@model PaymentModel
@if (Model.CustomLogoLink != null) { } else { }
{{$t("Invoice expired")}} {{$t("Invoice expiring soon...")}} {{$t("Awaiting Payment...")}}
{{$t("Pay with")}}
@if (Model.AvailableCryptos.Count > 1) {
{{srvModel.paymentMethodName}} ({{srvModel.cryptoCode}})
} else {
{{srvModel.paymentMethodName}} ({{srvModel.cryptoCode}})
{{ srvModel.storeName }}
{{ srvModel.itemDesc }}
{{ srvModel.btcPaid }} {{ srvModel.cryptoCode }}
{{ srvModel.btcDue }} {{ srvModel.cryptoCode }}
1 {{ srvModel.cryptoCode }} = {{ srvModel.rate }}
{{$t("Order Amount")}}
{{srvModel.orderAmount}} {{ srvModel.cryptoCode }}
{{$t("Network Cost")}}
{{ srvModel.networkFee }} {{ srvModel.cryptoCode }} {{$t("txCount", {count: srvModel.txCount})}} x {{ srvModel.networkFee }} {{ srvModel.cryptoCode }}
{{$t("Already Paid")}}
-{{srvModel.btcPaid }} {{ srvModel.cryptoCode }}
{{srvModel.btcDue}} {{ srvModel.cryptoCode }}
@if (Model.AllowCoinConversion) {
} else {
{{$t("Contact and Refund Email")}}
{{$t("Contact_Body")}} {{$t("Please enter a valid email address")}}
{{$t("CompletePay_Body", srvModel)}}
@if (Model.AllowCoinConversion) {
{{$t("This invoice has been archived")}}
{{$t("What happened?")}}
{{$t("InvoiceExpired_Body_1", {storeName: srvModel.storeName, maxTimeMinutes: @Model.MaxTimeMinutes})}}
{{$t("Invoice ID")}}: {{srvModel.invoiceId}}
{{$t("Order ID")}}: {{srvModel.orderId}}
{{$t("Return to StoreName", srvModel)}}
@* Obsolete? Start *@
Contact & Refund Email
If there is an issue with this payment, or a refund needs to be made, we will contact you at this address.
There seems to be a problem
This invoice was previously opened, and the address {Entered email address} was submitted as your contact email. If you entered this email, you can still safely make your payment.

If you did not submit the email address, it's possible a thief falsely submitted this address to steal refunds. Please contact the merchant about this security incident, and try your payment again.
Please confirm your address
You should receive an email from us in a moment at {enterd refund email}. To ensure your refund is sent to the correct address, please confirm your bitcoin address by clicking the link in the email.
Please provide a refund address.
To send your refund of {BTC to refund} BTC, we’ll need a bitcoin address from your wallet. Please open your bitcoin wallet, copy a receiving address, and paste it below. Please enter a valid bitcoin address.
Processing Refund
The amount below will be refunded to you within 1-2 business days.
  Amount To Be Refunded
{BTC Amount} BTC
Will Be Refunded To
Payment Confirming
This payment was made with a low bitcoin miner fee, which may prevent it from being accepted by the Bitcoin network.
This is an issue with the configuration of your bitcoin wallet.
If the transaction doesn't confirm, the funds will be spendable again in your wallet. Depending on the wallet, this may take 48-72 hours.
Transaction created
Transaction confirming — funds have not yet moved
Payment received by {{srvModel.storeName}}
Refund Complete
Overpaid By Amount Refunded
{BTC amount} BTC
Refunded To
@* Obsolete? End *@