@model ListTransactionsViewModel @{ var walletId = Context.GetRouteValue("walletId").ToString(); var labelFilter = Context.Request.Query["labelFilter"].ToString(); Layout = "../Shared/_NavLayout.cshtml"; ViewData.SetActivePage(WalletsNavPages.Transactions, $"{Model.CryptoCode} Transactions", walletId); } @section PageHeadContent { } @section PageFootContent { @*Without async, somehow selenium do not manage to click on links in this page*@ @* Custom Range Modal *@ } @if (Model.Labels.Any()) {
@foreach (var label in Model.Labels) { @label.Text }
@if (labelFilter != null) { Clear filter }
} @if (Model.Transactions.Any()) {
Label Transaction Id Amount
} else {

There are no transactions @(string.IsNullOrEmpty(labelFilter) ? "yet" : $"labeled with \"{labelFilter}\"").


If BTCPay Server shows you an invalid balance, rescan your wallet.
If some transactions appear in BTCPay Server, but are missing in another wallet, follow these instructions.