using System; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using BTCPayServer.Data; using BTCPayServer.Models; using BTCPayServer.Models.AppViewModels; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using NBitcoin.DataEncoders; using NBitcoin; using BTCPayServer.Services.Apps; using Newtonsoft.Json; using YamlDotNet.RepresentationModel; using System.IO; using BTCPayServer.Services.Rates; using System.Globalization; using System.Text; using System.Text.Encodings.Web; namespace BTCPayServer.Controllers { public partial class AppsController { public class PointOfSaleSettings { public PointOfSaleSettings() { Title = "My awesome Point of Sale"; Currency = "USD"; Template = "tea:\n" + " price: 0.02\n" + " title: Green Tea # title is optional, defaults to the keys\n\n" + "coffee:\n" + " price: 1\n\n" + "bamba:\n" + " price: 3\n\n" + "beer:\n" + " price: 7\n\n" + "hat:\n" + " price: 15\n\n" + "tshirt:\n" + " price: 25"; ShowCustomAmount = true; } public string Title { get; set; } public string Currency { get; set; } public string Template { get; set; } public bool ShowCustomAmount { get; set; } } [HttpGet] [Route("{appId}/settings/pos")] public async Task UpdatePointOfSale(string appId) { var app = await GetOwnedApp(appId, AppType.PointOfSale); if (app == null) return NotFound(); var settings = app.GetSettings(); var vm = new UpdatePointOfSaleViewModel() { Title = settings.Title, ShowCustomAmount = settings.ShowCustomAmount, Currency = settings.Currency, Template = settings.Template }; if (HttpContext?.Request != null) { var appUrl = HttpContext.Request.GetAbsoluteRoot().WithTrailingSlash() + $"apps/{appId}/pos"; var encoder = HtmlEncoder.Default; if (settings.ShowCustomAmount) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.AppendLine($"
"); builder.AppendLine($" "); builder.AppendLine($" "); builder.AppendLine($" "); builder.AppendLine($" "); builder.AppendLine($" "); builder.AppendLine($" "); builder.AppendLine($"
"); vm.Example1 = builder.ToString(); } try { var items = Parse(settings.Template, settings.Currency); var builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.AppendLine($"
"); builder.AppendLine($" "); builder.AppendLine($" "); builder.AppendLine($" "); builder.AppendLine($" "); builder.AppendLine($" "); builder.AppendLine($"
"); vm.Example2 = builder.ToString(); } catch { } vm.InvoiceUrl = appUrl + "invoices/SkdsDghkdP3D3qkj7bLq3"; } vm.ExampleCallback = "{\n \"id\":\"SkdsDghkdP3D3qkj7bLq3\",\n \"url\":\"\",\n \"status\":\"paid\",\n \"price\":10,\n \"currency\":\"EUR\",\n \"invoiceTime\":1520373130312,\n \"expirationTime\":1520374030312,\n \"currentTime\":1520373179327,\n \"exceptionStatus\":false,\n \"buyerFields\":{\n \"buyerEmail\":\"\",\n \"buyerNotify\":false\n },\n \"paymentSubtotals\": {\n \"BTC\":114700\n },\n \"paymentTotals\": {\n \"BTC\":118400\n },\n \"transactionCurrency\": \"BTC\",\n \"amountPaid\": \"1025900\",\n \"exchangeRates\": {\n \"BTC\": {\n \"EUR\": 8721.690715789999,\n \"USD\": 10817.99\n }\n }\n}"; return View(vm); } [HttpPost] [Route("{appId}/settings/pos")] public async Task UpdatePointOfSale(string appId, UpdatePointOfSaleViewModel vm) { if (_Currencies.GetCurrencyData(vm.Currency, false) == null) ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(vm.Currency), "Invalid currency"); try { Parse(vm.Template, vm.Currency); } catch { ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(vm.Template), "Invalid template"); } if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return View(vm); } var app = await GetOwnedApp(appId, AppType.PointOfSale); if (app == null) return NotFound(); app.SetSettings(new PointOfSaleSettings() { Title = vm.Title, ShowCustomAmount = vm.ShowCustomAmount, Currency = vm.Currency.ToUpperInvariant(), Template = vm.Template }); await UpdateAppSettings(app); StatusMessage = "App updated"; return RedirectToAction(nameof(ListApps)); } [HttpGet] [Route("{appId}/pos")] public async Task ViewPointOfSale(string appId) { var app = await GetApp(appId, AppType.PointOfSale); if (app == null) return NotFound(); var settings = app.GetSettings(); var currency = _Currencies.GetCurrencyData(settings.Currency, false); double step = currency == null ? 1 : Math.Pow(10, -(currency.Divisibility)); return View(new ViewPointOfSaleViewModel() { Title = settings.Title, Step = step.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), ShowCustomAmount = settings.ShowCustomAmount, Items = Parse(settings.Template, settings.Currency) }); } private async Task GetApp(string appId, AppType appType) { using (var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext()) { return await ctx.Apps .Where(us => us.Id == appId && us.AppType == appType.ToString()) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(); } } private ViewPointOfSaleViewModel.Item[] Parse(string template, string currency) { var input = new StringReader(template); YamlStream stream = new YamlStream(); stream.Load(input); var root = (YamlMappingNode)stream.Documents[0].RootNode; return root .Children .Select(kv => new { Key = (kv.Key as YamlScalarNode)?.Value, Value = kv.Value as YamlMappingNode }) .Where(kv => kv.Value != null) .Select(c => new ViewPointOfSaleViewModel.Item() { Id = c.Key, Title = c.Value.Children .Select(kv => new { Key = (kv.Key as YamlScalarNode)?.Value, Value = kv.Value as YamlScalarNode }) .Where(kv => kv.Value != null) .Where(cc => cc.Key == "title") .FirstOrDefault()?.Value?.Value ?? c.Key, Price = c.Value.Children .Select(kv => new { Key = (kv.Key as YamlScalarNode)?.Value, Value = kv.Value as YamlScalarNode }) .Where(kv => kv.Value != null) .Where(cc => cc.Key == "price") .Select(cc => new ViewPointOfSaleViewModel.Item.ItemPrice() { Value = decimal.Parse(cc.Value.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Formatted = FormatCurrency(cc.Value.Value, currency) }) .Single() }) .ToArray(); } string FormatCurrency(string price, string currency) { return decimal.Parse(price, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString("C", _Currencies.GetCurrencyProvider(currency)); } [HttpPost] [Route("{appId}/pos")] [IgnoreAntiforgeryToken] public async Task ViewPointOfSale(string appId, decimal amount, string email, string orderId, string notificationUrl, string redirectUrl, string choiceKey) { var app = await GetApp(appId, AppType.PointOfSale); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(choiceKey) && amount <= 0) { return RedirectToAction(nameof(ViewPointOfSale), new { appId = appId }); } if (app == null) return NotFound(); var settings = app.GetSettings(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(choiceKey) && !settings.ShowCustomAmount) { return RedirectToAction(nameof(ViewPointOfSale), new { appId = appId }); } string title = null; var price = 0.0m; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(choiceKey)) { var choices = Parse(settings.Template, settings.Currency); var choice = choices.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == choiceKey); if (choice == null) return NotFound(); title = choice.Title; price = choice.Price.Value; } else { if (!settings.ShowCustomAmount) return NotFound(); price = amount; title = settings.Title; } var store = await GetStore(app); var invoice = await _InvoiceController.CreateInvoiceCore(new NBitpayClient.Invoice() { ItemDesc = title, Currency = settings.Currency, Price = price, BuyerEmail = email, OrderId = orderId, NotificationURL = notificationUrl, RedirectURL = redirectUrl, FullNotifications = true }, store, HttpContext.Request.GetAbsoluteRoot()); return Redirect(invoice.Data.Url); } private async Task GetStore(AppData app) { using (var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext()) { return await ctx.Stores.FirstOrDefaultAsync(s => s.Id == app.StoreDataId); } } private async Task UpdateAppSettings(AppData app) { using (var ctx = _ContextFactory.CreateContext()) { ctx.Apps.Add(app); ctx.Entry(app).State = EntityState.Modified; ctx.Entry(app).Property(a => a.Settings).IsModified = true; await ctx.SaveChangesAsync(); } } } }