#nullable enable using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using BTCPayServer.Data; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory; namespace BTCPayServer; public class LightningAddressService { private readonly ApplicationDbContextFactory _applicationDbContextFactory; private readonly IMemoryCache _memoryCache; public LightningAddressService(ApplicationDbContextFactory applicationDbContextFactory, IMemoryCache memoryCache) { _applicationDbContextFactory = applicationDbContextFactory; _memoryCache = memoryCache; } public async Task> Get(LightningAddressQuery query) { await using var context = _applicationDbContextFactory.CreateContext(); return await GetCore(context, query); } private async Task> GetCore(ApplicationDbContext context, LightningAddressQuery query) { IQueryable queryable = context.LightningAddresses.AsQueryable(); query.Usernames = query.Usernames?.Select(NormalizeUsername)?.ToArray(); if (query.Usernames is not null) { queryable = queryable.Where(data => query.Usernames.Contains(data!.Username)); } if (query.StoreIds is not null) { queryable = queryable.Where(data => query.StoreIds.Contains(data!.StoreDataId)); } #pragma warning disable CS8619 // Nullability of reference types in value doesn't match target type. return await queryable.ToListAsync(); #pragma warning restore CS8619 // Nullability of reference types in value doesn't match target type. } public async Task ResolveByAddress(string username) { return await _memoryCache.GetOrCreateAsync(GetKey(username), async entry => { var result = await Get(new LightningAddressQuery { Usernames = new[] { username } }); return result.FirstOrDefault(); }); } private string NormalizeUsername(string username) { return username.ToLowerInvariant(); } public async Task Set(LightningAddressData data) { data.Username = NormalizeUsername(data.Username); await using var context = _applicationDbContextFactory.CreateContext(); var result = (await GetCore(context, new LightningAddressQuery { Usernames = new[] { data.Username } })) .FirstOrDefault(); if (result is not null) { if (result.StoreDataId != data.StoreDataId) { return false; } context.Remove(result); } await context.AddAsync(data); await context.SaveChangesAsync(); _memoryCache.Remove(GetKey(data.Username)); return true; } public async Task Remove(string username, string? storeId = null) { username = NormalizeUsername(username); await using var context = _applicationDbContextFactory.CreateContext(); var x = (await GetCore(context, new LightningAddressQuery { Usernames = new[] { username } })).FirstOrDefault(); if (x is null) return true; if (storeId is not null && x.StoreDataId != storeId) { return false; } context.Remove(x); await context.SaveChangesAsync(); _memoryCache.Remove(GetKey(username)); return true; } public async Task Set(LightningAddressData data, ApplicationDbContext context) { var result = (await GetCore(context, new LightningAddressQuery { Usernames = new[] { data.Username } })) .FirstOrDefault(); if (result is not null) { if (result.StoreDataId != data.StoreDataId) { return; } context.Remove(result); } await context.AddAsync(data); } private string GetKey(string username) { username = NormalizeUsername(username); return $"{nameof(LightningAddressService)}_{username}"; } }