrencyPair("BTC", "AGM") && e.BidAsk.Bid > 1.0m); // 1 BTC will always be more than 1 AGM } else if (result.ExpectedName == "ripio") { // Ripio keeps changing their pair, so anything is fine... Assert.NotEmpty(exchangeRates.ByExchange[result.ExpectedName]); } else if (result.ExpectedName == "cryptomarket") { Assert.Contains(exchangeRates.ByExchange[result.ExpectedName], e => e.CurrencyPair == new CurrencyPair("BTC", "CLP") && e.BidAsk.Bid > 1.0m); // 1 BTC will always be more than 1 CLP } else { // This check if the currency pair is using right currency pair Assert.Contains(exchangeRates.ByExchange[result.ExpectedName], e => (e.CurrencyPair == new CurrencyPair("BTC", "USD") || e.CurrencyPair == new CurrencyPair("BTC", "EUR") || e.CurrencyPair == new CurrencyPair("BTC", "USDT") || e.CurrencyPair == new CurrencyPair("BTC", "USDC") || e.CurrencyPair == new CurrencyPair("BTC", "CAD")) && e.BidAsk.Bid > 1.0m // 1BTC will always be more than 1USD ); } // We are not showing a directly implemented exchange as directly implemented in the UI // we need to modify the AvailableRateProvider // There are some exception we stopped supporting but don't want to break backward compat if (result.ExpectedName != "coinaverage" && result.ExpectedName != "gdax") Assert.Contains(result.ExpectedName, directlySupported); } // Kraken emit one request only after first GetRates factory.Providers["kraken"].GetRatesAsync(default).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } [Fact] public async Task CheckNoDeadLink() { var views = Path.Combine(TestUtils.TryGetSolutionDirectoryInfo().FullName, "BTCPayServer", "Views"); var viewFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(views, "*.cshtml", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToArray(); Assert.NotEmpty(viewFiles); Regex regex = new Regex("href=\"(http.*?)\""); var httpClient = new HttpClient(); List checkLinks = new List(); foreach (var file in viewFiles) { checkLinks.Add(CheckDeadLinks(regex, httpClient, file)); } await Task.WhenAll(checkLinks); } private async Task CheckDeadLinks(Regex regex, HttpClient httpClient, string file) { List checkLinks = new List(); var text = await File.ReadAllTextAsync(file); var urlBlacklist = new string[] { "", // not allowing to be hit from circleci "", // not allowing to be hit from circleci "", "" //has geo blocking }; foreach (var match in regex.Matches(text).OfType()) { var url = match.Groups[1].Value; if (urlBlacklist.Any(a => url.StartsWith(a.ToLowerInvariant()))) continue; checkLinks.Add(AssertLinkNotDead(httpClient, url, file)); } await Task.WhenAll(checkLinks); } private async Task AssertLinkNotDead(HttpClient httpClient, string url, string file) { var uri = new Uri(url); try { using var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, uri); request.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation("Accept", "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8"); request.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:75.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/75.0"); var response = await httpClient.SendAsync(request); if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable) // Temporary issue { TestLogs.LogInformation($"Unavailable: {url} ({file})"); return; } Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode); if (uri.Fragment.Length != 0) { var fragment = uri.Fragment.Substring(1); var contents = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); Assert.Matches($"id=\"{fragment}\"", contents); } TestLogs.LogInformation($"OK: {url} ({file})"); } catch (Exception ex) when (ex is MatchesException) { var details = ex.Message; TestLogs.LogInformation($"FAILED: {url} ({file}) – anchor not found: {uri.Fragment}"); throw; } catch (Exception ex) { var details = ex is EqualException ? (ex as EqualException).Actual : ex.Message; TestLogs.LogInformation($"FAILED: {url} ({file}) {details}"); throw; } } [Fact()] public void CanSolveTheDogesRatesOnKraken() { var provider = new BTCPayNetworkProvider(ChainName.Mainnet); var factory = FastTests.CreateBTCPayRateFactory(); var fetcher = new RateFetcher(factory); Assert.True(RateRules.TryParse("X_X=kraken(X_BTC) * kraken(BTC_X)", out var rule)); foreach (var pair in new[] { "DOGE_USD", "DOGE_CAD", "DASH_CAD", "DASH_USD", "DASH_EUR" }) { var result = fetcher.FetchRate(CurrencyPair.Parse(pair), rule, default).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); Assert.NotNull(result.BidAsk); Assert.Empty(result.Errors); } } [Fact] public void CanGetRateCryptoCurrenciesByDefault() { var provider = new BTCPayNetworkProvider(ChainName.Mainnet); var factory = FastTests.CreateBTCPayRateFactory(); var fetcher = new RateFetcher(factory); var pairs = provider.GetAll() .Select(c => new CurrencyPair(c.CryptoCode, "USD")) .ToHashSet(); var rules = new StoreBlob().GetDefaultRateRules(provider); var result = fetcher.FetchRates(pairs, rules, default); foreach (var value in result) { var rateResult = value.Value.GetAwaiter().GetResult(); TestLogs.LogInformation($"Testing {value.Key.ToString()}"); if (value.Key.ToString() == "BTX_USD") // Broken shitcoin continue; Assert.True(rateResult.BidAsk != null, $"Impossible to get the rate {rateResult.EvaluatedRule}"); } } [Fact] public async Task CheckJsContent() { // This test verify that no malicious js is added in the minified files. // We should extend the tests to other js files, but we can do as we go... using HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); var actual = GetFileContent("BTCPayServer", "wwwroot", "vendor", "bootstrap", "bootstrap.bundle.min.js"); var version = Regex.Match(actual, "Bootstrap v([0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+)").Groups[1].Value; var expected = await (await client.GetAsync($"{version}/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js")).Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); Assert.Equal(expected, actual.Replace("\r\n", "\n", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); actual = GetFileContent("BTCPayServer", "wwwroot", "vendor", "clipboard.js", "clipboard.js"); expected = await (await client.GetAsync($"")).Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); Assert.Equal(expected, actual.Replace("\r\n", "\n", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); } string GetFileContent(params string[] path) { var l = path.ToList(); l.Insert(0, TestUtils.TryGetSolutionDirectoryInfo().FullName); return File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(l.ToArray())); } [Fact] public async Task CanExportBackgroundFetcherState() { var factory = FastTests.CreateBTCPayRateFactory(); var provider = (BackgroundFetcherRateProvider)factory.Providers["kraken"]; await provider.GetRatesAsync(default); var state = provider.GetState(); Assert.Single(state.Rates, r => r.Pair == new CurrencyPair("BTC", "EUR")); var provider2 = new BackgroundFetcherRateProvider(provider.Inner) { RefreshRate = provider.RefreshRate, ValidatyTime = provider.ValidatyTime }; using (var cts = new CancellationTokenSource()) { cts.Cancel(); // Should throw await Assert.ThrowsAsync(async () => await provider2.GetRatesAsync(cts.Token)); } provider2.LoadState(state); Assert.Equal(provider.LastRequested, provider2.LastRequested); using (var cts = new CancellationTokenSource()) { cts.Cancel(); // Should not throw, as things should be cached await provider2.GetRatesAsync(cts.Token); } Assert.Equal(provider.NextUpdate, provider2.NextUpdate); Assert.NotEqual(provider.LastRequested, provider2.LastRequested); Assert.Equal(provider.Expiration, provider2.Expiration); var str = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(state); var state2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(str); var str2 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(state2); Assert.Equal(str, str2); } [Fact] public async Task CanUseExchangeSpecificRate() { using var tester = CreateServerTester(); tester.PayTester.MockRates = false; await tester.StartAsync(); var user = tester.NewAccount(); await user.GrantAccessAsync(); user.RegisterDerivationScheme("BTC"); List rates = new List(); rates.Add(await CreateInvoice(tester, user, "coingecko")); var bitflyer = await CreateInvoice(tester, user, "bitflyer", "JPY"); var bitflyer2 = await CreateInvoice(tester, user, "bitflyer", "JPY"); Assert.Equal(bitflyer, bitflyer2); // Should be equal because cache rates.Add(bitflyer); foreach (var rate in rates) { Assert.Single(rates.Where(r => r == rate)); } } private static async Task CreateInvoice(ServerTester tester, TestAccount user, string exchange, string currency = "USD") { var storeController = user.GetController(); var vm = (RatesViewModel)((ViewResult)storeController.Rates()).Model; vm.PreferredExchange = exchange; await storeController.Rates(vm); var invoice2 = await user.BitPay.CreateInvoiceAsync( new Invoice() { Price = 5000.0m, Currency = currency, PosData = "posData", OrderId = "orderId", ItemDesc = "Some description", FullNotifications = true }, Facade.Merchant); return invoice2.CryptoInfo[0].Rate; } } }