* Editorconfig: Add space_before_self_closing setting
This was a difference between the way dotnet-format and Rider format code. See https://www.jetbrains.com/help/rider/EditorConfig_Index.html
* Editorconfig: Keep 4 spaces indentation for Swagger JSON files
They are all formatted that way, let's keep it like that.
* Apply dotnet-format, mostly white-space related changes
* Update wallet navigation
* Find matching text color for label bg color
* Cleanup
* Extract WalletNav component
* Move PSBT link to Send and Rescan link to Settings
* Update transactions view
* Test fixes
* Adapt invoices list actions
* Show invoice actions only if there are any invoices
* Link wallet name and balance to tranactions list
* Move wallet related actions from list to settings
* Fix main menu z-index
Needs a value between fixed and the offcanvas backdrop, see https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.1/layout/z-index/
* Update receive and send views