@model IntegrationsViewModel @{ var shopify = Model.Shopify; var shopifyCredsSet = shopify?.IntegratedAt.HasValue is true; var shopifyUrl = !Model.Shopify?.ShopName?.Contains(".") is true ? $"https://{shopify.ShopName}.myshopify.com" : shopify.ShopName; }


@if (!shopifyCredsSet) {

Create a Shopify Private App with the permissions "Orders - Read and write"

} else {
@if (!Model.Shopify?.ShopName?.Contains(".") is true) {
} @if (!Model.Shopify?.ShopName?.Contains(".") is true) {

In Shopify please paste following script at Settings > Checkout > Order Processing > Additional Scripts


In Shopify please add a payment method at Settings > Payments > Manual Payment Methods with the name Bitcoin with BTCPay Server

Orders on @shopify.ShopName.myshopify.com will be marked as paid on successful invoice payment. Started: @shopify.IntegratedAt.Value.ToBrowserDate()
