using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using BTCPayServer.Client; using BTCPayServer.Client.Models; using BTCPayServer.Data; using BTCPayServer.Security; using BTCPayServer.Services.Stores; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; namespace BTCPayServer.Controllers.GreenField { [ApiController] [Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.Greenfield)] public class GreenFieldController : ControllerBase { private readonly StoreRepository _storeRepository; private readonly UserManager _userManager; public GreenFieldController(StoreRepository storeRepository, UserManager userManager) { _storeRepository = storeRepository; _userManager = userManager; } [Authorize(Policy = Policies.CanViewStoreSettings, AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.Greenfield)] [HttpGet("~/api/v1/stores")] public ActionResult> GetStores() { var stores = HttpContext.GetStoresData(); return Ok(stores.Select(FromModel)); } [Authorize(Policy = Policies.CanViewStoreSettings, AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.Greenfield)] [HttpGet("~/api/v1/stores/{storeId}")] public ActionResult GetStore(string storeId) { var store = HttpContext.GetStoreData(); if (store == null) { return NotFound(); } return Ok(FromModel(store)); } [Authorize(Policy = Policies.CanModifyStoreSettings, AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.Greenfield)] [HttpDelete("~/api/v1/stores/{storeId}")] public async Task RemoveStore(string storeId) { var store = HttpContext.GetStoreData(); if (store == null) { return NotFound(); } if (!_storeRepository.CanDeleteStores()) { return this.CreateAPIError("unsupported", "BTCPay Server is using a database server that does not allow you to remove stores."); } await _storeRepository.RemoveStore(storeId, _userManager.GetUserId(User)); return Ok(); } [HttpPost("~/api/v1/stores")] [Authorize(Policy = Policies.CanModifyStoreSettingsUnscoped, AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.Greenfield)] public async Task CreateStore(CreateStoreRequest request) { var validationResult = Validate(request); if (validationResult != null) { return validationResult; } var store = new Data.StoreData(); ToModel(request, store); await _storeRepository.CreateStore(_userManager.GetUserId(User), store); return Ok(FromModel(store)); } [Authorize(Policy = Policies.CanModifyStoreSettings, AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.Greenfield)] [HttpPut("~/api/v1/stores/{storeId}")] public async Task UpdateStore(string storeId, UpdateStoreRequest request) { var store = HttpContext.GetStoreData(); if (store == null) { return NotFound(); } var validationResult = Validate(request); if (validationResult != null) { return validationResult; } ToModel(request, store); await _storeRepository.UpdateStore(store); return Ok(FromModel(store)); } private static Client.Models.StoreData FromModel(Data.StoreData data) { var storeBlob = data.GetStoreBlob(); return new Client.Models.StoreData() { Id = data.Id, Name = data.StoreName, Website = data.StoreWebsite, SpeedPolicy = data.SpeedPolicy, //we do not include the default payment method in this model and instead opt to set it in the stores/storeid/payment-methods endpoints //blob //we do not include DefaultCurrencyPairs,Spread, PreferredExchange, RateScripting, RateScript in this model and instead opt to set it in stores/storeid/rates endpoints //we do not include ChangellySettings in this model and instead opt to set it in stores/storeid/changelly endpoints //we do not include CoinSwitchSettings in this model and instead opt to set it in stores/storeid/coinswitch endpoints //we do not include ExcludedPaymentMethods in this model and instead opt to set it in stores/storeid/payment-methods endpoints //we do not include EmailSettings in this model and instead opt to set it in stores/storeid/email endpoints //we do not include OnChainMinValue and LightningMaxValue because moving the CurrencyValueJsonConverter to the Client csproj is hard and requires a refactor (#1571 & #1572) NetworkFeeMode = storeBlob.NetworkFeeMode, RequiresRefundEmail = storeBlob.RequiresRefundEmail, ShowRecommendedFee = storeBlob.ShowRecommendedFee, RecommendedFeeBlockTarget = storeBlob.RecommendedFeeBlockTarget, DefaultLang = storeBlob.DefaultLang, MonitoringExpiration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(storeBlob.MonitoringExpiration), InvoiceExpiration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(storeBlob.InvoiceExpiration), LightningAmountInSatoshi = storeBlob.LightningAmountInSatoshi, CustomLogo = storeBlob.CustomLogo, CustomCSS = storeBlob.CustomCSS, HtmlTitle = storeBlob.HtmlTitle, AnyoneCanCreateInvoice = storeBlob.AnyoneCanInvoice, LightningDescriptionTemplate = storeBlob.LightningDescriptionTemplate, PaymentTolerance = storeBlob.PaymentTolerance, RedirectAutomatically = storeBlob.RedirectAutomatically, PayJoinEnabled = storeBlob.PayJoinEnabled, LightningPrivateRouteHints = storeBlob.LightningPrivateRouteHints }; } private static void ToModel(StoreBaseData restModel, Data.StoreData model) { var blob = model.GetStoreBlob(); model.StoreName = restModel.Name; model.StoreName = restModel.Name; model.StoreWebsite = restModel.Website; model.SpeedPolicy = restModel.SpeedPolicy; //we do not include the default payment method in this model and instead opt to set it in the stores/storeid/payment-methods endpoints //blob //we do not include DefaultCurrencyPairs;Spread; PreferredExchange; RateScripting; RateScript in this model and instead opt to set it in stores/storeid/rates endpoints //we do not include ChangellySettings in this model and instead opt to set it in stores/storeid/changelly endpoints //we do not include CoinSwitchSettings in this model and instead opt to set it in stores/storeid/coinswitch endpoints //we do not include ExcludedPaymentMethods in this model and instead opt to set it in stores/storeid/payment-methods endpoints //we do not include EmailSettings in this model and instead opt to set it in stores/storeid/email endpoints //we do not include OnChainMinValue and LightningMaxValue because moving the CurrencyValueJsonConverter to the Client csproj is hard and requires a refactor (#1571 & #1572) blob.NetworkFeeMode = restModel.NetworkFeeMode; blob.RequiresRefundEmail = restModel.RequiresRefundEmail; blob.ShowRecommendedFee = restModel.ShowRecommendedFee; blob.RecommendedFeeBlockTarget = restModel.RecommendedFeeBlockTarget; blob.DefaultLang = restModel.DefaultLang; blob.MonitoringExpiration = (int)restModel.MonitoringExpiration.TotalMinutes; blob.InvoiceExpiration = (int)restModel.InvoiceExpiration.TotalMinutes; blob.LightningAmountInSatoshi = restModel.LightningAmountInSatoshi; blob.CustomLogo = restModel.CustomLogo; blob.CustomCSS = restModel.CustomCSS; blob.HtmlTitle = restModel.HtmlTitle; blob.AnyoneCanInvoice = restModel.AnyoneCanCreateInvoice; blob.LightningDescriptionTemplate = restModel.LightningDescriptionTemplate; blob.PaymentTolerance = restModel.PaymentTolerance; blob.RedirectAutomatically = restModel.RedirectAutomatically; blob.PayJoinEnabled = restModel.PayJoinEnabled; blob.LightningPrivateRouteHints = restModel.LightningPrivateRouteHints; model.SetStoreBlob(blob); } private IActionResult Validate(StoreBaseData request) { if (request is null) { return BadRequest(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Name)) ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(request.Name), "Name is missing"); else if(request.Name.Length < 1 || request.Name.Length > 50) ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(request.Name), "Name can only be between 1 and 50 characters"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Website) && !Uri.TryCreate(request.Website, UriKind.Absolute, out _)) { ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(request.Website), "Website is not a valid url"); } if(request.InvoiceExpiration < TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1) && request.InvoiceExpiration > TimeSpan.FromMinutes(60 * 24 * 24)) ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(request.InvoiceExpiration), "InvoiceExpiration can only be between 1 and 34560 mins"); if(request.MonitoringExpiration < TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10) && request.MonitoringExpiration > TimeSpan.FromMinutes(60 * 24 * 24)) ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(request.MonitoringExpiration), "InvoiceExpiration can only be between 10 and 34560 mins"); if(request.PaymentTolerance < 0 && request.PaymentTolerance > 100) ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(request.PaymentTolerance), "PaymentTolerance can only be between 0 and 100 percent"); return !ModelState.IsValid ? this.CreateValidationError(ModelState) : null; } } }