#nullable enable using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using BTCPayServer.Client.Models; using BTCPayServer.Data; using Dapper; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; namespace BTCPayServer.Services.Reporting { public class RefundsReportProvider : ReportProvider { private readonly BTCPayNetworkJsonSerializerSettings _serializerSettings; private readonly DisplayFormatter _displayFormatter; private ViewDefinition CreateDefinition() { return new ViewDefinition { Fields = new List { new("Date", "datetime"), new("InvoiceId", "invoice_id"), new("Currency", "string"), new("Completed", "amount"), new("Awaiting", "amount"), new("Limit", "amount"), new("FullyPaid", "boolean") }, Charts = { new () { Name = "Aggregated amount", Groups = { "Currency" }, HasGrandTotal = false, Aggregates = { "Awaiting", "Completed", "Limit" } } } }; } public override string Name => "Refunds"; public ApplicationDbContextFactory DbContextFactory { get; } public RefundsReportProvider( ApplicationDbContextFactory dbContextFactory, BTCPayNetworkJsonSerializerSettings serializerSettings, DisplayFormatter displayFormatter) { DbContextFactory = dbContextFactory; _serializerSettings = serializerSettings; _displayFormatter = displayFormatter; } record RefundRow(DateTimeOffset Created, string InvoiceId, string PullPaymentId, string Currency, decimal Limit) { public decimal Completed { get; set; } public decimal Awaiting { get; set; } } public override async Task Query(QueryContext queryContext, CancellationToken cancellation) { queryContext.ViewDefinition = CreateDefinition(); RefundRow? currentRow = null; await using var ctx = DbContextFactory.CreateContext(); var conn = ctx.Database.GetDbConnection(); var rows = await conn.QueryAsync( """ SELECT i."Created", i."Id" AS "InvoiceId", p."State", p."PayoutMethodId", p."Currency" AS "PayoutCurrency", p."OriginalAmount", pp."Id" AS "PullPaymentId", pp."Limit", pp."Currency" AS "PPCurrency" FROM "Invoices" i JOIN "Refunds" r ON r."InvoiceDataId"= i."Id" JOIN "PullPayments" pp ON r."PullPaymentDataId"=pp."Id" LEFT JOIN "Payouts" p ON p."PullPaymentDataId"=pp."Id" WHERE i."StoreDataId" = @storeId AND i."Created" >= @start AND i."Created" <= @end AND pp."Archived" IS FALSE ORDER BY i."Created", pp."Id" """, new { start = queryContext.From, end = queryContext.To, storeId = queryContext.StoreId }); foreach (var r in rows) { if ((string)r.PullPaymentId != currentRow?.PullPaymentId) { AddRow(queryContext, currentRow); currentRow = new(r.Created, r.InvoiceId, r.PullPaymentId, r.PPCurrency, r.Limit); } if (r.OriginalAmount is null) continue; decimal originalAmount = (decimal)r.OriginalAmount; var state = Enum.Parse((string)r.State); if (state == PayoutState.Cancelled) continue; if (state is PayoutState.Completed) currentRow.Completed += originalAmount; else currentRow.Awaiting += originalAmount; } AddRow(queryContext, currentRow); } private void AddRow(QueryContext queryContext, RefundRow? currentRow) { if (currentRow is null) return; var data = queryContext.AddData(); data.Add(currentRow.Created); data.Add(currentRow.InvoiceId); data.Add(currentRow.Currency); data.Add(_displayFormatter.ToFormattedAmount(currentRow.Completed, currentRow.Currency)); data.Add(_displayFormatter.ToFormattedAmount(currentRow.Awaiting, currentRow.Currency)); data.Add(_displayFormatter.ToFormattedAmount(currentRow.Limit, currentRow.Currency)); data.Add(currentRow.Limit <= currentRow.Completed); } } }