#nullable enable using BTCPayServer.Client.Models; using BTCPayServer.Data; using BTCPayServer.NTag424; using Dapper; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using NBitcoin.DataEncoders; using System; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace BTCPayServer; public static class BoltcardDataExtensions { public static async Task LinkBoltcardToPullPayment(this ApplicationDbContextFactory dbContextFactory, string pullPaymentId, IssuerKey issuerKey, byte[] uid, OnExistingBehavior? onExisting = null) { onExisting ??= OnExistingBehavior.UpdateVersion; using var ctx = dbContextFactory.CreateContext(); var conn = ctx.Database.GetDbConnection(); string onConflict = onExisting switch { OnExistingBehavior.KeepVersion => "UPDATE SET ppid=excluded.ppid, version=boltcards.version", OnExistingBehavior.UpdateVersion => "UPDATE SET ppid=excluded.ppid, version=boltcards.version+1", _ => throw new NotSupportedException() }; return await conn.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync( $"INSERT INTO boltcards(id, ppid) VALUES (@id, @ppid) ON CONFLICT (id) DO {onConflict} RETURNING version", new { id = GetId(issuerKey, uid), ppid = pullPaymentId }); } public static async Task SetBoltcardResetState(this ApplicationDbContextFactory dbContextFactory, IssuerKey issuerKey, byte[] uid) { using var ctx = dbContextFactory.CreateContext(); var conn = ctx.Database.GetDbConnection(); await conn.ExecuteAsync("UPDATE boltcards SET ppid=NULL, counter=0 WHERE id=@id", new { id = GetId(issuerKey, uid) }); } static string GetId(IssuerKey issuerKey, byte[] uid) => Encoders.Hex.EncodeData(issuerKey.GetId(uid)); public record BoltcardRegistration(string? PullPaymentId, string Id, byte[] UId, int Version, int Counter); public static async Task GetBoltcardRegistration(this ApplicationDbContextFactory dbContextFactory, IssuerKey issuerKey, BoltcardPICCData piccData, bool updateCounter) { using var ctx = dbContextFactory.CreateContext(); var conn = ctx.Database.GetDbConnection(); var query = updateCounter ? "UPDATE boltcards SET counter=@counter WHERE id=@id AND counter < @counter RETURNING ppid, id, version, counter" : "SELECT ppid, id, version, counter FROM boltcards WHERE id=@id AND counter < @counter"; var res = await conn.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync(query, new { id = GetId(issuerKey, piccData.Uid), counter = piccData.Counter }); if (res is null) return null; return new BoltcardRegistration(res.ppid, res.id, piccData.Uid, res.version, res.counter); } public static Task GetBoltcardRegistration(this ApplicationDbContextFactory dbContextFactory, IssuerKey issuerKey, byte[] uid) { var data = new BoltcardPICCData(uid, int.MaxValue); return GetBoltcardRegistration(dbContextFactory, issuerKey, data, false); } }