function Cart() { this.items = 0; this.totalAmount = 0; this.content = []; this.loadLocalStorage(); this.buildUI(); this.$list = $('#js-cart-list'); this.$items = $('#js-cart-items'); this.$total = $('.js-cart-total'); this.$summaryProducts = $('.js-cart-summary-products'); this.$summaryDiscount = $('.js-cart-summary-discount'); this.$summaryTotal = $('.js-cart-summary-total'); this.$summaryTip = $('.js-cart-summary-tip'); this.$destroy = $('.js-cart-destroy'); this.$confirm = $('#js-cart-confirm'); this.listItems(); this.bindEmptyCart(); this.updateItemsCount(); this.updateAmount(); this.updatePosData(); } Cart.prototype.setCustomAmount = function(amount) { if (!srvModel.showCustomAmount) { return 0; } this.customAmount = this.toNumber(amount); if (this.customAmount > 0) { localStorage.setItem(this.getStorageKey('cartCustomAmount'), this.customAmount); } else { localStorage.removeItem(this.getStorageKey('cartCustomAmount')); } return this.customAmount; } Cart.prototype.getCustomAmount = function() { if (!srvModel.showCustomAmount) { return 0; } return this.toCents(this.customAmount); } Cart.prototype.setTip = function(amount) { if (!srvModel.enableTips) { return 0; } this.tip = this.toNumber(amount); if (this.tip > 0) { localStorage.setItem(this.getStorageKey('cartTip'), this.tip); } else { localStorage.removeItem(this.getStorageKey('cartTip')); } return this.tip; } Cart.prototype.getTip = function() { if (!srvModel.enableTips) { return 0; } return this.toCents(this.tip); } Cart.prototype.setDiscount = function(amount) { if (!srvModel.showDiscount) { return 0; } = this.toNumber(amount); if ( > 0) { localStorage.setItem(this.getStorageKey('cartDiscount'),; } else { localStorage.removeItem(this.getStorageKey('cartDiscount')); } return; } Cart.prototype.getDiscount = function() { if (!srvModel.showDiscount) { return 0; } return this.toCents(; } Cart.prototype.getDiscountAmount = function(amount) { if (!srvModel.showDiscount) { return 0; } return this.percentage(amount, this.getDiscount()); } // Get total amount of products Cart.prototype.getTotalProducts = function() { var amount = 0 ; // Always calculate the total amount based on the cart content for (var key in this.content) { if ( this.content.hasOwnProperty(key) && typeof this.content[key] != 'undefined' && !this.content[key].disabled ) { var price = this.toCents(this.content[key].price.value); amount += (this.content[key].count * price); } } // Add custom amount amount += this.getCustomAmount(); return amount; } // Get absolute total amount Cart.prototype.getTotal = function(includeTip) { this.totalAmount = this.getTotalProducts(); if (this.getDiscount() > 0) { this.totalAmount -= this.getDiscountAmount(this.totalAmount); } if (includeTip) { this.totalAmount += this.getTip(); } return this.fromCents(this.totalAmount); } /* * Data manipulation */ // Add item to the cart or update its count Cart.prototype.addItem = function(item) { var id =, result = this.content.filter(function(obj){ return === id; }); // Add new item because it doesn't exist yet if (!result.length) { this.content.push({id: id, title: item.title, price: item.price, count: 0, image: item.image, inventory: item.inventory}); this.emptyCartToggle(); } // Increment item count this.incrementItem(id); } Cart.prototype.incrementItem = function(id) { var oldItemsCount = this.items; this.items = 0; // Calculate total # of items from scratch just to make sure var result = true; for (var i = 0; i < this.content.length; i++) { var obj = this.content[i]; if ( === id){ if(obj.inventory != null && obj.inventory <= obj.count){ result = false; continue; } obj.count++; delete(obj.disabled); } // Increment the total # of items this.items += obj.count; } if(!result){ this.items = oldItemsCount; } this.updateAll(); return result; } // Disable cart item so it doesn't count towards total amount Cart.prototype.disableItem = function(id) { var self = this; this.content.filter(function(obj){ if ( === id){ obj.disabled = true; self.items -= obj.count; } }); this.updateAll(); } // Enable cart item so it counts towards total amount Cart.prototype.enableItem = function(id) { var self = this; this.content.filter(function(obj){ if ( === id){ delete(obj.disabled); self.items += obj.count; } }); this.updateAll(); } Cart.prototype.decrementItem = function(id) { var self = this; this.items = 0; // Calculate total # of items from scratch just to make sure this.content.filter(function(obj, index, arr){ // Decrement the item count if ( === id) { obj.count--; delete(obj.disabled); // It's the last item with the same ID, remove it if (obj.count <= 0) { self.removeItem(id, index, arr); } } self.items += obj.count; }); this.updateAll(); } Cart.prototype.removeItemAll = function(id) { var self = this; this.items = 0; // Remove by item if (typeof id != 'undefined') { this.content.filter(function(obj, index, arr){ if ( === id) { self.removeItem(id, index, arr); for (var i = 0; i < obj.count; i++) { self.items--; } } self.items += obj.count; }); } else { // Remove all this.$list.find('tbody').empty(); this.content = []; } this.emptyCartToggle(); this.updateAll(); } Cart.prototype.removeItem = function(id, index, arr) { // Remove from the array arr.splice(index, 1); // Remove from the DOM this.$list.find('tr').eq(index+1).remove(); } /* * Update DOM */ // Update all data elements Cart.prototype.updateAll = function() { this.saveLocalStorage(); this.updateItemsCount(); this.updateDiscount(); this.updateSummaryProducts(); this.updateSummaryTotal(); this.updateTotal(); this.updateAmount(); this.updatePosData(); } // Update number of cart items Cart.prototype.updateItemsCount = function() { this.$items.text(this.items); } // Update total products (including the custom amount and discount) in the cart Cart.prototype.updateTotal = function() { this.$total.text(this.formatCurrency(this.getTotal())); } // Update total amount in the summary Cart.prototype.updateSummaryTotal = function() { this.$summaryTotal.text(this.formatCurrency(this.getTotal(true))); } // Update total products amount in the summary Cart.prototype.updateSummaryProducts = function() { this.$summaryProducts.text(this.formatCurrency(this.fromCents(this.getTotalProducts()))); } // Update discount amount in the summary Cart.prototype.updateDiscount = function(amount) { var discount = 0; if (typeof amount != 'undefined') { discount = amount; } else { discount = this.percentage(this.getTotalProducts(), this.getDiscount()); discount = this.fromCents(discount); } this.$summaryDiscount.text((discount > 0 ? '-' : '') + this.formatCurrency(discount)); } // Update tip amount in the summary Cart.prototype.updateTip = function(amount) { var tip = typeof amount != 'undefined' ? amount : this.fromCents(this.getTip()); this.$summaryTip.text(this.formatCurrency(tip)); } // Update hidden total amount value to be sent to the checkout page Cart.prototype.updateAmount = function() { $('#js-cart-amount').val(this.getTotal(true)); } Cart.prototype.updatePosData = function() { var result = { cart: this.content, customAmount: this.fromCents(this.getCustomAmount()), discountPercentage: parseFloat( 0, subTotal: this.fromCents(this.getTotalProducts()), discountAmount: this.fromCents(this.getDiscountAmount(this.totalAmount)), tip: this.tip? this.tip: 0, total: this.getTotal(true) }; console.warn(result); $('#js-cart-posdata').val(JSON.stringify(result)); } Cart.prototype.resetDiscount = function() { this.setDiscount(0); this.updateDiscount(0); $('.js-cart-discount').val(''); } Cart.prototype.resetTip = function() { this.setTip(0); this.updateTip(0); $('.js-cart-tip').val(''); } Cart.prototype.resetCustomAmount = function() { this.setCustomAmount(0); $('.js-cart-custom-amount').val(''); } // Escape html characters Cart.prototype.escape = function(input) { return ('' + input) /* Forces the conversion to string. */ .replace(/&/g, '&') /* This MUST be the 1st replacement. */ .replace(/'/g, ''') /* The 4 other predefined entities, required. */ .replace(/"/g, '"') .replace(//g, '>') ; } // Load the template Cart.prototype.template = function($template, obj) { var template = $template.text(); for (var key in obj) { var re = new RegExp('{' + key + '}', 'mg'); template = template.replace(re, obj[key]); } return template; } // Build the cart skeleton Cart.prototype.buildUI = function() { var $table = $('#js-cart-extra').find('tbody'), list = []; tableTemplate = this.template($('#template-cart-extra'), { 'discount': this.escape(this.fromCents(this.getDiscount()) || ''), 'customAmount': this.escape(this.fromCents(this.getCustomAmount()) || '') }); list.push($(tableTemplate)); tableTemplate = this.template($('#template-cart-total'), { 'total': this.escape(this.formatCurrency(this.getTotal())) }); list.push($(tableTemplate)); // Add the list to DOM $table.append(list); // Change total when discount is changed $('.js-cart-discount').inputAmount(this, 'discount'); // Remove discount $('.js-cart-discount-remove').removeAmount(this, 'discount'); // Change total when discount is changed $('.js-cart-custom-amount').inputAmount(this, 'customAmount'); // Remove discount $('.js-cart-custom-amount-remove').removeAmount(this, 'customAmount'); } // List cart items and bind their events Cart.prototype.listItems = function() { var $table = this.$list.find('tbody'), self = this, list = [], tableTemplate = ''; if (this.content.length > 0) { // Prepare the list of items in the cart for (var key in this.content) { var item = this.content[key], image = this.escape(item.image); tableTemplate = this.template($('#template-cart-item'), { 'id': this.escape(, 'image': image ? this.template($('#template-cart-item-image'), { 'image' : image }) : '', 'title': this.escape(item.title), 'count': this.escape(item.count), 'inventory': this.escape(item.inventory < 0? 99999: item.inventory), 'price': this.escape(item.price.formatted) }); list.push($(tableTemplate)); } // Add the list to DOM $table.html(list); list = []; // Update the cart when number of items is changed $('.js-cart-item-count').off().on('input', function(event){ var _this = this, id = $(this).closest('tr').data('id'), qty = parseInt($(this).val()), isQty = !isNaN(qty), prevQty = parseInt($(this).data('prev')), qtyDiff = Math.abs(qty - prevQty), qtyIncreased = qty > prevQty; if (isQty) { $(this).data('prev', qty); } else { // User hasn't inputed any quantity qty = null; } self.resetTip(); // Quantity was increased if (qtyIncreased) { var item = self.content.filter(function(obj){ return === id; }); // Quantity may have been increased by more than one for (var i = 0; i < qtyDiff; i++) { self.addItem({ id: id, title: item.title, price: item.price, image: typeof item.image != 'underfined' ? item.image : null }); } } else if (!qtyIncreased) { // Quantity decreased // No quantity set (e.g. empty string) if (!isQty) { // Disable the item so it doesn't count towards total amount self.disableItem(id); } else { // Quantity vas decreased if (qtyDiff > 0) { // Quantity may have been decreased by more than one for (var i = 0; i < qtyDiff; i++) { self.decrementItem(id); } } else { // Quantity hasn't changed, enable the item so it counts towards the total amount self.enableItem(id); } } } }); // Remove item from the cart $('.js-cart-item-remove').off().on('click', function(event){ event.preventDefault(); self.resetTip(); self.removeItemAll($(this).closest('tr').data('id')); }); // Increment item $('.js-cart-item-plus').off().on('click', function(event){ event.preventDefault(); if(self.incrementItem($(this).closest('tr').data('id'))){ var $val = $(this).parents('.input-group').find('.js-cart-item-count'), val = parseInt($val.val() || $'prev')) + 1; $val.val(val); $'prev', val); self.resetTip(); } }); // Decrement item $('.js-cart-item-minus').off().on('click', function(event){ event.preventDefault(); var $val = $(this).parents('.input-group').find('.js-cart-item-count'), id = $(this).closest('tr').data('id'), val = parseInt($val.val() || $'prev')) - 1; self.resetTip(); if (val === 0) { self.removeItemAll(id); } else { $val.val(val); $'prev', val); self.decrementItem(id); } }); } } Cart.prototype.bindEmptyCart = function() { var self = this; this.emptyCartToggle(); this.${ event.preventDefault(); self.destroy(); self.emptyCartToggle(); }); } Cart.prototype.emptyCartToggle = function() { if (this.content.length > 0 || this.getCustomAmount()) { this.$; this.$confirm.removeAttr('disabled'); } else { this.$destroy.hide(); this.$confirm.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } } /* * Currencies and numbers */ Cart.prototype.formatCurrency = function(amount) { var amt = '', thousandsSep = '', decimalSep = '' prefix = '', postfix = ''; if (srvModel.currencyInfo.prefixed) { prefix = srvModel.currencyInfo.currencySymbol; if (srvModel.currencyInfo.symbolSpace) { prefix = prefix + ' '; } } else { postfix = srvModel.currencyInfo.currencySymbol; if (srvModel.currencyInfo.symbolSpace) { postfix = ' ' + postfix; } } thousandsSep = srvModel.currencyInfo.thousandSeparator; decimalSep = srvModel.currencyInfo.decimalSeparator; amt = amount.toFixed(srvModel.currencyInfo.divisibility); // Add currency sign and thousands separator var splittedAmount = amt.split('.'); amt = (splittedAmount[0] + '.').replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, '$1' + thousandsSep); amt = amt.substr(0, amt.length - 1); if(splittedAmount.length == 2) { amt = amt + decimalSep + splittedAmount[1]; } if (srvModel.currencyInfo.divisibility !== 0) { amt[amt.length - srvModel.currencyInfo.divisibility - 1] = decimalSep; } amt = prefix + amt + postfix; return amt; } Cart.prototype.toNumber = function(num) { return (num * 1) || 0; } Cart.prototype.toCents = function(num) { return num * Math.pow(10, srvModel.currencyInfo.divisibility); } Cart.prototype.fromCents = function(num) { return num / Math.pow(10, srvModel.currencyInfo.divisibility); } Cart.prototype.percentage = function(amount, percentage) { return this.fromCents((amount / 100) * percentage); } /* * Storage */ Cart.prototype.getStorageKey = function (name) { return (name + srvModel.appId + srvModel.currencyCode); } Cart.prototype.saveLocalStorage = function() { localStorage.setItem(this.getStorageKey('cart'), JSON.stringify(this.content)); } Cart.prototype.loadLocalStorage = function() { this.content = $.parseJSON(localStorage.getItem(this.getStorageKey('cart'))) || []; var self = this; // Get number of cart items for (var i = this.content.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!this.content[i]) { this.content.splice(i,1); continue; } //check if the pos items still has the cached cart items var matchedItem = srvModel.items.find(function(item){ return === self.content[i].id; }); if(!matchedItem){ //remove if no longer available this.content.splice(i,1); continue; }else{ if(matchedItem.inventory != null && matchedItem.inventory <= 0){ //item is out of stock this.content.splice(i,1); }else if(matchedItem.inventory != null && matchedItem.inventory < this.content[i].count){ //not enough stock for original cart amount, reduce to available stock this.content[i].count = matchedItem.inventory; } //update its stock this.content[i].inventory = matchedItem.inventory; } this.items += this.content[i].count; // Delete the disabled flag if any delete(this.content[i].disabled); } = localStorage.getItem(this.getStorageKey('cartDiscount')); this.customAmount = localStorage.getItem(this.getStorageKey('cartCustomAmount')); this.tip = localStorage.getItem(this.getStorageKey('cartTip')); } Cart.prototype.destroy = function(keepAmount) { this.resetDiscount(); this.resetTip(); this.resetCustomAmount(); // When form is sent if (keepAmount) { this.content = []; this.items = 0; } else { this.removeItemAll(); } localStorage.removeItem(this.getStorageKey('cart')); } /* * jQuery helpers */ $.fn.inputAmount = function(obj, type) { $(this).off().on('input', function(event){ var val = obj.toNumber($(this).val()); switch (type) { case 'customAmount': obj.setCustomAmount(val); obj.updateDiscount(); obj.updateSummaryProducts(); obj.updateTotal(); obj.resetTip(); break; case 'discount': obj.setDiscount(val); obj.updateDiscount(); obj.updateSummaryProducts(); obj.updateTotal(); obj.resetTip(); break; case 'tip': obj.setTip(val); obj.updateTip(); break; } obj.updateSummaryTotal(); obj.updateAmount(); obj.updatePosData(); obj.emptyCartToggle(); }); } $.fn.removeAmount = function(obj, type) { $(this).off().on('click', function(event){ event.preventDefault(); switch (type) { case 'customAmount': obj.resetCustomAmount(); obj.updateSummaryProducts(); break; case 'discount': obj.resetDiscount(); obj.updateSummaryProducts(); break; } obj.resetTip(); obj.updateTotal(); obj.updateSummaryTotal(); obj.emptyCartToggle(); }); }