let app, origData; srv.sortBy = function (field) { for (let key in this.fieldViews) { if (this.fieldViews.hasOwnProperty(key)) { const sortedField = field === key; const fieldView = this.fieldViews[key]; if (sortedField && (fieldView.sortBy === "" || fieldView.sortBy === "desc")) { fieldView.sortByTitle = "asc"; fieldView.sortBy = "asc"; fieldView.sortIconClass = "fa fa-sort-alpha-asc"; } else if (sortedField && (fieldView.sortByTitle === "asc")) { fieldView.sortByTitle = "desc"; fieldView.sortBy = "desc"; fieldView.sortIconClass = "fa fa-sort-alpha-desc"; } else { fieldView.sortByTitle = ""; fieldView.sortBy = ""; fieldView.sortIconClass = "fa fa-sort"; } } } this.applySort(); } srv.applySort = function () { let fieldIndex, fieldView; for (let key in this.fieldViews) { if (this.fieldViews.hasOwnProperty(key)) { fieldView = this.fieldViews[key]; if (fieldView.sortBy !== "") { fieldIndex = this.result.fields.findIndex((a) => a.name === key); break; } fieldView = null; } } if (!fieldView) return; const sortType = fieldView.sortBy === "desc" ? 1 : -1; srv.result.data.sort(function (a, b) { const aVal = a[fieldIndex]; const bVal = b[fieldIndex]; if (aVal === bVal) return 0; if (aVal === null) return 1 * sortType; if (bVal === null) return -1 * sortType; if (aVal > bVal) return 1 * sortType; return -1 * sortType; }); }; srv.dataUpdated = function () { this.updateFieldViews(); origData = clone(this.result.data); this.applySort(); }; srv.updateFieldViews = function () { this.fieldViews = this.fieldViews || {}; // First we remove the fieldViews that doesn't apply anymore for (let key in this.fieldViews) { if (this.fieldViews.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (!this.result.fields.find(i => i.name === key)) delete this.fieldViews[key]; } } // Then we add those that are missing for (let i = 0; i < this.result.fields.length; i++) { const field = this.result.fields[i]; if (!this.fieldViews.hasOwnProperty(field.name)) { this.fieldViews[field.name] = { sortBy: "", sortByTitle: "", sortIconClass: "fa fa-sort" }; } } }; document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { delegate("input", ".flatdtpicker", function () { // We don't use vue to bind dates, because VueJS break the flatpickr as soon as binding occurs. let to = document.getElementById("toDate").value let from = document.getElementById("fromDate").value if (!to || !from) return; from = moment(from).unix(); to = moment(to).endOf('day').unix(); srv.request.timePeriod.from = from; srv.request.timePeriod.to = to; fetchStoreReports(); }); delegate("click", "#exportCSV", downloadCSV); const $viewNameToggle = document.getElementById("ViewNameToggle") delegate("click", ".available-view", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); const { view } = e.target.dataset; $viewNameToggle.innerText = view; document.querySelectorAll(".available-view").forEach($el => $el.classList.remove("custom-active")); e.target.classList.add("custom-active"); srv.request.viewName = view; fetchStoreReports(); }); let to = new Date(); let from = new Date(to.getTime() - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30); var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(new URL(window.location).search); if (urlParams.has("from")) { from = new Date(parseInt(urlParams.get("from")) * 1000); } if (urlParams.has("to")) { to = new Date(parseInt(urlParams.get("to")) * 1000); } srv.request = srv.request || {}; srv.request.timePeriod = srv.request.timePeriod || {}; srv.request.timePeriod.to = moment(to).unix(); srv.request.viewName = srv.request.viewName || "Payments"; srv.request.timePeriod.from = moment(from).unix(); srv.request.timeZone = Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone; srv.result = { fields: [], values: [] }; updateUIDateRange(); app = new Vue({ el: '#app', data() { return { srv } }, methods: { hasChartData(chart) { return chart.rows.length || chart.hasGrandTotal; }, titleCase(str, shorten) { const result = str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, " $1"); const title = result.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + result.slice(1) return shorten && title.endsWith(' Amount') ? 'Amount' : title; }, displayValue, displayDate } }); fetchStoreReports(); }); const dtFormatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('default', { dateStyle: 'short', timeStyle: 'short' }); function displayDate(val) { if(!val){ return val; } const date = new Date(val); return dtFormatter.format(date); } function displayValue(val) { return val && typeof val === "object" && typeof val.d === "number" ? new Decimal(val.v).toFixed(val.d) : val; } function updateUIDateRange() { document.getElementById("toDate")._flatpickr.setDate(moment.unix(srv.request.timePeriod.to).toDate()); document.getElementById("fromDate")._flatpickr.setDate(moment.unix(srv.request.timePeriod.from).toDate()); } // This function modify all the fields of a given type function modifyFields(fields, data, type, action) { const fieldIndices = fields .map((f, i) => ({ i: i, type: f.type })) .filter(f => f.type === type) .map(f => f.i); if (fieldIndices.length === 0) return; for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { for (let f = 0; f < fieldIndices.length; f++) { data[i][fieldIndices[f]] = action(data[i][fieldIndices[f]]); } } } function downloadCSV() { if (!origData) return; const data = clone(origData); // Convert ISO8601 dates to YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss so the CSV easily integrate with Excel modifyFields(srv.result.fields, data, 'amount', displayValue) modifyFields(srv.result.fields, data, 'datetime', v => v? moment(v).format('YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'): v); const csv = Papa.unparse({ fields: srv.result.fields.map(f => f.name), data }); const blob = new Blob([csv], { type: 'text/csv;charset=utf-8;' }); saveAs(blob, "export.csv"); } async function fetchStoreReports() { const result = await fetch(window.location, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify(srv.request) }); srv.result = await result.json(); srv.dataUpdated(); // Dates from API are UTC, convert them to local time modifyFields(srv.result.fields, srv.result.data, 'datetime', a => a? moment(a).format(): a); var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(new URL(window.location).search); urlParams.set("viewName", srv.request.viewName); urlParams.set("from", srv.request.timePeriod.from); urlParams.set("to", srv.request.timePeriod.to); history.replaceState(null, null, "?" + urlParams.toString()); updateUIDateRange(); srv.charts = []; for (let i = 0; i < srv.result.charts.length; i++) { const chart = srv.result.charts[i]; const table = createTable(chart, srv.result.fields.map(f => f.name), srv.result.data); table.name = chart.name; srv.charts.push(table); } app.srv = srv; } function getInvoiceUrl(value) { if (!value) return; return srv.invoiceTemplateUrl.replace("INVOICE_ID", value); } window.getInvoiceUrl = getInvoiceUrl; function getExplorerUrl(tx_id, cryptoCode) { if (!tx_id || !cryptoCode) return null; var explorer = srv.explorerTemplateUrls[cryptoCode]; if (!explorer) return null; return explorer.replace("TX_ID", tx_id); } window.getExplorerUrl = getExplorerUrl;