@using BTCPayServer.Abstractions.Contracts; @using BTCPayServer.Configuration; @using BTCPayServer.Data; @using BTCPayServer.Services.Notifications; @using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity; @using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing; @using Microsoft.Extensions.Localization @implements IDisposable @inject AuthenticationStateProvider _AuthenticationStateProvider @inject NotificationManager _NotificationManager @inject UserManager _UserManager @inject IStringLocalizer StringLocalizer @inject IJSRuntime _JSRuntime @inject LinkGenerator _LinkGenerator @inject BTCPayServerOptions _BTCPayServerOptions @inject EventAggregator _EventAggregator
@if (UnseenCount == "0") { } else { } @if (UnseenCount != "0" && Last5 is not null) { }
@code { string NotificationsUrl => _LinkGenerator.GetPathByAction("Index", "UINotifications", pathBase: _BTCPayServerOptions.RootPath); string NotificationUrl(string notificationId) => _LinkGenerator.GetPathByAction("NotificationPassThrough", "UINotifications", values: new { id = notificationId }, pathBase: _BTCPayServerOptions.RootPath); string UnseenCount; List Last5; IDisposable _EventAggregatorListener; protected override void OnInitialized() { if (_JSRuntime.IsPreRendering()) return; _EventAggregatorListener = _EventAggregator.Subscribe((s, evt) => { _ = InvokeAsync(async () => { if (await GetUserId() is string userId) { var res = await _NotificationManager.GetSummaryNotifications(userId, cachedOnly: false); UpdateState(res); StateHasChanged(); } }); }); } public void Dispose() => _EventAggregatorListener?.Dispose(); static string SeenCount(int? count) { if (count is not int c) return "0"; if (c >= NotificationManager.MaxUnseen) return $"{NotificationManager.MaxUnseen - 1}+"; return c.ToString(); } void UpdateState((List Items, int? Count) res) { UnseenCount = SeenCount(res.Count); Last5 = res.Items; StateHasChanged(); } protected override async Task OnParametersSetAsync() { if (await GetUserId() is string userId) { // For prerendering and first rendering, always use the cached value var res = await _NotificationManager.GetSummaryNotifications(userId, cachedOnly: true); // If we forget to update the state here, the UI will flicker. // Because the first rendering will think there is 0 events, until the DB call ends and the second rendering happens. // By updating the state here, the first rendering will show the cached value until the second rendering happens UpdateState(res); // We don't want to block the pre-rendering, so we will render again when the costly request is over if (!_JSRuntime.IsPreRendering()) { res = await _NotificationManager.GetSummaryNotifications(userId, cachedOnly: false); UpdateState(res); } } } async Task GetUserId() { var state = await _AuthenticationStateProvider.GetAuthenticationStateAsync(); if (!state.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) return null; return _UserManager.GetUserId(state.User); } private async Task MarkAllAsSeen() { if (await GetUserId() is string userId) { await _NotificationManager.ToggleSeen(new NotificationsQuery() { Seen = false, UserId = userId }, true); UnseenCount = "0"; StateHasChanged(); } } private static string NotificationIcon(string type) { return type switch { "invoice_expired" => "notifications-invoice-failure", "invoice_expiredpaidpartial" => "notifications-invoice-failure", "invoice_failedtoconfirm" => "notifications-invoice-failure", "invoice_confirmed" => "notifications-invoice-settled", "invoice_paidafterexpiration" => "notifications-invoice-settled", "external-payout-transaction" => "notifications-payout", "payout_awaitingapproval" => "notifications-payout", "payout_awaitingpayment" => "notifications-payout-approved", "inviteaccepted" => "notifications-account", "newuserrequiresapproval" => "notifications-account", "newversion" => "notifications-new-version", _ => "note" }; } }