{ "NOTICE_WARN": "THIS CODE HAS BEEN AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED FROM TRANSIFEX, IF YOU WISH TO HELP TRANSLATION COME ON THE SLACK http://slack.btcpayserver.org TO REQUEST PERMISSION TO https://www.transifex.com/btcpayserver/btcpayserver/", "code": "ko", "currentLanguage": "한국어", "lang": "언어", "Awaiting Payment...": "지불 대기 중...", "Pay with": "Pay with", "Contact and Refund Email": "연락 및 환불 이메일", "Contact_Body": "Please provide an email address below. We’ll contact you at this address if there is an issue with your payment.", "Your email": "자신의 이메일", "Continue": "계속하기", "Please enter a valid email address": "유효한 이메일 주소를 입력해주세요", "Order Amount": "총 주문 금액", "Network Cost": "네트워크 수수료", "Already Paid": "지불 완료", "Due": "지불 대기 중", "Scan": "스캔", "Copy": "복사", "Conversion": "환율", "Open in wallet": "지갑에서 열기", "CompletePay_Body": "To complete your payment, please send {{btcDue}} {{cryptoCode}} to the address below.", "Amount": "금액", "Address": "주소", "Copied": "복사 완료", "ConversionTab_BodyTop": "You can pay {{btcDue}} {{cryptoCode}} using altcoins other than the ones merchant directly supports.", "ConversionTab_BodyDesc": "This service is provided by 3rd party. Please keep in mind that we have no control over how providers will forward your funds. Invoice will only be marked paid once funds are received on {{cryptoCode}} Blockchain.", "ConversionTab_CalculateAmount_Error": "다시 시도", "ConversionTab_LoadCurrencies_Error": "다시 시도", "ConversionTab_Lightning": "No conversion providers available for Lightning Network payments.", "ConversionTab_CurrencyList_Select_Option": "환전할 화폐를 선택하세요", "Invoice expiring soon...": "인보이스가 곧 만료 됨...", "Invoice expired": "인보이스 만료", "What happened?": "무슨 일인가요?", "InvoiceExpired_Body_1": "This invoice has expired. An invoice is only valid for {{maxTimeMinutes}} minutes. \nYou can return to {{storeName}} if you would like to submit your payment again.", "InvoiceExpired_Body_2": "If you tried to send a payment, it has not yet been accepted by the network. We have not yet received your funds.", "InvoiceExpired_Body_3": "", "Invoice ID": "인보이스 ID", "Order ID": "주문 ID", "Return to StoreName": "{{storeName}}으로 돌아가기", "This invoice has been paid": "이 인보이스는 지불 완료됐습니다.", "This invoice has been archived": "This invoice has been archived", "Archived_Body": "Please contact the store for order information or assistance", "BOLT 11 Invoice": "BOLT 11 인보이스", "Node Info": "노드 정보", "txCount": "{{count}} 거래", "txCount_plural": "{{count}} 거래", "Pay with CoinSwitch": "CoinSwitch를 이용해 지불하기", "Pay with Changelly": "Changelly를 이용해 지불하기", "Close": "닫기", "NotPaid_ExtraTransaction": "The invoice hasn't been paid in full. Please send another transaction to cover amount Due.", "Recommended_Fee": "추천하는 수수료: {{feeRate}} sat/byte", "View receipt": "View receipt" }