@using static BTCPayServer.Data.StoreBlob @model IntegrationsViewModel @{ Layout = "../Shared/_NavLayout.cshtml"; ViewData.SetActivePageAndTitle(StoreNavPages.Integrations, "Integrations"); var shopify = Model.Shopify; var shopifyCredsSet = shopify?.CredentialsValid == true; } @if (!ViewContext.ModelState.IsValid) {


@if (!shopifyCredsSet) { } else if (shopify?.IntegratedAt.HasValue == true) {

Orders on @shopify.ShopName.myshopify.com will be marked as paid on successful invoice payment. Started: @shopify.IntegratedAt.Value.ToBrowserDate()

} @if (shopifyCredsSet) { if (!shopify.IntegratedAt.HasValue) { } }

Other Integrations

Take a look at documentation for the list of other integrations we support and the directions on how to enable them:

@section Scripts { @await Html.PartialAsync("_ValidationScriptsPartial") }