@using BTCPayServer.Client @using BTCPayServer.Client.Models @model InvoicesModel @{ ViewData.SetActivePage(InvoiceNavPages.Index, "Invoices"); var storeIds = string.Join("", Model.StoreIds.Select(storeId => $",storeid:{storeId}")); if (this.Context.GetRouteValue("storeId") is string) storeIds = string.Empty; } @section PageFootContent { @*Without async, somehow selenium do not manage to click on links in this page*@ @* Custom Range Modal *@ } @Html.HiddenFor(a => a.Count)
You can search for invoice Id, deposit address, price, order id, store id, any buyer information and any product information.
Be sure to split your search parameters with comma, for example:
startdate:2019-04-25 13:00:00, status:paid
You can also apply filters to your search by searching for filtername:value
, supported filters are:
for filtering a specific storeorderid:id
for filtering a specific orderitemcode:code
for filtering a specific type of item purchased through the pos or crowdfund appsstatus:(expired|invalid|complete|confirmed|paid|new)
for filtering a specific statusexceptionstatus:(paidover|paidlate|paidpartial)
for filtering a specific exception stateunusual:(true|false)
for filtering invoices which might requires merchant attention (those invalid or with an exceptionstatus)startdate:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
getting invoices that were created after certain dateenddate:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
getting invoices that were created before certain dateThere are no invoices matching your criteria.