@using BTCPayServer.Views.Stores @inject Security.ContentSecurityPolicies Csp @inject BTCPayNetworkProvider NetworkProvider @model BTCPayServer.Plugins.PayButton.Models.PayButtonViewModel @{ ViewData.SetActivePage(StoreNavPages.PayButton, "Pay Button", Context.GetStoreData().Id); Csp.UnsafeEval(); } @section PageHeadContent { } @section PageFootContent { }


Configure your Pay Button, and the generated code will be displayed at the bottom of the page to copy into your project.

General Settings

{{ errors.first('price') }}

Display Options

{{ errors.first('payButtonImageUrl') }}
{{ errors.first('min') }}
{{ errors.first('max') }}
{{ errors.first('step') }}

Payment Notifications

{{ errors.first('serverIpn') }}
The URL to post purchase data.
{{ errors.first('notifyEmail') }}
Receive email notification updates.
{{ errors.first('browserRedirect') }}
Where to redirect the customer after payment is complete

Advanced Options

Specify additional query string parameters that should be appended to the checkout page once the invoice is created. For example, lang=da-DK would load the checkout page in Danish by default.

{{ errors.first('checkoutQueryString') }}

Link this Pay Button to an app instead. Some features are disabled due to the different endpoint capabilities. You can set which perk/item this button should be targeting.

{{ errors.first('appIdEndpoint') }}
{{ errors.first('appChoiceKey') }}

Generated Code

Please fix errors shown in order for code generation to successfully execute.


You can also share the link/LNURL or encode it in a QR code.