@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers @using BTCPayServer.Controllers @using BTCPayServer.TagHelpers @using BundlerMinifier.TagHelpers @model WalletPSBTViewModel @addTagHelper *, BundlerMinifier.TagHelpers @{ var walletId = Context.GetRouteValue("walletId").ToString(); var cancelUrl = Model.ReturnUrl ?? Url.Action(nameof(UIWalletsController.WalletTransactions), new { walletId }); var backUrl = Model.BackUrl != null ? $"{Model.BackUrl}?returnUrl={Model.ReturnUrl}" : null; Layout = "_LayoutWizard"; ViewData.SetActivePage(WalletsNavPages.PSBT, "Decode PSBT", walletId); } @section Navbar { @if (backUrl != null) { } } @section PageHeadContent { } @section PageFootContent { }


You can decode a PSBT by either pasting its content, uploading the file or scanning the wallet QR code.

@if (Model.Errors != null && Model.Errors.Count != 0) { }