@model StoreViewModel @{ Layout = "../Shared/_NavLayout.cshtml"; ViewData.SetActivePageAndTitle(StoreNavPages.Index, "Profile"); }
Derivation Scheme
The DerivationScheme represents the destination of the funds received by your invoice on chain.
@foreach(var scheme in Model.DerivationSchemes) { }
Crypto Derivation Scheme Enabled Actions
@scheme.Crypto @scheme.Value @if(scheme.Enabled) { } else { } @if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(scheme.Value)) { Wallet - } Modify
Lightning nodes (Experimental)

A connection to a lightning charge node is required to generate lightning network enabled invoices.
This is experimental and not advised for production.

@foreach(var scheme in Model.LightningNodes) { }
Crypto Address Enabled Actions
@scheme.CryptoCode @scheme.Address @if(scheme.Enabled) { } else { } Modify

Available placeholders are: {StoreName}, {ItemDescription} and {OrderId}

Third party Payment methods
@foreach(var scheme in Model.ThirdPartyPaymentMethods) { }
Provider Enabled Actions
@scheme.Provider @if(scheme.Enabled) { } else { } Modify
Service Actions
Email Modify
@if(Model.CanDelete) { }
@section Scripts { @await Html.PartialAsync("_ValidationScriptsPartial") }