#nullable enable using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Security.Claims; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using AngleSharp.Dom; using BTCPayServer.Client.Models; using BTCPayServer.Data; using BTCPayServer.Logging; using BTCPayServer.Migrations; using BTCPayServer.Models.InvoicingModels; using BTCPayServer.Rating; using BTCPayServer.Services; using BTCPayServer.Services.Apps; using BTCPayServer.Services.Invoices; using BTCPayServer.Services.Rates; using crypto; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ModelBinding; using NBitcoin; using NBitcoin.Logging; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using InvoiceResponse = BTCPayServer.Models.InvoiceResponse; namespace BTCPayServer.Payments { /// /// This class customize invoice creation by the creation of payment details for the PaymentMethod during invoice creation /// public interface IPaymentMethodHandler { PaymentMethodId PaymentMethodId { get; } /// /// The creation of the prompt details and prompt data /// /// /// Task ConfigurePrompt(PaymentMethodContext context); /// /// Called before the fetching of the rates of an invoice. /// If the prompt is activated, it is recommended to start time consuming tasks here by setting the . /// Those will be running while the rates are being fetched. /// Note that this can also be called ater rates has been fetched (for example in lazy activation or forced prompt renew) /// /// /// Task BeforeFetchingRates(PaymentMethodContext context); /// /// Called after the invoice has been saved into database. /// Note that this can also be called ater rates has been fetched (for example in lazy activation or forced prompt renew) /// /// /// Task AfterSavingInvoice(PaymentMethodContext context) => Task.CompletedTask; /// /// The serializer to use to serialize details and config into json /// JsonSerializer Serializer { get; } /// /// Parse the prompt details stored in the prompt /// /// /// object ParsePaymentPromptDetails(JToken details); /// /// Parse the configuration of the payment method in the store /// /// /// object ParsePaymentMethodConfig(JToken config); Task ValidatePaymentMethodConfig(PaymentMethodConfigValidationContext validationContext) => Task.CompletedTask; object ParsePaymentDetails(JToken details); } public class PaymentMethodConfigValidationContext { public record MissingPermissionError(string Permission, string Message); public PaymentMethodConfigValidationContext(IAuthorizationService authorizationService, ModelStateDictionary modelState, JToken config, ClaimsPrincipal user, JToken? previousConfig) { PreviousConfig = previousConfig; ModelState = modelState; AuthorizationService = authorizationService; Config = config; User = user; } public ClaimsPrincipal User { get; } public JToken? PreviousConfig { get; } public JToken Config { get; set; } public ModelStateDictionary ModelState { get; } public IAuthorizationService AuthorizationService { get; } public MissingPermissionError? MissingPermission { get; private set; } public bool StripUnknownProperties { get; set; } = true; public void SetMissingPermission(string permission, string message) => MissingPermission = new MissingPermissionError(permission, message); } public class InvoiceCreationContext { public InvoiceCreationContext(Data.StoreData store, Data.StoreBlob storeBlob, InvoiceEntity invoiceEntity, InvoiceLogs invoiceLogs, PaymentMethodHandlerDictionary handlers, IPaymentFilter? invoicePaymentMethodFilter) { PaymentMethodContexts = new Dictionary(); InvoiceEntity = invoiceEntity; Logs = invoiceLogs; StoreBlob = storeBlob; var excludeFilter = storeBlob.GetExcludedPaymentMethods(); // Here we can compose filters from other origin with PaymentFilter.Any() if (invoicePaymentMethodFilter != null) { excludeFilter = PaymentFilter.Or(excludeFilter, invoicePaymentMethodFilter); } foreach (var paymentMethodConfig in store.GetPaymentMethodConfigs()) { var ctx = new PaymentMethodContext(store, storeBlob, paymentMethodConfig.Value, handlers[paymentMethodConfig.Key], invoiceEntity, invoiceLogs); PaymentMethodContexts.Add(paymentMethodConfig.Key, ctx); if (excludeFilter.Match(paymentMethodConfig.Key) || !handlers.Support(paymentMethodConfig.Key)) ctx.Status = PaymentMethodContext.ContextStatus.Excluded; } } public Dictionary PaymentMethodContexts { get; } public InvoiceEntity InvoiceEntity { get; } public InvoiceLogs Logs { get; } public Data.StoreBlob StoreBlob { get; } public HashSet AdditionalSearchTerms { get; set; } = new HashSet(); public HashSet GetAllSearchTerms() { return new HashSet(PaymentMethodContexts.SelectMany(c => c.Value.AdditionalSearchTerms).Concat(AdditionalSearchTerms)); } public Task BeforeFetchingRates() { return Task.WhenAll(PaymentMethodContexts.Select(c => c.Value.BeforeFetchingRates())); } public Task CreatePaymentPrompts() { return Task.WhenAll(PaymentMethodContexts.Select(c => c.Value.CreatePaymentPrompt())); } public HashSet GetCurrenciesToFetch() { return new HashSet(PaymentMethodContexts.SelectMany(c => c.Value.RequiredRates).Concat(PaymentMethodContexts.SelectMany(c => c.Value.OptionalRates))); } public void SetLazyActivation(bool lazy) { foreach (var p in PaymentMethodContexts) p.Value.Prompt.Inactive = lazy; } public Task ActivatingPaymentPrompt() { return Task.WhenAll(PaymentMethodContexts.Select(c => c.Value.ActivatingPaymentPrompt())); } public async Task FetchingRates(RateFetcher rateFetcher, RateRules rateRules, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var currencyPairsToFetch = GetCurrenciesToFetch(); var fetchingRates = rateFetcher.FetchRates(currencyPairsToFetch, rateRules, cancellationToken); HashSet failedRates = new HashSet(); foreach (var fetching in fetchingRates) { try { var rateResult = await fetching.Value; Logs.Write($"The rating rule is {rateResult.Rule}", InvoiceEventData.EventSeverity.Info); Logs.Write($"The evaluated rating rule is {rateResult.EvaluatedRule}", InvoiceEventData.EventSeverity.Info); if (rateResult is RateResult { BidAsk: var bidAsk }) { InvoiceEntity.AddRate(fetching.Key, bidAsk.Bid); } else { failedRates.Add(fetching.Key); if (rateResult.Errors.Count != 0) { var allRateRuleErrors = string.Join(", ", rateResult.Errors.ToArray()); Logs.Write($"Rate rule error ({allRateRuleErrors})", InvoiceEventData.EventSeverity.Warning); } foreach (var exx in rateResult.ExchangeExceptions) { Logs.Write($"Error from exchange {exx.ExchangeName} ({exx.Exception.Message})", InvoiceEventData.EventSeverity.Warning); } Logs.Write($"Unable to get rate {fetching.Key}.", InvoiceEventData.EventSeverity.Warning); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logs.Write($"Error while fetching rates {ex}", InvoiceEventData.EventSeverity.Warning); failedRates.Add(fetching.Key); } } foreach (var paymentContext in PaymentMethodContexts.Values) { var failedRequiredRates = failedRates.Where(r => paymentContext.RequiredRates.Contains(r)).ToHashSet(); var failedOptionalRates = failedRates.Where(r => paymentContext.OptionalRates.Contains(r)).ToHashSet(); if (failedRequiredRates.Count > 0) { paymentContext.Status = PaymentMethodContext.ContextStatus.Failed; paymentContext.Logs.Write($"Unable to get rate(s) {ToString(failedRequiredRates)}, this payment method disabled for this invoice.", InvoiceEventData.EventSeverity.Error); } if (failedOptionalRates.Count > 0) { paymentContext.Logs.Write($"Unable to get rate(s) {ToString(failedRequiredRates)}.", InvoiceEventData.EventSeverity.Warning); } } } private string ToString(HashSet failedRequiredRates) { return string.Join(", ", failedRequiredRates); } } public class CurrencyPairSet : HashSet { public CurrencyPairSet(string defaultCurrency) { DefaultCurrency = defaultCurrency; } public string DefaultCurrency { get; } public bool Add(string currency) { return this.Add(new CurrencyPair(currency, DefaultCurrency)); } } public class PaymentMethodContext { public enum ContextStatus { WaitingForCreation, WaitingForActivation, Created, Failed, Excluded } public InvoiceEntity InvoiceEntity { get; } public PrefixedInvoiceLogs Logs { get; } public PaymentMethodId PaymentMethodId { get; } public JToken PaymentMethodConfig { get; } public IPaymentMethodHandler Handler { get; } public Data.StoreBlob StoreBlob { get; } public Data.StoreData Store { get; } public PaymentPrompt Prompt { get; set; } public PaymentMethodContext( Data.StoreData store, Data.StoreBlob storeBlob, JToken paymentMethodConfig, IPaymentMethodHandler handler, InvoiceEntity invoiceEntity, InvoiceLogs invoiceLogs) { Store = store; StoreBlob = storeBlob; InvoiceEntity = invoiceEntity; PaymentMethodId = handler.PaymentMethodId; Logs = new PrefixedInvoiceLogs(invoiceLogs, $"{PaymentMethodId.ToString()}: "); PaymentMethodConfig = paymentMethodConfig; Handler = handler; if (invoiceEntity.Currency is null) throw new InvalidOperationException("InvoiceEntity.Currency isn't initialized"); RequiredRates = new CurrencyPairSet(invoiceEntity.Currency); OptionalRates = new CurrencyPairSet(invoiceEntity.Currency); Prompt = new PaymentPrompt() { ParentEntity = invoiceEntity, PaymentMethodId = PaymentMethodId }; } public CurrencyPairSet RequiredRates { get; } public CurrencyPairSet OptionalRates { get; } public object? State { get; set; } public HashSet AdditionalSearchTerms { get; set; } = new HashSet(); /// /// This string can be used to query AddressInvoice to find the invoiceId /// public List TrackedDestinations { get; } = new List(); internal async Task BeforeFetchingRates() { await Handler.BeforeFetchingRates(this); // We need to fetch the rates necessary for the evaluation of the payment method criteria var currency = Prompt.Currency; if (currency is not null) RequiredRates.Add(currency); if (currency is not null && Status is PaymentMethodContext.ContextStatus.WaitingForCreation or PaymentMethodContext.ContextStatus.WaitingForActivation) { foreach (var paymentMethodCriteria in StoreBlob.PaymentMethodCriteria .Where(c => c.Value?.Currency is not null && c.PaymentMethod == PaymentMethodId)) { RequiredRates.Add(new CurrencyPair(currency, paymentMethodCriteria.Value.Currency)); } } } public Task ActivatingPaymentPrompt() { if (Status is not (ContextStatus.Created or ContextStatus.WaitingForActivation)) return Task.CompletedTask; return Handler.AfterSavingInvoice(this); } private Task CreatingPaymentPrompt() { return Handler.ConfigurePrompt(this); } public async Task CreatePaymentPrompt() { if (Status != ContextStatus.WaitingForCreation) return; bool criteriaChecked = false; if (Prompt.Currency is not null) { if (!CheckCriteria()) { Status = ContextStatus.Failed; return; } criteriaChecked = true; } if (!Prompt.Activated) { Status = ContextStatus.WaitingForActivation; return; } using (Logs.Measure("Payment method details creation")) { try { await Handler.ConfigurePrompt(this); Status = ContextStatus.Created; } catch (PaymentMethodUnavailableException ex) { Logs.Write($"Payment method unavailable ({ex.Message})", InvoiceEventData.EventSeverity.Error); Status = ContextStatus.Failed; return; } catch (Exception ex) { Logs.Write($"Unexpected exception ({ex})", InvoiceEventData.EventSeverity.Error); Status = ContextStatus.Failed; return; } } if (!criteriaChecked && !CheckCriteria()) { Status = ContextStatus.Failed; return; } } public ContextStatus Status { get; internal set; } private bool CheckCriteria() { var criteria = StoreBlob.PaymentMethodCriteria?.Find(methodCriteria => methodCriteria.PaymentMethod == Handler.PaymentMethodId); if (criteria?.Value != null && InvoiceEntity.Type != InvoiceType.TopUp) { try { var currentRateToCrypto = InvoiceEntity.GetRate(new CurrencyPair(Prompt.Currency, criteria.Value.Currency)); var amount = Prompt.Calculate().Due; var limitValueCrypto = criteria.Value.Value / currentRateToCrypto; if (amount < limitValueCrypto && criteria.Above) { Logs.Write($"Invoice amount below accepted value for payment method", InvoiceEventData.EventSeverity.Error); return false; } if (amount > limitValueCrypto && !criteria.Above) { Logs.Write($"Invoice amount above accepted value for payment method", InvoiceEventData.EventSeverity.Error); return false; } } catch { Logs.Write($"This payment method should be created only if the amount of this invoice is in proper range. However, we are unable to fetch the rate of those limits.", InvoiceEventData.EventSeverity.Warning); return false; } } return true; } } public class PrefixedInvoiceLogs { string _LogPrefix; public PrefixedInvoiceLogs(InvoiceLogs invoiceLogs, string prefix) { InvoiceLogs = invoiceLogs; _LogPrefix = prefix; } public void Write(string data, InvoiceEventData.EventSeverity eventSeverity) { InvoiceLogs.Write(_LogPrefix + data, eventSeverity); } internal IDisposable Measure(string logs) { return InvoiceLogs.Measure(_LogPrefix + logs); } public InvoiceLogs InvoiceLogs { get; } } }