using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Newtonsoft.Json; namespace BTCPayServer.Models.ServerViewModels { public class LndSeedBackupViewModel { public bool IsWalletUnlockPresent { get; set; } public string WalletPassword { get; set; } public string Seed { get; set; } public bool Removed { get; set; } public async Task RemoveSeedAndWrite(string lndSeedFilePath) { var removedDate = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var seedFile = new LndSeedFile { wallet_password = WalletPassword, cipher_seed_mnemonic = new List { $"Seed removed on {removedDate}" } }; var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(seedFile); try { await File.WriteAllTextAsync(lndSeedFilePath, json); return true; } catch { // file access exception and such return false; } } public static LndSeedBackupViewModel Parse(string lndSeedFilePath) { try { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lndSeedFilePath) && File.Exists(lndSeedFilePath)) { var unlockFileContents = File.ReadAllText(lndSeedFilePath); var unlockFile = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(unlockFileContents); #pragma warning disable CA1820 // Test for empty strings using string length if (unlockFile.wallet_password == string.Empty) #pragma warning restore CA1820 // Test for empty strings using string length { // Nicolas stupidinly deleted the password, so we should use the default one here... unlockFile.wallet_password = "hellorockstar"; } if (unlockFile.wallet_password != null) { return new LndSeedBackupViewModel { WalletPassword = unlockFile.wallet_password, Seed = string.Join(' ', unlockFile.cipher_seed_mnemonic), IsWalletUnlockPresent = true, Removed = unlockFile.cipher_seed_mnemonic.Count == 1 }; } } } catch { } return new LndSeedBackupViewModel(); } private class LndSeedFile { public string wallet_password { get; set; } public List cipher_seed_mnemonic { get; set; } } } }