@model BTCPayServer.Models.ServerViewModels.ServicesViewModel @{ ViewData.SetActivePageAndTitle(ServerNavPages.Services); }


Crypto services

You can get access here to services exposed by your server
@foreach (var s in Model.ExternalServices) { }
Crypto Access Type Actions
@s.CryptoCode @s.DisplayName See information
@if (Model.OtherExternalServices.Count != 0) {

Other services

Other external services
@foreach (var s in Model.OtherExternalServices) { }
Name Actions
@s.Name See information
} @if (Model.TorHttpServices.Count != 0) {

HTTP TOR hidden services

TOR services hosted on this server, only http servers are listed here.
@foreach (var s in Model.TorHttpServices) { }
Name Actions
@s.Name See information
} @if (Model.TorOtherServices.Count != 0) {

Other TOR hidden services

TOR services hosted on this server which are not http based.
@foreach (var s in Model.TorOtherServices) { }
Name Actions
@s.Name @s.Link

External storage services

Integrated Storage providers to store file uploads from btcpay
@foreach (var s in Model.ExternalStorageServices) { }
Name Actions
@s.Name Edit
@section Scripts { @await Html.PartialAsync("_ValidationScriptsPartial") }