@model LndGrpcServicesViewModel @{ ViewData.SetActivePageAndTitle(ServerNavPages.Services); }

LND @Model.ConnectionType

BTCPay exposes LND's @Model.ConnectionType service for outside consumption, you will find connection information here.

QR Code connection

You can use this QR Code to connect external software to your LND instance.
This QR Code is only valid for 10 minutes

@if(Model.QRCode == null) {
} else {

See QR Code information by clicking here

Click here to open the configuration file.
More details...

Alternatively, you can see the settings by clicking here

@if (Model.Uri == null) {
} else {
} @if (Model.Macaroon != null) {
} @if (Model.RestrictedMacaroon != null) { @*
*@ } @if (Model.CertificateThumbprint != null) {
@section Scripts { @await Html.PartialAsync("_ValidationScriptsPartial") @if(Model.QRCode != null) { } }