@model TwoFactorAuthenticationViewModel @{ ViewData.SetActivePageAndTitle(ManageNavPages.TwoFactorAuthentication, "Two-Factor Authentication"); }


Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is an additional measure to protect your account. In addition to your password you will be asked for a second proof on login. This can be provided by an app (such as Google or Microsoft Authenticator) or a security device (like a Yubikey or your hardware wallet supporting FIDO2).

App-based 2FA

@if (Model.Is2faEnabled) { if (Model.RecoveryCodesLeft == 0) {

You have no recovery codes left.

You must generate a new set of recovery codes before you can log in with a recovery code.

} else if (Model.RecoveryCodesLeft == 1) {

You only have 1 recovery code left.

You can generate a new set of recovery codes.

} else if (Model.RecoveryCodesLeft <= 3) {

You only have @Model.RecoveryCodesLeft recovery codes left.

You should generate a new set of recovery codes.

} }

Security devices

@if (Model.Credentials.Any()) {
@foreach (var device in Model.Credentials) { var name = string.IsNullOrEmpty(device.Name) ? "Unnamed security device" : device.Name;