using BTCPayServer.Controllers; using System.Linq; using BTCPayServer.Models.AccountViewModels; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using NBitcoin; using NBitcoin.RPC; using NBitpayClient; using NBXplorer; using NBXplorer.Models; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Net.Http; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Threading; using System.Globalization; using BTCPayServer.Payments.Lightning.CLightning; using BTCPayServer.Payments.Lightning.Charge; namespace BTCPayServer.Tests { public class ServerTester : IDisposable { public static ServerTester Create([CallerMemberNameAttribute]string scope = null) { return new ServerTester(scope); } string _Directory; public ServerTester(string scope) { _Directory = scope; if (Directory.Exists(_Directory)) Utils.DeleteDirectory(_Directory); if (!Directory.Exists(_Directory)) Directory.CreateDirectory(_Directory); NetworkProvider = new BTCPayNetworkProvider(ChainType.Regtest); ExplorerNode = new RPCClient(RPCCredentialString.Parse(GetEnvironment("TESTS_BTCRPCCONNECTION", "server=;ceiwHEbqWI83:DwubwWsoo3")), NetworkProvider.GetNetwork("BTC").NBitcoinNetwork); LTCExplorerNode = new RPCClient(RPCCredentialString.Parse(GetEnvironment("TESTS_LTCRPCCONNECTION", "server=;ceiwHEbqWI83:DwubwWsoo3")), NetworkProvider.GetNetwork("LTC").NBitcoinNetwork); ExplorerClient = new ExplorerClient(NetworkProvider.GetNetwork("BTC").NBXplorerNetwork, new Uri(GetEnvironment("TESTS_BTCNBXPLORERURL", ""))); LTCExplorerClient = new ExplorerClient(NetworkProvider.GetNetwork("LTC").NBXplorerNetwork, new Uri(GetEnvironment("TESTS_LTCNBXPLORERURL", ""))); var btc = NetworkProvider.GetNetwork("BTC").NBitcoinNetwork; CustomerLightningD = new CLightningRPCClient(new Uri(GetEnvironment("TEST_CUSTOMERLIGHTNINGD", "tcp://")), btc); MerchantLightningD = new CLightningRPCClient(new Uri(GetEnvironment("TEST_MERCHANTLIGHTNINGD", "tcp://")), btc); MerchantCharge = new ChargeTester(this, "TEST_MERCHANTCHARGE", "http://api-token:foiewnccewuify@", "merchant_lightningd", btc); PayTester = new BTCPayServerTester(Path.Combine(_Directory, "pay")) { NBXplorerUri = ExplorerClient.Address, LTCNBXplorerUri = LTCExplorerClient.Address, Postgres = GetEnvironment("TESTS_POSTGRES", "User ID=postgres;Host=;Port=39372;Database=btcpayserver"), IntegratedLightning = MerchantCharge.Client.Uri }; PayTester.Port = int.Parse(GetEnvironment("TESTS_PORT", Utils.FreeTcpPort().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); PayTester.HostName = GetEnvironment("TESTS_HOSTNAME", ""); PayTester.InContainer = bool.Parse(GetEnvironment("TESTS_INCONTAINER", "false")); } public bool Dockerized { get; set; } public void Start() { PayTester.Start(); } /// /// Connect a customer LN node to the merchant LN node /// public void PrepareLightning() { PrepareLightningAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } /// /// Connect a customer LN node to the merchant LN node /// /// public async Task PrepareLightningAsync() { while (true) { var skippedStates = new[] { "ONCHAIN", "CHANNELD_SHUTTING_DOWN", "CLOSINGD_SIGEXCHANGE", "CLOSINGD_COMPLETE", "FUNDING_SPEND_SEEN" }; var channel = (await CustomerLightningD.ListPeersAsync()) .SelectMany(p => p.Channels) .Where(c => !skippedStates.Contains(c.State ?? "")) .FirstOrDefault(); switch (channel?.State) { case null: var merchantInfo = await WaitLNSynched(); var clightning = new NodeInfo(merchantInfo.Id, MerchantCharge.P2PHost, merchantInfo.Port); await CustomerLightningD.ConnectAsync(clightning); var address = await CustomerLightningD.NewAddressAsync(); await ExplorerNode.SendToAddressAsync(address, Money.Coins(0.2m)); ExplorerNode.Generate(1); await WaitLNSynched(); await Task.Delay(1000); await CustomerLightningD.FundChannelAsync(clightning, Money.Satoshis(16777215)); break; case "CHANNELD_AWAITING_LOCKIN": ExplorerNode.Generate(1); await WaitLNSynched(); break; case "CHANNELD_NORMAL": return; default: throw new NotSupportedException(channel?.State ?? ""); } } } private async Task WaitLNSynched() { while (true) { var merchantInfo = await MerchantCharge.Client.GetInfoAsync(); var blockCount = await ExplorerNode.GetBlockCountAsync(); if (merchantInfo.BlockHeight != blockCount) { await Task.Delay(1000); } else { return merchantInfo; } } } public void SendLightningPayment(Invoice invoice) { SendLightningPaymentAsync(invoice).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } public async Task SendLightningPaymentAsync(Invoice invoice) { var bolt11 = invoice.CryptoInfo.Where(o => o.PaymentUrls.BOLT11 != null).First().PaymentUrls.BOLT11; bolt11 = bolt11.Replace("lightning:", "", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); await CustomerLightningD.SendAsync(bolt11); } public CLightningRPCClient CustomerLightningD { get; set; } public CLightningRPCClient MerchantLightningD { get; private set; } public ChargeTester MerchantCharge { get; private set; } internal string GetEnvironment(string variable, string defaultValue) { var var = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(variable); return String.IsNullOrEmpty(var) ? defaultValue : var; } public TestAccount NewAccount() { return new TestAccount(this); } public BTCPayNetworkProvider NetworkProvider { get; private set; } public RPCClient ExplorerNode { get; set; } public RPCClient LTCExplorerNode { get; set; } public ExplorerClient ExplorerClient { get; set; } public ExplorerClient LTCExplorerClient { get; set; } HttpClient _Http = new HttpClient(); class MockHttpRequest : HttpRequest { Uri serverUri; public MockHttpRequest(Uri serverUri) { this.serverUri = serverUri; } public override HttpContext HttpContext => throw new NotImplementedException(); public override string Method { get => throw new NotImplementedException(); set => throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override string Scheme { get => serverUri.Scheme; set => throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override bool IsHttps { get => throw new NotImplementedException(); set => throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override HostString Host { get => new HostString(serverUri.Host, serverUri.Port); set => throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override PathString PathBase { get => ""; set => throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override PathString Path { get => throw new NotImplementedException(); set => throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override QueryString QueryString { get => throw new NotImplementedException(); set => throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override IQueryCollection Query { get => throw new NotImplementedException(); set => throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override string Protocol { get => throw new NotImplementedException(); set => throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override IHeaderDictionary Headers => throw new NotImplementedException(); public override IRequestCookieCollection Cookies { get => throw new NotImplementedException(); set => throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override long? ContentLength { get => throw new NotImplementedException(); set => throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override string ContentType { get => throw new NotImplementedException(); set => throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override Stream Body { get => throw new NotImplementedException(); set => throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override bool HasFormContentType => throw new NotImplementedException(); public override IFormCollection Form { get => throw new NotImplementedException(); set => throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override Task ReadFormAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } public BTCPayServerTester PayTester { get; set; } public void Dispose() { if (PayTester != null) PayTester.Dispose(); } } }