using System; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using BTCPayServer.Data; using BTCPayServer.Filters; using BTCPayServer.Lightning; using BTCPayServer.Payments; using BTCPayServer.Services; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using NBitcoin; namespace BTCPayServer.Controllers { public partial class UIInvoiceController { public class FakePaymentRequest { public Decimal Amount { get; set; } public string CryptoCode { get; set; } = "BTC"; public string PaymentMethodId { get; set; } = "BTC"; } public class MineBlocksRequest { public int BlockCount { get; set; } = 1; public string CryptoCode { get; set; } = "BTC"; } [HttpPost("i/{invoiceId}/test-payment")] [CheatModeRoute] public async Task TestPayment(string invoiceId, FakePaymentRequest request, [FromServices] Cheater cheater) { var invoice = await _InvoiceRepository.GetInvoice(invoiceId); var store = await _StoreRepository.FindStore(invoice.StoreId); var isSats = request.CryptoCode.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == "SATS"; var cryptoCode = isSats ? "BTC" : request.CryptoCode; var amount = new Money(request.Amount, isSats ? MoneyUnit.Satoshi : MoneyUnit.BTC); var network = _NetworkProvider.GetNetwork(cryptoCode).NBitcoinNetwork; var paymentMethodId = new[] { store.GetDefaultPaymentId() } .Concat(store.GetEnabledPaymentIds(_NetworkProvider)) .FirstOrDefault(p => p?.ToString() == request.PaymentMethodId); try { var paymentMethod = invoice.GetPaymentMethod(paymentMethodId); var destination = paymentMethod?.GetPaymentMethodDetails().GetPaymentDestination(); switch (paymentMethod?.GetId().PaymentType) { case BitcoinPaymentType: var address = BitcoinAddress.Create(destination, network); var txid = (await cheater.CashCow.SendToAddressAsync(address, amount)).ToString(); return Ok(new { Txid = txid, AmountRemaining = paymentMethod.Calculate().Due - amount.ToDecimal(MoneyUnit.BTC), SuccessMessage = $"Created transaction {txid}" }); case LightningPaymentType: // requires the channels to be set up using the BTCPayServer.Tests/ script LightningConnectionString.TryParse(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("BTCPAY_BTCEXTERNALLNDREST"), false, out var lnConnection); var lnClient = LightningClientFactory.CreateClient(lnConnection, network); var lnAmount = new LightMoney(amount.Satoshi, LightMoneyUnit.Satoshi); var response = await lnClient.Pay(destination, new PayInvoiceParams { Amount = lnAmount }); if (response.Result == PayResult.Ok) { var bolt11 = BOLT11PaymentRequest.Parse(destination, network); var paymentHash = bolt11.PaymentHash?.ToString(); var paid = response.Details.TotalAmount.ToDecimal(LightMoneyUnit.BTC); return Ok(new { Txid = paymentHash, AmountRemaining = paymentMethod.Calculate().TotalDue - paid, SuccessMessage = $"Sent payment {paymentHash}" }); } return UnprocessableEntity(new { ErrorMessage = response.ErrorDetail }); default: return UnprocessableEntity(new { ErrorMessage = $"Payment method {paymentMethodId} is not supported" }); } } catch (Exception e) { return BadRequest(new { ErrorMessage = e.Message }); } } [HttpPost("i/{invoiceId}/mine-blocks")] [CheatModeRoute] public IActionResult MineBlock(string invoiceId, MineBlocksRequest request, [FromServices] Cheater cheater) { var blockRewardBitcoinAddress = cheater.CashCow.GetNewAddress(); try { if (request.BlockCount > 0) { cheater.CashCow.GenerateToAddress(request.BlockCount, blockRewardBitcoinAddress); return Ok(new { SuccessMessage = $"Mined {request.BlockCount} block{(request.BlockCount == 1 ? "" : "s")} " }); } return BadRequest(new { ErrorMessage = "Number of blocks should be at least 1" }); } catch (Exception e) { return BadRequest(new { ErrorMessage = e.Message }); } } [HttpPost("i/{invoiceId}/expire")] [CheatModeRoute] public async Task Expire(string invoiceId, int seconds, [FromServices] Cheater cheater) { try { await cheater.UpdateInvoiceExpiry(invoiceId, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(seconds)); return Ok(new { SuccessMessage = $"Invoice set to expire in {seconds} seconds." }); } catch (Exception e) { return BadRequest(new { ErrorMessage = e.Message }); } } } }