using System; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Net.Http; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using BTCPayServer.Client.Models; using BTCPayServer.Data; using BTCPayServer.Events; using BTCPayServer.HostedServices; using BTCPayServer.Logging; using BTCPayServer.Plugins.Shopify.ApiModels; using BTCPayServer.Plugins.Shopify.Models; using BTCPayServer.Services.Invoices; using BTCPayServer.Services.Stores; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; namespace BTCPayServer.Plugins.Shopify { public class ShopifyService : EventHostedServiceBase { private readonly StoreRepository _storeRepository; private readonly InvoiceRepository _invoiceRepository; private readonly IHttpClientFactory _httpClientFactory; public ShopifyService(EventAggregator eventAggregator, StoreRepository storeRepository, InvoiceRepository invoiceRepository, IHttpClientFactory httpClientFactory, Logs logs) : base(eventAggregator, logs) { _storeRepository = storeRepository; _invoiceRepository = invoiceRepository; _httpClientFactory = httpClientFactory; } public const string SHOPIFY_ORDER_ID_PREFIX = "shopify-"; protected override void SubscribeToEvents() { Subscribe(); base.SubscribeToEvents(); } protected override async Task ProcessEvent(object evt, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if (evt is InvoiceEvent invoiceEvent && new[] { InvoiceEvent.MarkedCompleted, InvoiceEvent.MarkedInvalid, InvoiceEvent.Expired, InvoiceEvent.Confirmed, InvoiceEvent.Completed }.Contains(invoiceEvent.Name)) { var invoice = invoiceEvent.Invoice; var shopifyOrderId = invoice.GetInternalTags(SHOPIFY_ORDER_ID_PREFIX).FirstOrDefault(); if (shopifyOrderId != null) { var success = invoice.Status switch { InvoiceStatus.Settled => true, InvoiceStatus.Invalid or InvoiceStatus.Expired => false, _ => (bool?)null }; if (success.HasValue) await RegisterTransaction(invoice, shopifyOrderId, success.Value); } } await base.ProcessEvent(evt, cancellationToken); } private async Task RegisterTransaction(InvoiceEntity invoice, string shopifyOrderId, bool success) { var storeData = await _storeRepository.FindStore(invoice.StoreId); var storeBlob = storeData.GetStoreBlob(); // ensure that store in question has shopify integration turned on // and that invoice's orderId has shopify specific prefix var settings = storeBlob.GetShopifySettings(); if (settings?.IntegratedAt.HasValue == true) { var client = CreateShopifyApiClient(settings); if (!await client.OrderExists(shopifyOrderId)) { // don't register transactions for orders that don't exist on shopify return; } // if we got this far, we likely need to register this invoice's payment on Shopify // OrderTransactionRegisterLogic has check if transaction is already registered which is why we're passing invoice.Id try { var resp = await Process(client, shopifyOrderId, invoice.Id, invoice.Currency, invoice.Price.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), success); if (resp != null) { await _invoiceRepository.AddInvoiceLogs(invoice.Id, resp); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logs.PayServer.LogError(ex, $"Shopify error while trying to register order transaction. " + $"Triggered by invoiceId: {invoice.Id}, Shopify orderId: {shopifyOrderId}"); } } } private ShopifyApiClient CreateShopifyApiClient(ShopifySettings shopify) { return new ShopifyApiClient(_httpClientFactory, shopify.CreateShopifyApiCredentials()); } private static string[] _keywords = new[] {"bitcoin", "btc", "btcpayserver", "btcpay server"}; public async Task Process(ShopifyApiClient client, string orderId, string invoiceId, string currency, string amountCaptured, bool success) { var result = new InvoiceLogs(); currency = currency.ToUpperInvariant().Trim(); var existingShopifyOrderTransactions = (await client.TransactionsList(orderId)).transactions; //if there isn't a record for btcpay payment gateway, abort var baseParentTransaction = existingShopifyOrderTransactions.FirstOrDefault(holder => _keywords.Any(a => holder.gateway.Contains(a, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))); if (baseParentTransaction is null) { result.Write("Couldn't find the order on Shopify.", InvoiceEventData.EventSeverity.Error); return result; } //technically, this exploit should not be possible as we use internal invoice tags to verify that the invoice was created by our controlled, dedicated endpoint. if (currency.ToUpperInvariant().Trim() != baseParentTransaction.currency.ToUpperInvariant().Trim()) { // because of parent_id present, currency will always be the one from parent transaction // malicious attacker could potentially exploit this by creating invoice // in different currency and paying that one, registering order on Shopify as paid // so if currency is supplied and is different from parent transaction currency we just won't register result.Write("Currency mismatch on Shopify.", InvoiceEventData.EventSeverity.Error); return result; } var kind = "capture"; var parentId =; var status = success ? "success" : "failure"; //find all existing transactions recorded around this invoice id var existingShopifyOrderTransactionsOnSameInvoice = existingShopifyOrderTransactions.Where(holder => holder.authorization == invoiceId); //filter out the successful ones var successfulActions = existingShopifyOrderTransactionsOnSameInvoice.Where(holder => holder.status == "success").ToArray(); //of the successful ones, get the ones we registered as a valid payment var successfulCaptures = successfulActions.Where(holder => holder.kind == "capture").ToArray(); //of the successful ones, get the ones we registered as a voiding of a previous successful payment var refunds = successfulActions.Where(holder => holder.kind == "refund").ToArray(); //if we are working with a non-success registration, but see that we have previously registered this invoice as a success, we switch to creating a "void" transaction, which in shopify terms is a refund. if (!success && successfulCaptures.Length > 0 && (successfulCaptures.Length - refunds.Length) > 0) { kind = "void"; parentId = successfulCaptures.Last().id; status = "success"; result.Write( "A transaction was previously recorded against the Shopify order. Creating a void transaction.", InvoiceEventData.EventSeverity.Warning); } else if (!success) { kind = "void"; status = "success"; result.Write("Attempting to void the payment on Shopify order due to failure in payment.", InvoiceEventData.EventSeverity.Warning); } //if we are working with a success registration, but can see that we have already had a successful transaction saved, get outta here else if (success && successfulCaptures.Length > 0 && (successfulCaptures.Length - refunds.Length) > 0) { result.Write("A transaction was previously recorded against the Shopify order. Skipping.", InvoiceEventData.EventSeverity.Warning); return result; } var createTransaction = new TransactionsCreateReq { transaction = new TransactionsCreateReq.DataHolder { parent_id = parentId, currency = currency, amount = amountCaptured, kind = kind, gateway = "BTCPayServer", source = "external", authorization = invoiceId, status = status } }; var createResp = await client.TransactionCreate(orderId, createTransaction); if (createResp.transaction is null) { result.Write("Failed to register the transaction on Shopify.", InvoiceEventData.EventSeverity.Error); } else { result.Write( $"Successfully registered the transaction on Shopify. tx status:{createResp.transaction.status}, kind: {createResp.transaction.kind}, order id:{createResp.transaction.order_id}", InvoiceEventData.EventSeverity.Info); } if (!success) { try { await client.CancelOrder(orderId); result.Write("Cancelling the Shopify order.", InvoiceEventData.EventSeverity.Warning); } catch (Exception e) { result.Write($"Failed to cancel the Shopify order. {e.Message}", InvoiceEventData.EventSeverity.Error); } } return result; } } }