using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net.Http; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using BTCPayServer.Client; using BTCPayServer.Client.Models; using BTCPayServer.Controllers; using BTCPayServer.Events; using BTCPayServer.JsonConverters; using BTCPayServer.Services; using BTCPayServer.Tests.Logging; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using NBitcoin; using NBitpayClient; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using Xunit; using Xunit.Abstractions; using CreateApplicationUserRequest = BTCPayServer.Client.Models.CreateApplicationUserRequest; using JsonReader = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader; namespace BTCPayServer.Tests { public class GreenfieldAPITests { public const int TestTimeout = TestUtils.TestTimeout; public const string TestApiPath = "api/test/apikey"; public GreenfieldAPITests(ITestOutputHelper helper) { Logs.Tester = new XUnitLog(helper) { Name = "Tests" }; Logs.LogProvider = new XUnitLogProvider(helper); } [Fact(Timeout = TestTimeout)] [Trait("Integration", "Integration")] public async Task ApiKeysControllerTests() { using (var tester = ServerTester.Create()) { await tester.StartAsync(); var user = tester.NewAccount(); user.GrantAccess(); await user.MakeAdmin(); var client = await user.CreateClient(Policies.CanViewProfile); var clientBasic = await user.CreateClient(); //Get current api key var apiKeyData = await client.GetCurrentAPIKeyInfo(); Assert.NotNull(apiKeyData); Assert.Equal(client.APIKey, apiKeyData.ApiKey); Assert.Single(apiKeyData.Permissions); //a client using Basic Auth has no business here await AssertHttpError(401, async () => await clientBasic.GetCurrentAPIKeyInfo()); //revoke current api key await client.RevokeCurrentAPIKeyInfo(); await AssertHttpError(401, async () => await client.GetCurrentAPIKeyInfo()); //a client using Basic Auth has no business here await AssertHttpError(401, async () => await clientBasic.RevokeCurrentAPIKeyInfo()); } } [Fact(Timeout = TestTimeout)] [Trait("Integration", "Integration")] public async Task SpecificCanModifyStoreCantCreateNewStore() { using (var tester = ServerTester.Create()) { await tester.StartAsync(); var acc = tester.NewAccount(); await acc.GrantAccessAsync(); var unrestricted = await acc.CreateClient(); var response = await unrestricted.CreateStore(new CreateStoreRequest() { Name = "mystore" }); var apiKey = (await unrestricted.CreateAPIKey(new CreateApiKeyRequest() { Permissions = new[] { Permission.Create("", response.Id) } })).ApiKey; var restricted = new BTCPayServerClient(unrestricted.Host, apiKey); // Unscoped permission should be required for create store await this.AssertHttpError(403, async () => await restricted.CreateStore(new CreateStoreRequest() { Name = "store2" })); // Unrestricted should work fine await unrestricted.CreateStore(new CreateStoreRequest() { Name = "store2" }); // Restricted but unscoped should work fine apiKey = (await unrestricted.CreateAPIKey(new CreateApiKeyRequest() { Permissions = new[] { Permission.Create("") } })).ApiKey; restricted = new BTCPayServerClient(unrestricted.Host, apiKey); await restricted.CreateStore(new CreateStoreRequest() { Name = "store2" }); } } [Fact(Timeout = TestTimeout)] [Trait("Integration", "Integration")] public async Task CanCreateAndDeleteAPIKeyViaAPI() { using (var tester = ServerTester.Create()) { await tester.StartAsync(); var acc = tester.NewAccount(); await acc.GrantAccessAsync(); var unrestricted = await acc.CreateClient(); var apiKey = await unrestricted.CreateAPIKey(new CreateApiKeyRequest() { Label = "Hello world", Permissions = new Permission[] { Permission.Create(Policies.CanViewProfile) } }); Assert.Equal("Hello world", apiKey.Label); var p = Assert.Single(apiKey.Permissions); Assert.Equal(Policies.CanViewProfile, p.Policy); var restricted = acc.CreateClientFromAPIKey(apiKey.ApiKey); await AssertHttpError(403, async () => await restricted.CreateAPIKey(new CreateApiKeyRequest() { Label = "Hello world2", Permissions = new Permission[] { Permission.Create(Policies.CanViewProfile) } })); await unrestricted.RevokeAPIKey(apiKey.ApiKey); await AssertHttpError(404, async () => await unrestricted.RevokeAPIKey(apiKey.ApiKey)); } } [Fact(Timeout = TestTimeout)] [Trait("Integration", "Integration")] public async Task CanCreateUsersViaAPI() { using (var tester = ServerTester.Create(newDb: true)) { tester.PayTester.DisableRegistration = true; await tester.StartAsync(); var unauthClient = new BTCPayServerClient(tester.PayTester.ServerUri); await AssertValidationError(new[] { "Email", "Password" }, async () => await unauthClient.CreateUser(new CreateApplicationUserRequest())); await AssertValidationError(new[] { "Password" }, async () => await unauthClient.CreateUser( new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = "" })); // Pass too simple await AssertValidationError(new[] { "Password" }, async () => await unauthClient.CreateUser( new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = "", Password = "a" })); // We have no admin, so it should work var user1 = await unauthClient.CreateUser( new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = "", Password = "abceudhqw" }); // We have no admin, so it should work var user2 = await unauthClient.CreateUser( new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = "", Password = "abceudhqw" }); // Duplicate email await AssertValidationError(new[] { "Email" }, async () => await unauthClient.CreateUser( new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = "", Password = "abceudhqw" })); // Let's make an admin var admin = await unauthClient.CreateUser(new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = "", Password = "abceudhqw", IsAdministrator = true }); // Creating a new user without proper creds is now impossible (unauthorized) // Because if registration are locked and that an admin exists, we don't accept unauthenticated connection await AssertHttpError(401, async () => await unauthClient.CreateUser( new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = "", Password = "afewfoiewiou" })); // But should be ok with subscriptions unlocked var settings = tester.PayTester.GetService(); await settings.UpdateSetting(new PoliciesSettings() { LockSubscription = false }); await unauthClient.CreateUser( new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = "", Password = "afewfoiewiou" }); // But it should be forbidden to create an admin without being authenticated await AssertHttpError(403, async () => await unauthClient.CreateUser(new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = "", Password = "afewfoiewiou", IsAdministrator = true })); await settings.UpdateSetting(new PoliciesSettings() { LockSubscription = true }); var adminAcc = tester.NewAccount(); adminAcc.UserId = admin.Id; adminAcc.IsAdmin = true; var adminClient = await adminAcc.CreateClient(Policies.CanModifyProfile); // We should be forbidden to create a new user without proper admin permissions await AssertHttpError(403, async () => await adminClient.CreateUser( new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = "", Password = "afewfoiewiou" })); await AssertHttpError(403, async () => await adminClient.CreateUser(new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = "", Password = "afewfoiewiou", IsAdministrator = true })); // However, should be ok with the unrestricted permissions of an admin adminClient = await adminAcc.CreateClient(Policies.Unrestricted); await adminClient.CreateUser( new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = "", Password = "afewfoiewiou" }); // Even creating new admin should be ok await adminClient.CreateUser(new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = "", Password = "afewfoiewiou", IsAdministrator = true }); var user1Acc = tester.NewAccount(); user1Acc.UserId = user1.Id; user1Acc.IsAdmin = false; var user1Client = await user1Acc.CreateClient(Policies.CanModifyServerSettings); // User1 trying to get server management would still fail to create user await AssertHttpError(403, async () => await user1Client.CreateUser( new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = "", Password = "afewfoiewiou" })); // User1 should be able to create user if subscription unlocked await settings.UpdateSetting(new PoliciesSettings() { LockSubscription = false }); await user1Client.CreateUser( new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = "", Password = "afewfoiewiou" }); // But not an admin await AssertHttpError(403, async () => await user1Client.CreateUser(new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = "", Password = "afewfoiewiou", IsAdministrator = true })); } } [Fact] [Trait("Integration", "Integration")] public async Task CanUsePullPaymentViaAPI() { using (var tester = ServerTester.Create()) { await tester.StartAsync(); var acc = tester.NewAccount(); acc.Register(); acc.CreateStore(); var storeId = (await acc.RegisterDerivationSchemeAsync("BTC", importKeysToNBX: true)).StoreId; var client = await acc.CreateClient(); var result = await client.CreatePullPayment(storeId, new Client.Models.CreatePullPaymentRequest() { Name = "Test", Amount = 12.3m, Currency = "BTC", PaymentMethods = new[] { "BTC" } }); void VerifyResult() { Assert.Equal("Test", result.Name); Assert.Null(result.Period); // If it contains ? it means that we are resolving an unknown route with the link generator Assert.DoesNotContain("?", result.ViewLink); Assert.False(result.Archived); Assert.Equal("BTC", result.Currency); Assert.Equal(12.3m, result.Amount); } VerifyResult(); var unauthenticated = new BTCPayServerClient(tester.PayTester.ServerUri); result = await unauthenticated.GetPullPayment(result.Id); VerifyResult(); await AssertHttpError(404, async () => await unauthenticated.GetPullPayment("lol")); // Can't list pull payments unauthenticated await AssertHttpError(401, async () => await unauthenticated.GetPullPayments(storeId)); var pullPayments = await client.GetPullPayments(storeId); result = Assert.Single(pullPayments); VerifyResult(); Thread.Sleep(1000); var test2 = await client.CreatePullPayment(storeId, new Client.Models.CreatePullPaymentRequest() { Name = "Test 2", Amount = 12.3m, Currency = "BTC", PaymentMethods = new[] { "BTC" } }); Logs.Tester.LogInformation("Can't archive without knowing the walletId"); await Assert.ThrowsAsync(async () => await client.ArchivePullPayment("lol", result.Id)); Logs.Tester.LogInformation("Can't archive without permission"); await Assert.ThrowsAsync(async () => await unauthenticated.ArchivePullPayment(storeId, result.Id)); await client.ArchivePullPayment(storeId, result.Id); result = await unauthenticated.GetPullPayment(result.Id); Assert.True(result.Archived); var pps = await client.GetPullPayments(storeId); result = Assert.Single(pps); Assert.Equal("Test 2", result.Name); pps = await client.GetPullPayments(storeId, true); Assert.Equal(2, pps.Length); Assert.Equal("Test 2", pps[0].Name); Assert.Equal("Test", pps[1].Name); var payouts = await unauthenticated.GetPayouts(pps[0].Id); Assert.Empty(payouts); var destination = (await tester.ExplorerNode.GetNewAddressAsync()).ToString(); await this.AssertAPIError("overdraft", async () => await unauthenticated.CreatePayout(pps[0].Id, new CreatePayoutRequest() { Destination = destination, Amount = 1_000_000m, PaymentMethod = "BTC", })); await this.AssertAPIError("archived", async () => await unauthenticated.CreatePayout(pps[1].Id, new CreatePayoutRequest() { Destination = destination, PaymentMethod = "BTC" })); var payout = await unauthenticated.CreatePayout(pps[0].Id, new CreatePayoutRequest() { Destination = destination, PaymentMethod = "BTC" }); payouts = await unauthenticated.GetPayouts(pps[0].Id); var payout2 = Assert.Single(payouts); Assert.Equal(payout.Amount, payout2.Amount); Assert.Equal(payout.Id, payout2.Id); Assert.Equal(destination, payout2.Destination); Assert.Equal(PayoutState.AwaitingApproval, payout.State); Assert.Null(payout.PaymentMethodAmount); Logs.Tester.LogInformation("Can't overdraft"); await this.AssertAPIError("overdraft", async () => await unauthenticated.CreatePayout(pps[0].Id, new CreatePayoutRequest() { Destination = destination, Amount = 0.00001m, PaymentMethod = "BTC" })); Logs.Tester.LogInformation("Can't create too low payout"); await this.AssertAPIError("amount-too-low", async () => await unauthenticated.CreatePayout(pps[0].Id, new CreatePayoutRequest() { Destination = destination, PaymentMethod = "BTC" })); Logs.Tester.LogInformation("Can archive payout"); await client.CancelPayout(storeId, payout.Id); payouts = await unauthenticated.GetPayouts(pps[0].Id); Assert.Empty(payouts); payouts = await client.GetPayouts(pps[0].Id, true); payout = Assert.Single(payouts); Assert.Equal(PayoutState.Cancelled, payout.State); Logs.Tester.LogInformation("Can create payout after cancelling"); payout = await unauthenticated.CreatePayout(pps[0].Id, new CreatePayoutRequest() { Destination = destination, PaymentMethod = "BTC" }); var start = RoundSeconds(DateTimeOffset.Now + TimeSpan.FromDays(7.0)); var inFuture = await client.CreatePullPayment(storeId, new Client.Models.CreatePullPaymentRequest() { Name = "Starts in the future", Amount = 12.3m, StartsAt = start, Currency = "BTC", PaymentMethods = new[] { "BTC" } }); Assert.Equal(start, inFuture.StartsAt); Assert.Null(inFuture.ExpiresAt); await this.AssertAPIError("not-started", async () => await unauthenticated.CreatePayout(inFuture.Id, new CreatePayoutRequest() { Amount = 1.0m, Destination = destination, PaymentMethod = "BTC" })); var expires = RoundSeconds(DateTimeOffset.Now - TimeSpan.FromDays(7.0)); var inPast = await client.CreatePullPayment(storeId, new Client.Models.CreatePullPaymentRequest() { Name = "Will expires", Amount = 12.3m, ExpiresAt = expires, Currency = "BTC", PaymentMethods = new[] { "BTC" } }); await this.AssertAPIError("expired", async () => await unauthenticated.CreatePayout(inPast.Id, new CreatePayoutRequest() { Amount = 1.0m, Destination = destination, PaymentMethod = "BTC" })); await this.AssertValidationError(new[] { "ExpiresAt" }, async () => await client.CreatePullPayment(storeId, new Client.Models.CreatePullPaymentRequest() { Name = "Test 2", Amount = 12.3m, StartsAt = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, ExpiresAt = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow - TimeSpan.FromDays(1) })); Logs.Tester.LogInformation("Create a pull payment with USD"); var pp = await client.CreatePullPayment(storeId, new Client.Models.CreatePullPaymentRequest() { Name = "Test USD", Amount = 5000m, Currency = "USD", PaymentMethods = new[] { "BTC" } }); destination = (await tester.ExplorerNode.GetNewAddressAsync()).ToString(); Logs.Tester.LogInformation("Try to pay it in BTC"); payout = await unauthenticated.CreatePayout(pp.Id, new CreatePayoutRequest() { Destination = destination, PaymentMethod = "BTC" }); await this.AssertAPIError("old-revision", async () => await client.ApprovePayout(storeId, payout.Id, new ApprovePayoutRequest() { Revision = -1 })); await this.AssertAPIError("rate-unavailable", async () => await client.ApprovePayout(storeId, payout.Id, new ApprovePayoutRequest() { RateRule = "DONOTEXIST(BTC_USD)" })); payout = await client.ApprovePayout(storeId, payout.Id, new ApprovePayoutRequest() { Revision = payout.Revision }); Assert.Equal(PayoutState.AwaitingPayment, payout.State); Assert.NotNull(payout.PaymentMethodAmount); Assert.Equal(1.0m, payout.PaymentMethodAmount); // 1 BTC == 5000 USD in tests await this.AssertAPIError("invalid-state", async () => await client.ApprovePayout(storeId, payout.Id, new ApprovePayoutRequest() { Revision = payout.Revision })); } } private DateTimeOffset RoundSeconds(DateTimeOffset dateTimeOffset) { return new DateTimeOffset(dateTimeOffset.Year, dateTimeOffset.Month, dateTimeOffset.Day, dateTimeOffset.Hour, dateTimeOffset.Minute, dateTimeOffset.Second, dateTimeOffset.Offset); } private async Task AssertAPIError(string expectedError, Func act) { var err = await Assert.ThrowsAsync(async () => await act()); Assert.Equal(expectedError, err.APIError.Code); } [Fact(Timeout = TestTimeout)] [Trait("Integration", "Integration")] public async Task StoresControllerTests() { using (var tester = ServerTester.Create()) { await tester.StartAsync(); var user = tester.NewAccount(); user.GrantAccess(); await user.MakeAdmin(); var client = await user.CreateClient(Policies.Unrestricted); //create store var newStore = await client.CreateStore(new CreateStoreRequest() { Name = "A" }); //update store var updatedStore = await client.UpdateStore(newStore.Id, new UpdateStoreRequest() { Name = "B" }); Assert.Equal("B", updatedStore.Name); Assert.Equal("B", (await client.GetStore(newStore.Id)).Name); //list stores var stores = await client.GetStores(); var storeIds = stores.Select(data => data.Id); var storeNames = stores.Select(data => data.Name); Assert.NotNull(stores); Assert.Equal(2, stores.Count()); Assert.Contains(newStore.Id, storeIds); Assert.Contains(user.StoreId, storeIds); //get store var store = await client.GetStore(user.StoreId); Assert.Equal(user.StoreId, store.Id); Assert.Contains(store.Name, storeNames); //remove store await client.RemoveStore(newStore.Id); await AssertHttpError(403, async () => { await client.GetStore(newStore.Id); }); Assert.Single(await client.GetStores()); newStore = await client.CreateStore(new CreateStoreRequest() { Name = "A" }); var scopedClient = await user.CreateClient(Permission.Create(Policies.CanViewStoreSettings, user.StoreId).ToString()); Assert.Single(await scopedClient.GetStores()); // We strip the user's Owner right, so the key should not work using var ctx = tester.PayTester.GetService().CreateContext(); var storeEntity = await ctx.UserStore.SingleAsync(u => u.ApplicationUserId == user.UserId && u.StoreDataId == newStore.Id); storeEntity.Role = "Guest"; await ctx.SaveChangesAsync(); await AssertHttpError(403, async () => await client.UpdateStore(newStore.Id, new UpdateStoreRequest() { Name = "B" })); } } private async Task AssertValidationError(string[] fields, Func act) { var remainingFields = fields.ToHashSet(); var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync(act); foreach (var field in fields) { Assert.Contains(field, ex.ValidationErrors.Select(e => e.Path).ToArray()); remainingFields.Remove(field); } Assert.Empty(remainingFields); } private async Task AssertHttpError(int code, Func act) { var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync(act); Assert.Contains(code.ToString(), ex.Message); } [Fact(Timeout = TestTimeout)] [Trait("Integration", "Integration")] public async Task UsersControllerTests() { using (var tester = ServerTester.Create(newDb: true)) { tester.PayTester.DisableRegistration = true; await tester.StartAsync(); var user = tester.NewAccount(); user.GrantAccess(); await user.MakeAdmin(); var clientProfile = await user.CreateClient(Policies.CanModifyProfile); var clientServer = await user.CreateClient(Policies.CanCreateUser, Policies.CanViewProfile); var clientInsufficient = await user.CreateClient(Policies.CanModifyStoreSettings); var clientBasic = await user.CreateClient(); var apiKeyProfileUserData = await clientProfile.GetCurrentUser(); Assert.NotNull(apiKeyProfileUserData); Assert.Equal(apiKeyProfileUserData.Id, user.UserId); Assert.Equal(apiKeyProfileUserData.Email, user.RegisterDetails.Email); await Assert.ThrowsAsync(async () => await clientInsufficient.GetCurrentUser()); await clientServer.GetCurrentUser(); await clientProfile.GetCurrentUser(); await clientBasic.GetCurrentUser(); await Assert.ThrowsAsync(async () => await clientInsufficient.CreateUser(new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = $"{Guid.NewGuid()}", Password = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() })); var newUser = await clientServer.CreateUser(new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = $"{Guid.NewGuid()}", Password = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() }); Assert.NotNull(newUser); var newUser2 = await clientBasic.CreateUser(new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = $"{Guid.NewGuid()}", Password = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() }); Assert.NotNull(newUser2); await AssertValidationError(new[] { "Email" }, async () => await clientServer.CreateUser(new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = $"{Guid.NewGuid()}", Password = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() })); await AssertValidationError(new[] { "Password" }, async () => await clientServer.CreateUser( new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Email = $"{Guid.NewGuid()}", })); await AssertValidationError(new[] { "Email" }, async () => await clientServer.CreateUser( new CreateApplicationUserRequest() { Password = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() })); } } [Fact(Timeout = TestTimeout)] [Trait("Integration", "Integration")] public async Task HealthControllerTests() { using (var tester = ServerTester.Create()) { await tester.StartAsync(); var unauthClient = new BTCPayServerClient(tester.PayTester.ServerUri); var apiHealthData = await unauthClient.GetHealth(); Assert.NotNull(apiHealthData); Assert.True(apiHealthData.Synchronized); } } [Fact(Timeout = TestTimeout)] [Trait("Integration", "Integration")] public async Task ServerInfoControllerTests() { using (var tester = ServerTester.Create()) { await tester.StartAsync(); var unauthClient = new BTCPayServerClient(tester.PayTester.ServerUri); await AssertHttpError(401, async () => await unauthClient.GetServerInfo()); var user = tester.NewAccount(); user.GrantAccess(); var clientBasic = await user.CreateClient(); var serverInfoData = await clientBasic.GetServerInfo(); Assert.NotNull(serverInfoData); Assert.NotNull(serverInfoData.Version); Assert.NotNull(serverInfoData.Onion); Assert.True(serverInfoData.FullySynched); Assert.Contains("BTC", serverInfoData.SupportedPaymentMethods); Assert.Contains("BTC_LightningLike", serverInfoData.SupportedPaymentMethods); Assert.NotNull(serverInfoData.SyncStatus); Assert.Single(serverInfoData.SyncStatus.Select(s => s.CryptoCode == "BTC")); } } [Fact(Timeout = TestTimeout)] [Trait("Integration", "Integration")] public async Task PaymentControllerTests() { using (var tester = ServerTester.Create()) { await tester.StartAsync(); var user = tester.NewAccount(); user.GrantAccess(); await user.MakeAdmin(); var client = await user.CreateClient(Policies.Unrestricted); var viewOnly = await user.CreateClient(Policies.CanViewPaymentRequests); //create payment request //validation errors await AssertValidationError(new[] { "Amount", "Currency" }, async () => { await client.CreatePaymentRequest(user.StoreId, new CreatePaymentRequestRequest() { Title = "A" }); }); await AssertValidationError(new[] { "Amount" }, async () => { await client.CreatePaymentRequest(user.StoreId, new CreatePaymentRequestRequest() { Title = "A", Currency = "BTC", Amount = 0 }); }); await AssertValidationError(new[] { "Currency" }, async () => { await client.CreatePaymentRequest(user.StoreId, new CreatePaymentRequestRequest() { Title = "A", Currency = "helloinvalid", Amount = 1 }); }); await AssertHttpError(403, async () => { await viewOnly.CreatePaymentRequest(user.StoreId, new CreatePaymentRequestRequest() { Title = "A", Currency = "helloinvalid", Amount = 1 }); }); var newPaymentRequest = await client.CreatePaymentRequest(user.StoreId, new CreatePaymentRequestRequest() { Title = "A", Currency = "USD", Amount = 1 }); //list payment request var paymentRequests = await viewOnly.GetPaymentRequests(user.StoreId); Assert.NotNull(paymentRequests); Assert.Single(paymentRequests); Assert.Equal(newPaymentRequest.Id, paymentRequests.First().Id); //get payment request var paymentRequest = await viewOnly.GetPaymentRequest(user.StoreId, newPaymentRequest.Id); Assert.Equal(newPaymentRequest.Title, paymentRequest.Title); //update payment request var updateRequest = JObject.FromObject(paymentRequest).ToObject(); updateRequest.Title = "B"; await AssertHttpError(403, async () => { await viewOnly.UpdatePaymentRequest(user.StoreId, paymentRequest.Id, updateRequest); }); await client.UpdatePaymentRequest(user.StoreId, paymentRequest.Id, updateRequest); paymentRequest = await client.GetPaymentRequest(user.StoreId, newPaymentRequest.Id); Assert.Equal(updateRequest.Title, paymentRequest.Title); //archive payment request await AssertHttpError(403, async () => { await viewOnly.ArchivePaymentRequest(user.StoreId, paymentRequest.Id); }); await client.ArchivePaymentRequest(user.StoreId, paymentRequest.Id); Assert.DoesNotContain(paymentRequest.Id, (await client.GetPaymentRequests(user.StoreId)).Select(data => data.Id)); //let's test some payment stuff await user.RegisterDerivationSchemeAsync("BTC"); var paymentTestPaymentRequest = await client.CreatePaymentRequest(user.StoreId, new CreatePaymentRequestRequest() { Amount = 0.1m, Currency = "BTC", Title = "Payment test title" }); var invoiceId = Assert.IsType(Assert.IsType(await user.GetController() .PayPaymentRequest(paymentTestPaymentRequest.Id, false)).Value); var invoice = user.BitPay.GetInvoice(invoiceId); await tester.WaitForEvent(async () => { await tester.ExplorerNode.SendToAddressAsync( BitcoinAddress.Create(invoice.BitcoinAddress, tester.ExplorerNode.Network), invoice.BtcDue); }); await TestUtils.EventuallyAsync(async () => { Assert.Equal(Invoice.STATUS_PAID, user.BitPay.GetInvoice(invoiceId).Status); Assert.Equal(PaymentRequestData.PaymentRequestStatus.Completed, (await client.GetPaymentRequest(user.StoreId, paymentTestPaymentRequest.Id)).Status); }); } } [Fact(Timeout = TestTimeout)] [Trait("Fast", "Fast")] public void DecimalStringJsonConverterTests() { JsonReader Get(string val) { return new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(val)); } var jsonConverter = new DecimalStringJsonConverter(); Assert.True(jsonConverter.CanConvert(typeof(decimal))); Assert.True(jsonConverter.CanConvert(typeof(decimal?))); Assert.False(jsonConverter.CanConvert(typeof(double))); Assert.False(jsonConverter.CanConvert(typeof(float))); Assert.False(jsonConverter.CanConvert(typeof(int))); Assert.False(jsonConverter.CanConvert(typeof(string))); var numberJson = "1"; var numberDecimalJson = "1.2"; var stringJson = "\"1.2\""; Assert.Equal(1m, jsonConverter.ReadJson(Get(numberJson), typeof(decimal), null, null)); Assert.Equal(1.2m, jsonConverter.ReadJson(Get(numberDecimalJson), typeof(decimal), null, null)); Assert.Null(jsonConverter.ReadJson(Get("null"), typeof(decimal?), null, null)); Assert.Throws(() => { jsonConverter.ReadJson(Get("null"), typeof(decimal), null, null); }); Assert.Equal(1.2m, jsonConverter.ReadJson(Get(stringJson), typeof(decimal), null, null)); Assert.Equal(1.2m, jsonConverter.ReadJson(Get(stringJson), typeof(decimal?), null, null)); } } }