/// /// file: vaultbridge.js var vaultui = (function () { /** * @param {string} type * @param {string} txt * @param {string} id */ function VaultFeedback(type, txt, id) { var self = this; this.type = type; this.txt = txt; this.id = id; /** * @param {string} str * @param {string} by */ this.replace = function (str, by) { return new VaultFeedback(self.type, self.txt.replace(str, by), self.id); }; } var VaultFeedbacks = { vaultLoading: new VaultFeedback("?", "Checking BTCPay Server Vault is running...", "vault-loading"), vaultDenied: new VaultFeedback("failed", "The user declined access to the vault.", "vault-denied"), vaultGranted: new VaultFeedback("ok", "Access to vault granted by owner.", "vault-granted"), noVault: new VaultFeedback("failed", "BTCPay Server Vault does not seem to be running, you can download it on Github.", "no-vault"), noWebsockets: new VaultFeedback("failed", "Web sockets are not supported by the browser.", "no-websocket"), errorWebsockets: new VaultFeedback("failed", "Error of the websocket while connecting to the backend.", "error-websocket"), bridgeConnected: new VaultFeedback("ok", "BTCPayServer successfully connected to the vault.", "bridge-connected"), vaultNeedUpdate: new VaultFeedback("failed", "Your BTCPay Server Vault version is outdated. Please download the latest version.", "vault-outdated"), noDevice: new VaultFeedback("failed", "No device connected.", "no-device"), needInitialized: new VaultFeedback("failed", "The device has not been initialized.", "need-initialized"), fetchingDevice: new VaultFeedback("?", "Fetching device...", "fetching-device"), deviceFound: new VaultFeedback("ok", "Device found: {{0}}", "device-selected"), fetchingXpubs: new VaultFeedback("?", "Fetching public keys...", "fetching-xpubs"), askXpubs: new VaultFeedback("?", "Select your address type and account", "fetching-xpubs"), fetchedXpubs: new VaultFeedback("ok", "Public keys successfully fetched.", "xpubs-fetched"), unexpectedError: new VaultFeedback("failed", "An unexpected error happened. ({{0}})", "unknown-error"), invalidNetwork: new VaultFeedback("failed", "The device is targeting a different chain.", "invalid-network"), needPin: new VaultFeedback("?", "Enter the pin.", "need-pin"), incorrectPin: new VaultFeedback("failed", "Incorrect pin code.", "incorrect-pin"), invalidPasswordConfirmation: new VaultFeedback("failed", "Invalid password confirmation.", "invalid-password-confirm"), wrongWallet: new VaultFeedback("failed", "This device can't sign the transaction. (Wrong device, wrong passphrase or wrong device fingerprint in your wallet settings)", "wrong-wallet"), wrongKeyPath: new VaultFeedback("failed", "This device can't sign the transaction. (The wallet keypath in your wallet settings seems incorrect)", "wrong-keypath"), needPassphrase: new VaultFeedback("?", "Enter the passphrase.", "need-passphrase"), needPassphraseOnDevice: new VaultFeedback("?", "Please, enter the passphrase on the device.", "need-passphrase-on-device"), signingTransaction: new VaultFeedback("?", "Please review and confirm the transaction on your device...", "ask-signing"), reviewAddress: new VaultFeedback("?", "Sending... Please review the address on your device...", "ask-signing"), signingRejected: new VaultFeedback("failed", "The user refused to sign the transaction", "user-reject"), }; /** * @param {string} backend_uri */ function VaultBridgeUI(backend_uri) { /** * @type {VaultBridgeUI} */ var self = this; /** * @type {string} */ this.backend_uri = backend_uri; /** * @type {vault.VaultBridge} */ this.bridge = null; /** * @type {string} */ this.psbt = null; this.xpub = null; this.retryShowing = false; function showRetry() { var button = $("#vault-retry"); self.retryShowing = true; button.show(); } this.currentFeedback = 1; /** * @param {VaultFeedback} feedback */ function show(feedback) { const $icon = document.querySelector(`.vault-feedback.vault-feedback${self.currentFeedback} .vault-feedback-icon`); let iconClasses = ''; if (feedback.type == "?") { iconClasses = "icon-dots feedback-icon-loading"; } else if (feedback.type == "ok") { iconClasses = "icon-checkmark feedback-icon-success"; $icon.innerHTML = $icon.innerHTML.replace("#dots", "#checkmark"); } else if (feedback.type == "failed") { iconClasses = "icon-cross feedback-icon-failed"; $icon.innerHTML = $icon.innerHTML.replace("#dots", "#cross"); showRetry(); } $icon.setAttribute('class', `vault-feedback-icon icon me-2 ${iconClasses}`); const $content = document.querySelector(`.vault-feedback.vault-feedback${self.currentFeedback} .vault-feedback-content`); $content.innerHTML = feedback.txt; if (feedback.type === 'ok') self.currentFeedback++; if (feedback.type === 'failed') self.currentFeedback = 1; } function showError(json) { if (json.hasOwnProperty("error")) { for (var key in VaultFeedbacks) { if (VaultFeedbacks.hasOwnProperty(key) && VaultFeedbacks[key].id == json.error) { if (VaultFeedbacks.unexpectedError === VaultFeedbacks[key]) { show(VaultFeedbacks.unexpectedError.replace("{{0}}", json.message)); } else { show(VaultFeedbacks[key]); } if (json.hasOwnProperty("details")) console.warn(json.details); return; } } show(VaultFeedbacks.unexpectedError.replace("{{0}}", json.message)); if (json.hasOwnProperty("details")) console.warn(json.details); } } function showMessage(message) { let type = 'ok'; if (message.type === 'Error') type = 'failed'; if (message.type === 'Processing') type = '?'; show(new VaultFeedback(type, message.message, "")); if (type.debug) console.warn(type.debug); } async function needRetry(json) { if (json.hasOwnProperty("error")) { var handled = false; if (json.error === "need-device") { handled = true; if (await self.askForDevice()) return true; } if (json.error === "need-pin") { handled = true; if (await self.askForPin()) return true; } if (json.error === "need-passphrase") { handled = true; if (await self.askForPassphrase()) return true; } if (json.error === "need-passphrase-on-device") { handled = true; show(VaultFeedbacks.needPassphraseOnDevice); self.bridge.socket.send("ask-passphrase"); var json = await self.bridge.waitBackendMessage(); if (json.hasOwnProperty("error")) { showError(json); return false; } return true; } if (!handled) { showError(json); } } return false; } this.waitRetryPushed = function () { var button = $("#vault-retry"); return new Promise(function (resolve) { button.click(function () { // Reset feedback statuses $(".vault-feedback").each(function () { var icon = $(this).find(".vault-feedback-icon"); icon.removeClass().addClass("vault-feedback-icon d-none"); $(this).find(".vault-feedback-content").html(''); }); button.hide(); self.retryShowing = false; resolve(true); }); }); }; this.ensureConnectedToBackend = async function () { if (self.retryShowing) { await self.waitRetryPushed(); } if (!self.bridge || self.bridge.socket.readyState !== 1) { $("#vault-dropdown").css("display", "none"); show(VaultFeedbacks.vaultLoading); try { await vault.askVaultPermission(); } catch (ex) { if (ex == vault.errors.notRunning) show(VaultFeedbacks.noVault); else if (ex == vault.errors.denied) show(VaultFeedbacks.vaultDenied); return false; } show(VaultFeedbacks.vaultGranted); try { self.bridge = await vault.connectToBackendSocket(self.backend_uri); show(VaultFeedbacks.bridgeConnected); } catch (ex) { if (ex == vault.errors.socketNotSupported) show(VaultFeedbacks.noWebsockets); if (ex == vault.errors.socketError) show(VaultFeedbacks.errorWebsockets); return false; } } return true; }; this.sendBackendCommand = async function (command) { if (!self.bridge || self.bridge.socket.readyState !== 1) { self.bridge = await vault.connectToBackendSocket(self.backend_uri); } show(VaultFeedbacks.vaultLoading); self.bridge.socket.send(command); while (true) { var json = await self.bridge.waitBackendMessage(); if (json.command === 'showMessage') { showMessage(json); if (json.type === "Error") { showRetry(); return false; } } if (json.command == 'done') { return true; } } } this.askForDisplayAddress = async function (rootedKeyPath) { if (!await self.ensureConnectedToBackend()) return false; show(VaultFeedbacks.reviewAddress); self.bridge.socket.send("display-address"); self.bridge.socket.send(rootedKeyPath); var json = await self.bridge.waitBackendMessage(); if (json.hasOwnProperty("error")) { if (await needRetry(json)) return await self.askForDisplayAddress(rootedKeyPath); return false; } return true; } this.askForDevice = async function () { if (!await self.ensureConnectedToBackend()) return false; show(VaultFeedbacks.fetchingDevice); self.bridge.socket.send("ask-device"); var json = await self.bridge.waitBackendMessage(); if (json.hasOwnProperty("error")) { showError(json); return false; } show(VaultFeedbacks.deviceFound.replace("{{0}}", json.model)); return true; }; this.askForXPubs = async function () { if (!await self.ensureConnectedToBackend()) return false; self.bridge.socket.send("ask-xpub"); var json = await self.bridge.waitBackendMessage(); if (json.hasOwnProperty("error")) { if (await needRetry(json)) return await self.askForXPubs(); return false; } try { var selectedXPubs = await self.getXpubSettings(); self.bridge.socket.send(JSON.stringify(selectedXPubs)); show(VaultFeedbacks.fetchingXpubs); json = await self.bridge.waitBackendMessage(); if (json.hasOwnProperty("error")) { if (await needRetry(json)) return await self.askForXPubs(); return false; } show(VaultFeedbacks.fetchedXpubs); self.xpub = json; return true; } catch (err) { showError({ error: true, message: err }); } }; /** * @returns {Promise<{addressType:string, accountNumber:number}>} */ this.getXpubSettings = function () { show(VaultFeedbacks.askXpubs); $("#vault-xpub").css("display", "block"); $("#vault-confirm").css("display", "block"); $("#vault-confirm").text("Confirm"); return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { $("#vault-confirm").click(async function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $("#vault-xpub").css("display", "none"); $("#vault-confirm").css("display", "none"); $(this).unbind(); const addressType = $("select[name=\"addressType\"]").val(); const accountNumber = parseInt($("input[name=\"accountNumber\"]").val()); if (addressType && !isNaN(accountNumber)) { resolve({ addressType, accountNumber }); } else { reject("Provide an address type and account number") } }); }); }; /** * @returns {Promise} */ this.getUserEnterPin = function () { show(VaultFeedbacks.needPin); $("#pin-input").css("display", "block"); $("#vault-confirm").css("display", "block"); $("#vault-confirm").text("Confirm the pin code"); return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var pinCode = ""; $("#vault-confirm").click(async function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $("#pin-input").css("display", "none"); $("#vault-confirm").css("display", "none"); $(this).unbind(); $(".pin-button").unbind(); $("#pin-display-delete").unbind(); resolve(pinCode); }); $("#pin-display-delete").click(function () { pinCode = ""; $("#pin-display").val(""); }); $(".pin-button").click(function () { var id = $(this).attr('id').replace("pin-", ""); pinCode = pinCode + id; $("#pin-display").val($("#pin-display").val() + "*"); }); }); }; /** * @returns {Promise} */ this.getUserPassphrase = function () { show(VaultFeedbacks.needPassphrase); $("#passphrase-input").css("display", "block"); $("#vault-confirm").css("display", "block"); $("#vault-confirm").text("Confirm the passphrase"); return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { $("#vault-confirm").click(async function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var passphrase = $("#Password").val(); if (passphrase !== $("#PasswordConfirmation").val()) { show(VaultFeedbacks.invalidPasswordConfirmation); return; } $("#passphrase-input").css("display", "none"); $("#vault-confirm").css("display", "none"); $(this).unbind(); resolve(passphrase); }); }); }; this.askForPassphrase = async function () { if (!await self.ensureConnectedToBackend()) return false; var passphrase = await self.getUserPassphrase(); self.bridge.socket.send("set-passphrase"); self.bridge.socket.send(passphrase); return true; } /** * @returns {Promise} */ this.askForPin = async function () { if (!await self.ensureConnectedToBackend()) return false; self.bridge.socket.send("ask-pin"); var json = await self.bridge.waitBackendMessage(); if (json.hasOwnProperty("error")) { if (json.error == "device-already-unlocked") return true; if (await needRetry(json)) return await self.askForPin(); return false; } var pinCode = await self.getUserEnterPin(); self.bridge.socket.send(pinCode); var json = await self.bridge.waitBackendMessage(); if (json.hasOwnProperty("error")) { showError(json); return false; } return true; } /** * @returns {Promise} */ this.askSignPSBT = async function (args) { if (!await self.ensureConnectedToBackend()) return false; show(VaultFeedbacks.signingTransaction); self.bridge.socket.send("ask-sign"); var json = await self.bridge.waitBackendMessage(); if (json.hasOwnProperty("error")) { if (await needRetry(json)) return await self.askSignPSBT(args); return false; } self.bridge.socket.send(JSON.stringify(args)); json = await self.bridge.waitBackendMessage(); if (json.hasOwnProperty("error")) { if (await needRetry(json)) return await self.askSignPSBT(args); return false; } self.psbt = json.psbt; return true; }; this.closeBridge = function () { if (self.bridge) { self.bridge.close(); } }; } return { VaultFeedback: VaultFeedback, VaultBridgeUI: VaultBridgeUI }; })();