document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { const parseConfig = str => { try { return JSON.parse(str) } catch (err) { console.error('Error deserializing form config:', err) } } const $config = document.getElementById('FormConfig') let config = parseConfig($config.value) || {} const specialFieldTypeOptions = ['fieldset', 'textarea', 'select'] const inputFieldTypeOptions = ['text', 'number', 'password', 'email', 'url', 'tel', 'date', 'hidden'] const fieldTypeOptions = inputFieldTypeOptions.concat(specialFieldTypeOptions) const getFieldComponent = type => `field-type-${specialFieldTypeOptions.includes(type) ? type : 'input'}` const fieldProps = { type: String, name: String, label: String, value: String, helpText: String, required: Boolean, constant: Boolean, options: Array, fields: Array, validationErrors: Array } const fieldTypeBase = { props: { // internal path: Array, // field config ...fieldProps } } const FieldTypeInput = Vue.extend({ mixins: [fieldTypeBase], name: 'field-type-input', template: '#field-type-input' }) const FieldTypeTextarea = Vue.extend({ mixins: [fieldTypeBase], name: 'field-type-textarea', template: '#field-type-textarea' }) const FieldTypeSelect = Vue.extend({ mixins: [fieldTypeBase], name: 'field-type-select', template: '#field-type-select', props: { options: Array } }) const components = { FieldTypeInput, FieldTypeSelect, FieldTypeTextarea } // register fields-editor and field-type-fieldset globally in order to use them recursively Vue.component('field-type-fieldset', { mixins: [fieldTypeBase], template: '#field-type-fieldset', components, props: { fields: Array, selectedField: fieldProps } }) Vue.component('fields-editor', { template: '#fields-editor', components, props: { path: Array, fields: Array, selectedField: fieldProps }, methods: { getFieldComponent } }) Vue.component('field-editor', { template: '#field-editor', components, data () { return { fieldTypeOptions } }, props: { path: Array, field: fieldProps }, methods: { getFieldComponent, addOption (event) { if (!this.field.options) this.$set(this.field, 'options', []) const index = this.field.options.length + 1 this.field.options.push({ value: `newOption${index}`, text: `New option ${index}` }) }, removeOption(event, index) { console.log(this.field.options, index) this.field.options.splice(index, 1) }, sortOptions (event) { const { newIndex, oldIndex } = event this.field.options.splice(newIndex, 0, this.field.options.splice(oldIndex, 1)[0]) } } }) Vue.use(vSortable) Vue.use(VueSanitizeDirective.default) new Vue({ el: '#FormEditor', name: 'form-editor', data () { return { config, selectedField: null } }, computed: { fields() { return this.config.fields || [] }, configJSON() { return JSON.stringify(this.config, null, 2) } }, methods: { applyTemplate(id) { const $template = document.getElementById(`form-template-${id}`) this.config = JSON.parse($template.innerHTML.trim()) this.selectedField = null }, updateFromJSON(event) { const config = parseConfig( if (!config) return this.config = config this.selectedField = null }, addField(event, path) { const fields = this.getFieldsForPath(path) const index = fields.length + 1 const length = fields.push({ type: 'text', name: `newField${index}`, label: `New field ${index}`, fields: [], options: [] }) this.selectedField = fields[length - 1] }, selectField(event, path, index) { const fields = this.getFieldsForPath(path) this.selectedField = fields[index] }, removeField(event, path, index) { const fields = this.getFieldsForPath(path) fields.splice(index, 1) this.selectedField = null }, sortFields(event, path) { const { newIndex, oldIndex } = event const fields = this.getFieldsForPath(path) fields.splice(newIndex, 0, fields.splice(oldIndex, 1)[0]) }, getFieldsForPath (path) { if (!this.config.fields) this.$set(this.config, 'fields', []) let fields = this.config.fields while (path.length) { const name = path.shift() const field = fields.find(field => === name) if (!field.fields) this.$set(field, 'fields', []) fields = field.fields } return fields } }, mounted () { if (!this.config.fields || this.config.fields.length === 0) { this.addField(null,[]) } } }) })