using System; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using BTCPayServer.Abstractions.Extensions; using BTCPayServer.Client; using BTCPayServer.Client.Models; using BTCPayServer.Lightning; using BTCPayServer.Payments; using BTCPayServer.Payments.Bitcoin; using BTCPayServer.Security; using BTCPayServer.Services; using BTCPayServer.Services.Invoices; using BTCPayServer.Services.Wallets; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Filters; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; namespace BTCPayServer.Controllers.Greenfield { public class LightningUnavailableExceptionFilter : Attribute, IExceptionFilter { public void OnException(ExceptionContext context) { context.Result = new ObjectResult(new GreenfieldAPIError("lightning-node-unavailable", $"The lightning node is unavailable ({context.Exception.GetType().Name}: {context.Exception.Message})")) { StatusCode = 503 }; // Do not mark handled, it is possible filters above have better errors } } public abstract class GreenfieldLightningNodeApiController : Controller { private readonly PoliciesSettings _policiesSettings; private readonly IAuthorizationService _authorizationService; private readonly PaymentMethodHandlerDictionary _handlers; private readonly LightningHistogramService _lnHistogramService; protected GreenfieldLightningNodeApiController( PoliciesSettings policiesSettings, IAuthorizationService authorizationService, PaymentMethodHandlerDictionary handlers, LightningHistogramService lnHistogramService) { _policiesSettings = policiesSettings; _authorizationService = authorizationService; _handlers = handlers; _lnHistogramService = lnHistogramService; } public virtual async Task GetInfo(string cryptoCode, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var lightningClient = await GetLightningClient(cryptoCode, true); var info = await lightningClient.GetInfo(cancellationToken); return Ok(new LightningNodeInformationData { BlockHeight = info.BlockHeight, NodeURIs = info.NodeInfoList.Select(nodeInfo => nodeInfo).ToArray(), Alias = info.Alias, Color = info.Color, Version = info.Version, PeersCount = info.PeersCount, ActiveChannelsCount = info.ActiveChannelsCount, InactiveChannelsCount = info.InactiveChannelsCount, PendingChannelsCount = info.PendingChannelsCount }); } public virtual async Task GetBalance(string cryptoCode, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var lightningClient = await GetLightningClient(cryptoCode, true); var balance = await lightningClient.GetBalance(cancellationToken); return Ok(new LightningNodeBalanceData { OnchainBalance = balance.OnchainBalance != null ? new OnchainBalanceData { Confirmed = balance.OnchainBalance.Confirmed, Unconfirmed = balance.OnchainBalance.Unconfirmed, Reserved = balance.OnchainBalance.Reserved } : null, OffchainBalance = balance.OffchainBalance != null ? new OffchainBalanceData { Opening = balance.OffchainBalance.Opening, Local = balance.OffchainBalance.Local, Remote = balance.OffchainBalance.Remote, Closing = balance.OffchainBalance.Closing, } : null }); } public virtual async Task GetHistogram(string cryptoCode, HistogramType? type = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { Enum.TryParse(type.ToString(), true, out var histType); var lightningClient = await GetLightningClient(cryptoCode, true); var data = await _lnHistogramService.GetHistogram(lightningClient, histType, cancellationToken); if (data == null) return this.CreateAPIError(404, "histogram-not-found", "The lightning histogram was not found."); return Ok(new HistogramData { Type = data.Type, Balance = data.Balance, Series = data.Series, Labels = data.Labels }); } public virtual async Task ConnectToNode(string cryptoCode, ConnectToNodeRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var lightningClient = await GetLightningClient(cryptoCode, true); if (request?.NodeURI is null) { ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(request.NodeURI), "A valid node info was not provided to connect to"); } if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return this.CreateValidationError(ModelState); } var result = await lightningClient.ConnectTo(request.NodeURI, cancellationToken); switch (result) { case ConnectionResult.Ok: return Ok(); case ConnectionResult.CouldNotConnect: return this.CreateAPIError("could-not-connect", "Could not connect to the remote node"); } return Ok(); } public virtual async Task GetChannels(string cryptoCode, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var lightningClient = await GetLightningClient(cryptoCode, true); var channels = await lightningClient.ListChannels(cancellationToken); return Ok(channels.Select(channel => new LightningChannelData { Capacity = channel.Capacity, ChannelPoint = channel.ChannelPoint.ToString(), IsActive = channel.IsActive, IsPublic = channel.IsPublic, LocalBalance = channel.LocalBalance, RemoteNode = channel.RemoteNode.ToString() })); } public virtual async Task OpenChannel(string cryptoCode, OpenLightningChannelRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var lightningClient = await GetLightningClient(cryptoCode, true); if (request?.NodeURI is null) { ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(request.NodeURI), "A valid node info was not provided to open a channel with"); } if (request?.ChannelAmount is null) { ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(request.ChannelAmount), "ChannelAmount is missing"); } else if (request.ChannelAmount.Satoshi <= 0) { ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(request.ChannelAmount), "ChannelAmount must be more than 0"); } if (request?.FeeRate is null) { ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(request.FeeRate), "FeeRate is missing"); } else if (request.FeeRate.SatoshiPerByte <= 0) { ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(request.FeeRate), "FeeRate must be more than 0"); } if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return this.CreateValidationError(ModelState); } var response = await lightningClient.OpenChannel(new OpenChannelRequest { ChannelAmount = request.ChannelAmount, FeeRate = request.FeeRate, NodeInfo = request.NodeURI }, cancellationToken); string errorCode, errorMessage; switch (response.Result) { case OpenChannelResult.Ok: return Ok(); case OpenChannelResult.AlreadyExists: errorCode = "channel-already-exists"; errorMessage = "The channel already exists"; break; case OpenChannelResult.CannotAffordFunding: errorCode = "cannot-afford-funding"; errorMessage = "Not enough money to open a channel"; break; case OpenChannelResult.NeedMoreConf: errorCode = "need-more-confirmations"; errorMessage = "Need to wait for more confirmations"; break; case OpenChannelResult.PeerNotConnected: errorCode = "peer-not-connected"; errorMessage = "Not connected to peer"; break; default: throw new NotSupportedException("Unknown OpenChannelResult"); } return this.CreateAPIError(errorCode, errorMessage); } public virtual async Task GetDepositAddress(string cryptoCode, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var lightningClient = await GetLightningClient(cryptoCode, true); var addr = await lightningClient.GetDepositAddress(cancellationToken); return Ok(new JValue(addr.ToString())); } public virtual async Task GetPayment(string cryptoCode, string paymentHash, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var lightningClient = await GetLightningClient(cryptoCode, false); var payment = await lightningClient.GetPayment(paymentHash, cancellationToken); return payment == null ? this.CreateAPIError(404, "payment-not-found", "Impossible to find a lightning payment with this payment hash") : Ok(ToModel(payment)); } public virtual async Task PayInvoice(string cryptoCode, PayLightningInvoiceRequest lightningInvoice, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var lightningClient = await GetLightningClient(cryptoCode, true); var network = GetNetwork(cryptoCode); BOLT11PaymentRequest bolt11 = null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lightningInvoice.BOLT11) || !BOLT11PaymentRequest.TryParse(lightningInvoice.BOLT11, out bolt11, network.NBitcoinNetwork)) { ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(lightningInvoice.BOLT11), "The BOLT11 invoice was invalid."); } if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return this.CreateValidationError(ModelState); } var param = lightningInvoice.MaxFeeFlat != null || lightningInvoice.MaxFeePercent != null || lightningInvoice.Amount != null || lightningInvoice.SendTimeout != null ? new PayInvoiceParams { MaxFeePercent = lightningInvoice.MaxFeePercent, MaxFeeFlat = lightningInvoice.MaxFeeFlat, Amount = lightningInvoice.Amount, SendTimeout = lightningInvoice.SendTimeout } : null; var result = await lightningClient.Pay(lightningInvoice.BOLT11, param, cancellationToken); if (result.Result is PayResult.Ok or PayResult.Unknown && bolt11?.PaymentHash is not null) { // get a new instance of the LN client, because the old one might have disposed its HTTPClient lightningClient = await GetLightningClient(cryptoCode, true); var paymentHash = bolt11.PaymentHash.ToString(); var payment = await lightningClient.GetPayment(paymentHash, cancellationToken); var data = new LightningPaymentData { Id = payment.Id, PaymentHash = paymentHash, Status = payment.Status, BOLT11 = payment.BOLT11, Preimage = payment.Preimage, CreatedAt = payment.CreatedAt, TotalAmount = payment.AmountSent, FeeAmount = payment.Fee, }; return result.Result is PayResult.Ok ? Ok(data) : Accepted(data); } return result.Result switch { PayResult.CouldNotFindRoute => this.CreateAPIError("could-not-find-route", result.ErrorDetail ?? "Impossible to find a route to the peer"), PayResult.Error => this.CreateAPIError("generic-error", result.ErrorDetail), PayResult.Unknown => Accepted(new LightningPaymentData { Status = LightningPaymentStatus.Unknown }), PayResult.Ok => Ok(new LightningPaymentData { BOLT11 = bolt11?.ToString(), Status = LightningPaymentStatus.Complete, TotalAmount = result.Details?.TotalAmount, FeeAmount = result.Details?.FeeAmount, PaymentHash = result.Details?.PaymentHash.ToString(), Preimage = result.Details?.Preimage.ToString() }), _ => throw new NotSupportedException("Unsupported PayResult") }; } public virtual async Task GetInvoice(string cryptoCode, string id, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var lightningClient = await GetLightningClient(cryptoCode, false); var inv = await lightningClient.GetInvoice(id, cancellationToken); return inv == null ? this.CreateAPIError(404, "invoice-not-found", "Impossible to find a lightning invoice with this id") : Ok(ToModel(inv)); } public virtual async Task GetInvoices(string cryptoCode, [FromQuery] bool? pendingOnly, [FromQuery] long? offsetIndex, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var lightningClient = await GetLightningClient(cryptoCode, false); var param = new ListInvoicesParams { PendingOnly = pendingOnly, OffsetIndex = offsetIndex }; var invoices = await lightningClient.ListInvoices(param, cancellationToken); return Ok(invoices.Select(ToModel).ToArray()); } public virtual async Task GetPayments(string cryptoCode, [FromQuery] bool? includePending, [FromQuery] long? offsetIndex, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var lightningClient = await GetLightningClient(cryptoCode, false); var param = new ListPaymentsParams { IncludePending = includePending, OffsetIndex = offsetIndex }; var payments = await lightningClient.ListPayments(param, cancellationToken); return Ok(payments.Select(ToModel).ToArray()); } public virtual async Task CreateInvoice(string cryptoCode, CreateLightningInvoiceRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var lightningClient = await GetLightningClient(cryptoCode, false); if (request.Amount < LightMoney.Zero) { ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(request.Amount), "Amount should be more or equals to 0"); } if (request.Description is null && request.DescriptionHashOnly) { ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(request.Description), "Description is required when `descriptionHashOnly` is true"); } if (request.Expiry <= TimeSpan.Zero) { ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(request.Expiry), "Expiry should be more than 0"); } if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return this.CreateValidationError(ModelState); } request.Description ??= ""; try { var param = new CreateInvoiceParams(request.Amount, request.Description, request.Expiry) { PrivateRouteHints = request.PrivateRouteHints, DescriptionHashOnly = request.DescriptionHashOnly }; var invoice = await lightningClient.CreateInvoice(param, cancellationToken); return Ok(ToModel(invoice)); } catch (Exception ex) { return this.CreateAPIError("generic-error", ex.Message); } } protected BTCPayNetwork GetNetwork(string cryptoCode) => _handlers.TryGetValue(PaymentTypes.LN.GetPaymentMethodId(cryptoCode), out var h) && h is IHasNetwork { Network: var network } ? network : null; protected JsonHttpException ErrorLightningNodeNotConfiguredForStore() { return new JsonHttpException(this.CreateAPIError(404, "lightning-not-configured", "The lightning node is not set up")); } protected JsonHttpException ErrorInternalLightningNodeNotConfigured() { return new JsonHttpException(this.CreateAPIError(404, "lightning-not-configured", "The internal lightning node is not set up")); } protected JsonHttpException ErrorCryptoCodeNotFound() { return new JsonHttpException(this.CreateAPIError(404, "unknown-cryptocode", "This crypto code isn't set up in this BTCPay Server instance")); } protected JsonHttpException ErrorShouldBeAdminForInternalNode() { return new JsonHttpException(this.CreateAPIPermissionError("btcpay.server.canuseinternallightningnode", "The user should be admin to use the internal lightning node")); } private LightningInvoiceData ToModel(LightningInvoice invoice) { var data = new LightningInvoiceData { Amount = invoice.Amount, Id = invoice.Id, Status = invoice.Status, AmountReceived = invoice.AmountReceived, PaidAt = invoice.PaidAt, BOLT11 = invoice.BOLT11, ExpiresAt = invoice.ExpiresAt, PaymentHash = invoice.PaymentHash, Preimage = invoice.Preimage }; if (invoice.CustomRecords != null) { data.CustomRecords = invoice.CustomRecords; } return data; } private LightningPaymentData ToModel(LightningPayment payment) { return new LightningPaymentData { TotalAmount = payment.AmountSent, FeeAmount = payment.Amount != null && payment.AmountSent != null ? payment.AmountSent - payment.Amount : null, Id = payment.Id, Status = payment.Status, CreatedAt = payment.CreatedAt, BOLT11 = payment.BOLT11, PaymentHash = payment.PaymentHash, Preimage = payment.Preimage }; } protected async Task CanUseInternalLightning(bool doingAdminThings) { return (!doingAdminThings && this._policiesSettings.AllowLightningInternalNodeForAll) || (await _authorizationService.AuthorizeAsync(User, null, new PolicyRequirement(Policies.CanUseInternalLightningNode))).Succeeded; } protected abstract Task GetLightningClient(string cryptoCode, bool doingAdminThings); } }