using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Net.WebSockets; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using BTCPayServer.Data; using BTCPayServer.HostedServices; using BTCPayServer.ModelBinders; using BTCPayServer.Models; using BTCPayServer.Models.WalletViewModels; using BTCPayServer.Security; using BTCPayServer.Services; using BTCPayServer.Services.Rates; using BTCPayServer.Services.Stores; using BTCPayServer.Services.Wallets; using LedgerWallet; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Microsoft.Extensions.Options; using NBitcoin; using NBXplorer.DerivationStrategy; using NBXplorer.Models; using Newtonsoft.Json; using static BTCPayServer.Controllers.StoresController; namespace BTCPayServer.Controllers { [Route("wallets")] [Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = Policies.CookieAuthentication)] [AutoValidateAntiforgeryToken] public partial class WalletsController : Controller { public StoreRepository Repository { get; } public BTCPayNetworkProvider NetworkProvider { get; } public ExplorerClientProvider ExplorerClientProvider { get; } private readonly UserManager _userManager; private readonly IOptions _mvcJsonOptions; private readonly NBXplorerDashboard _dashboard; private readonly IFeeProviderFactory _feeRateProvider; private readonly BTCPayWalletProvider _walletProvider; public RateFetcher RateFetcher { get; } [TempData] public string StatusMessage { get; set; } CurrencyNameTable _currencyTable; public WalletsController(StoreRepository repo, CurrencyNameTable currencyTable, BTCPayNetworkProvider networkProvider, UserManager userManager, IOptions mvcJsonOptions, NBXplorerDashboard dashboard, RateFetcher rateProvider, ExplorerClientProvider explorerProvider, IFeeProviderFactory feeRateProvider, BTCPayWalletProvider walletProvider) { _currencyTable = currencyTable; Repository = repo; RateFetcher = rateProvider; NetworkProvider = networkProvider; _userManager = userManager; _mvcJsonOptions = mvcJsonOptions; _dashboard = dashboard; ExplorerClientProvider = explorerProvider; _feeRateProvider = feeRateProvider; _walletProvider = walletProvider; } public async Task ListWallets() { var wallets = new ListWalletsViewModel(); var stores = await Repository.GetStoresByUserId(GetUserId()); var onChainWallets = stores .SelectMany(s => s.GetSupportedPaymentMethods(NetworkProvider) .OfType() .Select(d => ((Wallet: _walletProvider.GetWallet(d.Network), DerivationStrategy: d.DerivationStrategyBase, Network: d.Network))) .Where(_ => _.Wallet != null) .Select(_ => (Wallet: _.Wallet, Store: s, Balance: GetBalanceString(_.Wallet, _.DerivationStrategy), DerivationStrategy: _.DerivationStrategy, Network: _.Network))) .ToList(); foreach (var wallet in onChainWallets) { ListWalletsViewModel.WalletViewModel walletVm = new ListWalletsViewModel.WalletViewModel(); wallets.Wallets.Add(walletVm); walletVm.Balance = await wallet.Balance + " " + wallet.Wallet.Network.CryptoCode; if (!wallet.Store.HasClaim(Policies.CanModifyStoreSettings.Key)) { walletVm.Balance = ""; } walletVm.CryptoCode = wallet.Network.CryptoCode; walletVm.StoreId = wallet.Store.Id; walletVm.Id = new WalletId(wallet.Store.Id, wallet.Network.CryptoCode); walletVm.StoreName = wallet.Store.StoreName; walletVm.IsOwner = wallet.Store.HasClaim(Policies.CanModifyStoreSettings.Key); } return View(wallets); } [HttpGet] [Route("{walletId}")] public async Task WalletTransactions( [ModelBinder(typeof(WalletIdModelBinder))] WalletId walletId) { var store = await Repository.FindStore(walletId.StoreId, GetUserId()); DerivationStrategy paymentMethod = GetPaymentMethod(walletId, store); if (paymentMethod == null) return NotFound(); var wallet = _walletProvider.GetWallet(paymentMethod.Network); var transactions = await wallet.FetchTransactions(paymentMethod.DerivationStrategyBase); var model = new ListTransactionsViewModel(); foreach (var tx in transactions.UnconfirmedTransactions.Transactions.Concat(transactions.ConfirmedTransactions.Transactions)) { var vm = new ListTransactionsViewModel.TransactionViewModel(); model.Transactions.Add(vm); vm.Id = tx.TransactionId.ToString(); vm.Link = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, paymentMethod.Network.BlockExplorerLink, vm.Id); vm.Timestamp = tx.Timestamp; vm.Positive = tx.BalanceChange >= Money.Zero; vm.Balance = tx.BalanceChange.ToString(); vm.IsConfirmed = tx.Confirmations != 0; } model.Transactions = model.Transactions.OrderByDescending(t => t.Timestamp).ToList(); return View(model); } [HttpGet] [Route("{walletId}/send")] public async Task WalletSend( [ModelBinder(typeof(WalletIdModelBinder))] WalletId walletId, string defaultDestination = null, string defaultAmount = null) { if (walletId?.StoreId == null) return NotFound(); var store = await Repository.FindStore(walletId.StoreId, GetUserId()); DerivationStrategy paymentMethod = GetPaymentMethod(walletId, store); if (paymentMethod == null) return NotFound(); var network = this.NetworkProvider.GetNetwork(walletId?.CryptoCode); if (network == null) return NotFound(); var storeData = store.GetStoreBlob(); var rateRules = store.GetStoreBlob().GetRateRules(NetworkProvider); rateRules.Spread = 0.0m; var currencyPair = new Rating.CurrencyPair(paymentMethod.PaymentId.CryptoCode, GetCurrencyCode(storeData.DefaultLang) ?? "USD"); WalletSendModel model = new WalletSendModel() { Destination = defaultDestination, CryptoCode = walletId.CryptoCode }; if (double.TryParse(defaultAmount, out var amount)) model.Amount = (decimal)amount; var feeProvider = _feeRateProvider.CreateFeeProvider(network); var recommendedFees = feeProvider.GetFeeRateAsync(); var balance = _walletProvider.GetWallet(network).GetBalance(paymentMethod.DerivationStrategyBase); model.CurrentBalance = (await balance).ToDecimal(MoneyUnit.BTC); model.RecommendedSatoshiPerByte = (int)(await recommendedFees).GetFee(1).Satoshi; model.FeeSatoshiPerByte = model.RecommendedSatoshiPerByte; using (CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource()) { try { cts.CancelAfter(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); var result = await RateFetcher.FetchRate(currencyPair, rateRules).WithCancellation(cts.Token); if (result.BidAsk != null) { model.Rate = result.BidAsk.Center; model.Divisibility = _currencyTable.GetNumberFormatInfo(currencyPair.Right, true).CurrencyDecimalDigits; model.Fiat = currencyPair.Right; } else { model.RateError = $"{result.EvaluatedRule} ({string.Join(", ", result.Errors.OfType().ToArray())})"; } } catch (Exception ex) { model.RateError = ex.Message; } } return View(model); } [HttpPost] [Route("{walletId}/send")] public async Task WalletSend( [ModelBinder(typeof(WalletIdModelBinder))] WalletId walletId, WalletSendModel vm) { if (walletId?.StoreId == null) return NotFound(); var store = await Repository.FindStore(walletId.StoreId, GetUserId()); if (store == null) return NotFound(); var network = this.NetworkProvider.GetNetwork(walletId?.CryptoCode); if (network == null) return NotFound(); var destination = ParseDestination(vm.Destination, network.NBitcoinNetwork); if (destination == null) ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(vm.Destination), "Invalid address"); if (vm.Amount.HasValue) { if (vm.CurrentBalance == vm.Amount.Value && !vm.SubstractFees) ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(vm.Amount), "You are sending all your balance to the same destination, you should substract the fees"); if (vm.CurrentBalance < vm.Amount.Value) ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(vm.Amount), "You are sending more than what you own"); } if (!ModelState.IsValid) return View(vm); return RedirectToAction(nameof(WalletSendLedger), new WalletSendLedgerModel() { Destination = vm.Destination, Amount = vm.Amount.Value, SubstractFees = vm.SubstractFees, FeeSatoshiPerByte = vm.FeeSatoshiPerByte }); } [HttpGet] [Route("{walletId}/send/ledger")] public async Task WalletSendLedger( [ModelBinder(typeof(WalletIdModelBinder))] WalletId walletId, WalletSendLedgerModel vm) { if (walletId?.StoreId == null) return NotFound(); var store = await Repository.FindStore(walletId.StoreId, GetUserId()); DerivationStrategy paymentMethod = GetPaymentMethod(walletId, store); if (paymentMethod == null) return NotFound(); var network = this.NetworkProvider.GetNetwork(walletId?.CryptoCode); if (network == null) return NotFound(); return View(vm); } private IDestination[] ParseDestination(string destination, Network network) { try { destination = destination?.Trim(); return new IDestination[] { BitcoinAddress.Create(destination, network) }; } catch { return null; } } [HttpGet] [Route("{walletId}/rescan")] public async Task WalletRescan( [ModelBinder(typeof(WalletIdModelBinder))] WalletId walletId) { if (walletId?.StoreId == null) return NotFound(); var store = await Repository.FindStore(walletId.StoreId, GetUserId()); DerivationStrategy paymentMethod = GetPaymentMethod(walletId, store); if (paymentMethod == null) return NotFound(); var vm = new RescanWalletModel(); vm.IsFullySync = _dashboard.IsFullySynched(walletId.CryptoCode, out var unused); // We need to ensure it is segwit, // because hardware wallet support need the parent transactions to sign, which NBXplorer don't have. (Nor does a pruned node) vm.IsSegwit = paymentMethod.DerivationStrategyBase.IsSegwit(); vm.IsServerAdmin = User.Claims.Any(c => c.Type == Policies.CanModifyServerSettings.Key && c.Value == "true"); vm.IsSupportedByCurrency = _dashboard.Get(walletId.CryptoCode)?.Status?.BitcoinStatus?.Capabilities?.CanScanTxoutSet == true; var explorer = ExplorerClientProvider.GetExplorerClient(walletId.CryptoCode); var scanProgress = await explorer.GetScanUTXOSetInformationAsync(paymentMethod.DerivationStrategyBase); if (scanProgress != null) { vm.PreviousError = scanProgress.Error; if (scanProgress.Status == ScanUTXOStatus.Queued || scanProgress.Status == ScanUTXOStatus.Pending) { if (scanProgress.Progress == null) { vm.Progress = 0; } else { vm.Progress = scanProgress.Progress.OverallProgress; vm.RemainingTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(scanProgress.Progress.RemainingSeconds).PrettyPrint(); } } if (scanProgress.Status == ScanUTXOStatus.Complete) { vm.LastSuccess = scanProgress.Progress; vm.TimeOfScan = (scanProgress.Progress.CompletedAt.Value - scanProgress.Progress.StartedAt).PrettyPrint(); } } return View(vm); } [HttpPost] [Route("{walletId}/rescan")] [Authorize(Policy = Policies.CanModifyServerSettings.Key)] public async Task WalletRescan( [ModelBinder(typeof(WalletIdModelBinder))] WalletId walletId, RescanWalletModel vm) { if (walletId?.StoreId == null) return NotFound(); var store = await Repository.FindStore(walletId.StoreId, GetUserId()); DerivationStrategy paymentMethod = GetPaymentMethod(walletId, store); if (paymentMethod == null) return NotFound(); var explorer = ExplorerClientProvider.GetExplorerClient(walletId.CryptoCode); try { await explorer.ScanUTXOSetAsync(paymentMethod.DerivationStrategyBase, vm.BatchSize, vm.GapLimit, vm.StartingIndex); } catch (NBXplorerException ex) when (ex.Error.Code == "scanutxoset-in-progress") { } return RedirectToAction(); } private string GetCurrencyCode(string defaultLang) { if (defaultLang == null) return null; try { var ri = new RegionInfo(defaultLang); return ri.ISOCurrencySymbol; } catch (ArgumentException) { } return null; } private DerivationStrategy GetPaymentMethod(WalletId walletId, StoreData store) { if (store == null || !store.HasClaim(Policies.CanModifyStoreSettings.Key)) return null; var paymentMethod = store .GetSupportedPaymentMethods(NetworkProvider) .OfType() .FirstOrDefault(p => p.PaymentId.PaymentType == Payments.PaymentTypes.BTCLike && p.PaymentId.CryptoCode == walletId.CryptoCode); return paymentMethod; } private static async Task GetBalanceString(BTCPayWallet wallet, DerivationStrategyBase derivationStrategy) { using (CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10))) { try { return (await wallet.GetBalance(derivationStrategy, cts.Token)).ToString(); } catch { return "--"; } } } private string GetUserId() { return _userManager.GetUserId(User); } [HttpGet] [Route("{walletId}/send/ledger/success")] public IActionResult WalletSendLedgerSuccess( [ModelBinder(typeof(WalletIdModelBinder))] WalletId walletId, string txid) { StatusMessage = $"Transaction broadcasted ({txid})"; return RedirectToAction(nameof(this.WalletTransactions), new { walletId = walletId.ToString() }); } [HttpGet] [Route("{walletId}/send/ledger/ws")] public async Task LedgerConnection( [ModelBinder(typeof(WalletIdModelBinder))] WalletId walletId, string command, // getinfo // getxpub int account = 0, // sendtoaddress string destination = null, string amount = null, string feeRate = null, string substractFees = null ) { if (!HttpContext.WebSockets.IsWebSocketRequest) return NotFound(); var cryptoCode = walletId.CryptoCode; var storeData = (await Repository.FindStore(walletId.StoreId, GetUserId())); var derivationScheme = GetPaymentMethod(walletId, storeData).DerivationStrategyBase; var webSocket = await HttpContext.WebSockets.AcceptWebSocketAsync(); using (var normalOperationTimeout = new CancellationTokenSource()) using (var signTimeout = new CancellationTokenSource()) { normalOperationTimeout.CancelAfter(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30)); var hw = new HardwareWalletService(webSocket); object result = null; try { BTCPayNetwork network = null; if (cryptoCode != null) { network = NetworkProvider.GetNetwork(cryptoCode); if (network == null) throw new FormatException("Invalid value for crypto code"); } BitcoinAddress destinationAddress = null; if (destination != null) { try { destinationAddress = BitcoinAddress.Create(destination, network.NBitcoinNetwork); } catch { } if (destinationAddress == null) throw new FormatException("Invalid value for destination"); } FeeRate feeRateValue = null; if (feeRate != null) { try { feeRateValue = new FeeRate(Money.Satoshis(int.Parse(feeRate, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), 1); } catch { } if (feeRateValue == null || feeRateValue.FeePerK <= Money.Zero) throw new FormatException("Invalid value for fee rate"); } Money amountBTC = null; if (amount != null) { try { amountBTC = Money.Parse(amount); } catch { } if (amountBTC == null || amountBTC <= Money.Zero) throw new FormatException("Invalid value for amount"); } bool subsctractFeesValue = false; if (substractFees != null) { try { subsctractFeesValue = bool.Parse(substractFees); } catch { throw new FormatException("Invalid value for subtract fees"); } } if (command == "test") { result = await hw.Test(normalOperationTimeout.Token); } if (command == "sendtoaddress") { if (!_dashboard.IsFullySynched(network.CryptoCode, out var summary)) throw new Exception($"{network.CryptoCode}: not started or fully synched"); var strategy = GetDirectDerivationStrategy(derivationScheme); var wallet = _walletProvider.GetWallet(network); var change = wallet.GetChangeAddressAsync(derivationScheme); var unspentCoins = await wallet.GetUnspentCoins(derivationScheme); var changeAddress = await change; var send = new[] { ( destination: destinationAddress as IDestination, amount: amountBTC, substractFees: subsctractFeesValue) }; foreach (var element in send) { if (element.destination == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(element.destination)); if (element.amount == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(element.amount)); if (element.amount <= Money.Zero) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(element.amount), "The amount should be above zero"); } var storeBlob = storeData.GetStoreBlob(); var paymentId = new Payments.PaymentMethodId(cryptoCode, Payments.PaymentTypes.BTCLike); var foundKeyPath = storeBlob.GetWalletKeyPathRoot(paymentId); // Some deployment have the wallet root key path saved in the store blob // If it does, we only have to make 1 call to the hw to check if it can sign the given strategy, if (foundKeyPath == null || !await hw.CanSign(network, strategy, foundKeyPath, normalOperationTimeout.Token)) { // If the saved wallet key path is not present or incorrect, let's scan the wallet to see if it can sign strategy foundKeyPath = await hw.FindKeyPath(network, strategy, normalOperationTimeout.Token); if (foundKeyPath == null) throw new HardwareWalletException($"This store is not configured to use this ledger"); storeBlob.SetWalletKeyPathRoot(paymentId, foundKeyPath); storeData.SetStoreBlob(storeBlob); await Repository.UpdateStore(storeData); } TransactionBuilder builder = network.NBitcoinNetwork.CreateTransactionBuilder(); builder.StandardTransactionPolicy.MinRelayTxFee = summary.Status.BitcoinStatus.MinRelayTxFee; builder.AddCoins(unspentCoins.Select(c => c.Coin).ToArray()); foreach (var element in send) { builder.Send(element.destination, element.amount); if (element.substractFees) builder.SubtractFees(); } builder.SetChange(changeAddress.Item1); if (network.MinFee == null) { builder.SendEstimatedFees(feeRateValue); } else { var estimatedFee = builder.EstimateFees(feeRateValue); if (network.MinFee > estimatedFee) builder.SendFees(network.MinFee); else builder.SendEstimatedFees(feeRateValue); } var unsigned = builder.BuildTransaction(false); var keypaths = new Dictionary(); foreach (var c in unspentCoins) { keypaths.TryAdd(c.Coin.ScriptPubKey, c.KeyPath); } var hasChange = unsigned.Outputs.Count == 2; var usedCoins = builder.FindSpentCoins(unsigned); Dictionary parentTransactions = new Dictionary(); if (!strategy.Segwit) { var parentHashes = usedCoins.Select(c => c.Outpoint.Hash).ToHashSet(); var explorer = ExplorerClientProvider.GetExplorerClient(network); var getTransactionAsyncs = parentHashes.Select(h => (Op: explorer.GetTransactionAsync(h), Hash: h)).ToList(); foreach (var getTransactionAsync in getTransactionAsyncs) { var tx = (await getTransactionAsync.Op); if (tx == null) throw new Exception($"Parent transaction {getTransactionAsync.Hash} not found"); parentTransactions.Add(tx.Transaction.GetHash(), tx.Transaction); } } signTimeout.CancelAfter(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)); var transaction = await hw.SignTransactionAsync(usedCoins.Select(c => new SignatureRequest { InputTransaction = parentTransactions.TryGet(c.Outpoint.Hash), InputCoin = c, KeyPath = foundKeyPath.Derive(keypaths[c.TxOut.ScriptPubKey]), PubKey = strategy.Root.Derive(keypaths[c.TxOut.ScriptPubKey]).PubKey }).ToArray(), unsigned, hasChange ? foundKeyPath.Derive(changeAddress.Item2) : null, signTimeout.Token); try { var broadcastResult = await wallet.BroadcastTransactionsAsync(new List() { transaction }); if (!broadcastResult[0].Success) { throw new Exception($"RPC Error while broadcasting: {broadcastResult[0].RPCCode} {broadcastResult[0].RPCCodeMessage} {broadcastResult[0].RPCMessage}"); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error while broadcasting: " + ex.Message); } wallet.InvalidateCache(derivationScheme); result = new SendToAddressResult() { TransactionId = transaction.GetHash().ToString() }; } } catch (OperationCanceledException) { result = new LedgerTestResult() { Success = false, Error = "Timeout" }; } catch (Exception ex) { result = new LedgerTestResult() { Success = false, Error = ex.Message }; } finally { hw.Dispose(); } try { if (result != null) { UTF8Encoding UTF8NOBOM = new UTF8Encoding(false); var bytes = UTF8NOBOM.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, _mvcJsonOptions.Value.SerializerSettings)); await webSocket.SendAsync(new ArraySegment(bytes), WebSocketMessageType.Text, true, new CancellationTokenSource(2000).Token); } } catch { } finally { await webSocket.CloseSocket(); } } return new EmptyResult(); } private DirectDerivationStrategy GetDirectDerivationStrategy(DerivationStrategyBase strategy) { if (strategy == null) throw new Exception("The derivation scheme is not provided"); var directStrategy = strategy as DirectDerivationStrategy; if (directStrategy == null) directStrategy = (strategy as P2SHDerivationStrategy).Inner as DirectDerivationStrategy; return directStrategy; } } public class GetInfoResult { } public class SendToAddressResult { public string TransactionId { get; set; } } }