using System; using System.Reflection; using BTCPayServer.Models; using BTCPayServer.Models.InvoicingModels; using BTCPayServer.Models.PaymentRequestViewModels; using BTCPayServer.Models.ServerViewModels; using BTCPayServer.Models.WalletViewModels; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Newtonsoft.Json; namespace BTCPayServer { // Classes here remember users preferences on certain pages and store them in unified blob cookie "UserPrefsCookie" public static class ControllerBaseExtension { public static T ParseListQuery(this ControllerBase ctrl, T model) where T : BasePagingViewModel { PropertyInfo prop; if (model is InvoicesModel) prop = typeof(UserPrefsCookie).GetProperty(nameof(UserPrefsCookie.InvoicesQuery)); else if (model is ListPaymentRequestsViewModel) prop = typeof(UserPrefsCookie).GetProperty(nameof(UserPrefsCookie.PaymentRequestsQuery)); else if (model is UsersViewModel) prop = typeof(UserPrefsCookie).GetProperty(nameof(UserPrefsCookie.UsersQuery)); else if (model is PayoutsModel) prop = typeof(UserPrefsCookie).GetProperty(nameof(UserPrefsCookie.PayoutsQuery)); else if (model is PullPaymentsModel) prop = typeof(UserPrefsCookie).GetProperty(nameof(UserPrefsCookie.PullPaymentsQuery)); else throw new Exception("Unsupported BasePagingViewModel for cookie user preferences saving"); return ProcessParse(ctrl, model, prop); } private static T ProcessParse(ControllerBase ctrl, T model, PropertyInfo prop) where T : BasePagingViewModel { var prefCookie = ctrl.HttpContext.GetUserPrefsCookie(); // If the user enter an empty searchTerm, then the variable will be null and not empty string // but we want searchTerm to be null only if the user is browsing the page via some link // NOT if the user entered some empty search var searchTerm = model.SearchTerm; searchTerm = searchTerm is string ? searchTerm : ctrl.Request.Query.ContainsKey(nameof(searchTerm)) ? string.Empty : null; if (searchTerm is null) { var section = prop.GetValue(prefCookie) as ListQueryDataHolder; if (section != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(section.SearchTerm)) { model.SearchTerm = section.SearchTerm; model.TimezoneOffset = section.TimezoneOffset ?? 0; } } else { prop.SetValue(prefCookie, new ListQueryDataHolder(model.SearchTerm, model.TimezoneOffset)); ctrl.Response.Cookies.Append(nameof(UserPrefsCookie), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(prefCookie)); } return model; } } }