using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using BTCPayServer.Abstractions.Contracts; using BTCPayServer.Data; using BTCPayServer.Hosting; using BTCPayServer.Services; using Dapper; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using OpenQA.Selenium; using OpenQA.Selenium.Support.Extensions; using Xunit; using Xunit.Abstractions; using static BTCPayServer.Services.LocalizerService; namespace BTCPayServer.Tests { [Collection(nameof(NonParallelizableCollectionDefinition))] public class LanguageServiceTests : UnitTestBase { public const int TestTimeout = TestUtils.TestTimeout; public LanguageServiceTests(ITestOutputHelper helper) : base(helper) { } [Fact(Timeout = TestTimeout)] [Trait("Selenium", "Selenium")] public async Task CanTranslateLoginPage() { using var tester = CreateSeleniumTester(newDb: true); tester.Server.ActivateLangs(); await tester.StartAsync(); await tester.Server.PayTester.RestartStartupTask(); // Check if the Cypherpunk translation has been loaded from the file tester.RegisterNewUser(true); tester.CreateNewStore(); tester.GoToServer(Views.Server.ServerNavPages.Translations); tester.Driver.FindElement(By.Id("Select-Cypherpunk")).Click(); tester.Logout(); Assert.Contains("Cyphercode", tester.Driver.PageSource); Assert.Contains("Yo at BTCPay Server", tester.Driver.PageSource); // Create English (Custom) tester.LogIn(); tester.GoToServer(Views.Server.ServerNavPages.Translations); tester.ClickPagePrimary(); tester.Driver.FindElement(By.Name("Name")).SendKeys("English (Custom)"); tester.ClickPagePrimary(); var translations = tester.Driver.FindElement(By.Name("Translations")); var text = translations.Text; text = text.Replace("Password => Password", "Password => Mot de passe"); translations.Clear(); translations.SendKeys("Password => Mot de passe"); tester.ClickPagePrimary(); // Check English (Custom) can be selected tester.Driver.FindElement(By.Id("Select-English (Custom)")).Click(); tester.Logout(); Assert.Contains("Mot de passe", tester.Driver.PageSource); // Check if we can remove English (Custom) tester.LogIn(); tester.GoToServer(Views.Server.ServerNavPages.Translations); text = tester.Driver.PageSource; Assert.Contains("Select-Cypherpunk", text); Assert.DoesNotContain("Select-English (Custom)", text); // Cypherpunk is loaded from file, can't edit Assert.DoesNotContain("Delete-Cypherpunk", text); // English (Custom) is selected, can't edit Assert.DoesNotContain("Delete-English (Custom)", text); tester.Driver.FindElement(By.Id("Select-Cypherpunk")).Click(); tester.Driver.FindElement(By.Id("Delete-English (Custom)")).Click(); tester.Driver.WaitForElement(By.Id("ConfirmInput")).SendKeys("DELETE"); tester.Driver.FindElement(By.Id("ConfirmContinue")).Click(); text = tester.Driver.PageSource; Assert.DoesNotContain("Select-English (Custom)", text); Assert.Contains("English (Custom) deleted", text); } [Fact(Timeout = TestTimeout)] [Trait("Integration", "Integration")] public async Task CanUpdateTranslationsInDatabase() { using var tester = CreateServerTester(newDb: true); await tester.StartAsync(); var localizer = tester.PayTester.GetService(); var factory = tester.PayTester.GetService(); var db = factory.CreateContext().Database.GetDbConnection(); TestLogs.LogInformation("French fallback to english"); await db.ExecuteAsync("INSERT INTO lang_dictionaries VALUES ('French', 'English', NULL)"); async Task SetDictionary(string dictId, (string Sentence, string Translation)[] translations) { var dict = await localizer.GetDictionary(dictId); var t = new Translations(translations.Select(t => KeyValuePair.Create(t.Sentence, t.Translation))); await localizer.Save(dict, t); } async Task AssertTranslations(string dictionary, (string Sentence, string Expected)[] expectations) { var all = await db.QueryAsync<(string sentence, string translation)>($"SELECT sentence, translation from translations WHERE dict_id='{dictionary}'"); foreach (var expectation in expectations) { if (expectation.Expected is not null) Assert.Equal(expectation.Expected, all.Single(a => a.sentence == expectation.Sentence).translation); else Assert.DoesNotContain(all, a => a.sentence == expectation.Sentence); } } await SetDictionary("English", [ ("Hello", "Hello"), ("Goodbye", "Goodbye"), ("Good afternoon", "Good afternoon") ]); await SetDictionary("French", [ ("Hello", "Salut"), ("Good afternoon", "Bonne aprem") ]); TestLogs.LogInformation("French should override Hello and Good afternoon, but not Goodbye"); await AssertTranslations("French", [("Hello", "Salut"), ("Good afternoon", "Bonne aprem"), ("Goodbye", "Goodbye"), ("lol", null)]); await AssertTranslations("English", [("Hello", "Hello"), ("Good afternoon", "Good afternoon"), ("Goodbye", "Goodbye"), ("lol", null)]); TestLogs.LogInformation("Can use fallback by setting null to a sentence"); await SetDictionary("French", [ ("Good afternoon", "Bonne aprem"), ("Goodbye", "Goodbye"), ("Hello", null) ]); await AssertTranslations("French", [("Hello", "Hello"), ("Good afternoon", "Bonne aprem"), ("Goodbye", "Goodbye"), ("lol", null)]); TestLogs.LogInformation("Can use fallback by setting same as fallback to a sentence"); await SetDictionary("French", [ ("Good afternoon", "Good afternoon") ]); await AssertTranslations("French", [("Hello", "Hello"), ("Good afternoon", "Good afternoon"), ("Goodbye", "Goodbye"), ("lol", null)]); await SetDictionary("English", [ ("Hello", null as string), ("Good afternoon", "Good afternoon"), ("Goodbye", "Goodbye") ]); await AssertTranslations("French", [("Hello", null), ("Good afternoon", "Good afternoon"), ("Goodbye", "Goodbye"), ("lol", null)]); await db.ExecuteAsync("DELETE FROM lang_dictionaries WHERE dict_id='English'"); } [Fact(Timeout = TestTimeout)] [Trait("Integration", "Integration")] public async Task CanAutoDetectLanguage() { using var tester = CreateServerTester(); await tester.StartAsync(); var languageService = tester.PayTester.GetService(); // Most common format. First option does not have a quality score. Others do in descending order. // Result should be nl-NL (because the default weight is 1 for nl) var lang1 = languageService.FindLanguageInAcceptLanguageHeader("nl,fr;q=0.7,en;q=0.5"); Assert.NotNull(lang1); Assert.Equal("nl-NL", lang1?.Code); // Most common format. First option does not have a quality score. Others do in descending order. This time the first option includes a country. // Result should be nl-NL (because the default weight is 1 for nl-BE and it does not exist in BTCPay Server, but nl-NL does and applies too for language "nl") var lang2 = languageService.FindLanguageInAcceptLanguageHeader("nl-BE,fr;q=0.7,en;q=0.5"); Assert.NotNull(lang2); Assert.Equal("nl-NL", lang2?.Code); // Unusual format, but still valid. All values have a quality score and not ordered. // Result should be fr-FR (because 0.7 is the highest quality score) var lang3 = languageService.FindLanguageInAcceptLanguageHeader("nl;q=0.1,fr;q=0.7,en;q=0.5"); Assert.NotNull(lang3); Assert.Equal("fr-FR", lang3?.Code); // Unusual format, but still valid. Some language is given that we don't have and a wildcard for everything else. // Result should be NULL, because "xx" does not exist and * is a wildcard and has no meaning. var lang4 = languageService.FindLanguageInAcceptLanguageHeader("xx,*;q=0.5"); Assert.Null(lang4); } } }