@using BTCPayServer.Services @using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers @using BTCPayServer.Components.MainLogo @using System.Text @inject SettingsRepository SettingsRepository @{ Layout = "_LayoutSimple"; ViewBag.ShowTitle ??= true; ViewBag.ShowLeadText ??= false; // obfuscate email on public page, decode via JS (see below) var settings = await SettingsRepository.GetSettingAsync() ?? new ServerSettings(); var contactUrl = settings.ContactUrl; if (contactUrl?.StartsWith("mailto:") is true) { contactUrl = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(contactUrl)); } } @section PageHeadContent { @await RenderSectionAsync("PageHeadContent", false) } @section PageFootContent { @await RenderSectionAsync("PageFootContent", false) }

Welcome to @(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.ServerName) ? "your BTCPay\u00a0Server" : settings.ServerName)

@if (ViewBag.ShowLeadText) {

A self-hosted, open-source bitcoin payment processor. It is secure, private, censorship-resistant and free.

@if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(contactUrl)) {

Contact Us

@if (contactUrl != settings.ContactUrl) { } }