@using NBitcoin @model NBXplorer.Models.GenerateWalletRequest
You may generate a wallet with a seed and import the xpub it into BTCPay. You can optionally also tell NBX to import the keys to the node wallet to be able to view & spend received funds from it.
You can choose to import an existing mnemonic seed phrase. If you leave blank, we will generate one for you.
If checked, each private key associated with an address generated will be stored as metadata in NBXplorer. While convenient, this means that anyone with access to your server will have access to your private keys and will be able to steal your funds.
If checked, each address generated will be imported into the node wallet so that you can view your balance through your node. When this is enabled alongside Is hot wallet, you're also able to use the node wallet to spend (this works pretty well in conjunction with apps such as FullyNoded).
Is hot wallet