using System; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Text.Encodings.Web; using System.Threading.Tasks; using BTCPayServer.Models.AppViewModels; using BTCPayServer.Services.Apps; using BTCPayServer.Services.Mails; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; namespace BTCPayServer.Controllers { public partial class AppsController { public class AppUpdated { public string AppId { get; set; } public object Settings { get; set; } public string StoreId { get; set; } public override string ToString() { return String.Empty; } } [HttpGet] [Route("{appId}/settings/crowdfund")] public async Task UpdateCrowdfund(string appId) { var app = await GetOwnedApp(appId, AppType.Crowdfund); if (app == null) return NotFound(); var settings = app.GetSettings(); var vm = new UpdateCrowdfundViewModel() { NotificationEmailWarning = !await IsEmailConfigured(app.StoreDataId), Title = settings.Title, StoreId = app.StoreDataId, Enabled = settings.Enabled, EnforceTargetAmount = settings.EnforceTargetAmount, StartDate = settings.StartDate, TargetCurrency = settings.TargetCurrency, Description = settings.Description, MainImageUrl = settings.MainImageUrl, EmbeddedCSS = settings.EmbeddedCSS, EndDate = settings.EndDate, TargetAmount = settings.TargetAmount, CustomCSSLink = settings.CustomCSSLink, NotificationUrl = settings.NotificationUrl, Tagline = settings.Tagline, PerksTemplate = settings.PerksTemplate, DisqusEnabled = settings.DisqusEnabled, SoundsEnabled = settings.SoundsEnabled, DisqusShortname = settings.DisqusShortname, AnimationsEnabled = settings.AnimationsEnabled, ResetEveryAmount = settings.ResetEveryAmount, ResetEvery = Enum.GetName(typeof(CrowdfundResetEvery), settings.ResetEvery), UseAllStoreInvoices = app.TagAllInvoices, AppId = appId, SearchTerm = app.TagAllInvoices ? $"storeid:{app.StoreDataId}" : $"orderid:{AppService.GetCrowdfundOrderId(appId)}", DisplayPerksRanking = settings.DisplayPerksRanking, SortPerksByPopularity = settings.SortPerksByPopularity, Sounds = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, settings.Sounds), AnimationColors = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, settings.AnimationColors) }; return View(vm); } [HttpPost] [Route("{appId}/settings/crowdfund")] public async Task UpdateCrowdfund(string appId, UpdateCrowdfundViewModel vm, string command = null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( vm.TargetCurrency) && _currencies.GetCurrencyData(vm.TargetCurrency, false) == null) ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(vm.TargetCurrency), "Invalid currency"); try { _AppService.Parse(vm.PerksTemplate, vm.TargetCurrency).ToString(); } catch { ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(vm.PerksTemplate), "Invalid template"); } if (Enum.Parse(vm.ResetEvery) != CrowdfundResetEvery.Never && !vm.StartDate.HasValue) { ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(vm.StartDate), "A start date is needed when the goal resets every X amount of time."); } if (Enum.Parse(vm.ResetEvery) != CrowdfundResetEvery.Never && vm.ResetEveryAmount <= 0) { ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(vm.ResetEveryAmount), "You must reset the goal at a minimum of 1 "); } if (vm.DisplayPerksRanking && !vm.SortPerksByPopularity) { ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(vm.DisplayPerksRanking), "You must sort by popularity in order to display ranking."); } var parsedSounds = vm.Sounds.Split( new[] {"\r\n", "\r", "\n"}, StringSplitOptions.None ).Select(s => s.Trim()).ToArray(); if (vm.SoundsEnabled && !parsedSounds.Any()) { ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(vm.Sounds), "You must have at least one sound if you enable sounds"); } var parsedAnimationColors = vm.AnimationColors.Split( new[] { "\r\n", "\r", "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None ).Select(s => s.Trim()).ToArray(); if (vm.AnimationsEnabled && !parsedAnimationColors.Any()) { ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(vm.AnimationColors), "You must have at least one animation color if you enable animations"); } if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return View(vm); } var app = await GetOwnedApp(appId, AppType.Crowdfund); if (app == null) return NotFound(); var newSettings = new CrowdfundSettings() { Title = vm.Title, Enabled = vm.Enabled, EnforceTargetAmount = vm.EnforceTargetAmount, StartDate = vm.StartDate?.ToUniversalTime(), TargetCurrency = vm.TargetCurrency, Description = vm.Description, EndDate = vm.EndDate?.ToUniversalTime(), TargetAmount = vm.TargetAmount, CustomCSSLink = vm.CustomCSSLink, MainImageUrl = vm.MainImageUrl, EmbeddedCSS = vm.EmbeddedCSS, NotificationUrl = vm.NotificationUrl, NotificationEmail = vm.NotificationEmail, Tagline = vm.Tagline, PerksTemplate = vm.PerksTemplate, DisqusEnabled = vm.DisqusEnabled, SoundsEnabled = vm.SoundsEnabled, DisqusShortname = vm.DisqusShortname, AnimationsEnabled = vm.AnimationsEnabled, ResetEveryAmount = vm.ResetEveryAmount, ResetEvery = Enum.Parse(vm.ResetEvery), DisplayPerksRanking = vm.DisplayPerksRanking, SortPerksByPopularity = vm.SortPerksByPopularity, Sounds = parsedSounds, AnimationColors = parsedAnimationColors }; app.TagAllInvoices = vm.UseAllStoreInvoices; app.SetSettings(newSettings); if (command == "save") { await _AppService.UpdateOrCreateApp(app); _EventAggregator.Publish(new AppUpdated() { AppId = appId, StoreId = app.StoreDataId, Settings = newSettings }); TempData[WellKnownTempData.SuccessMessage] = "App updated"; return RedirectToAction(nameof(UpdateCrowdfund), new { appId }); } else if (command == "viewapp") { return RedirectToAction(nameof(AppsPublicController.ViewCrowdfund), "AppsPublic", new { appId }); } return NotFound(); } } }