* This refactors the email sending so that all the logic related to users and emails are now contained in one location.
* The Reset password screen has been updated from its ugly plain self to use the same layout as the login.
* An admin can now create a new account without specifying a password. A link is generated that can be given to the intended user to configure the password. If emails are configured, it also sends an email
* An admin can now create accounts that still require the user to verify their if the setting is enabled from the server settings. A link is generated that can be given to the intended user to configure the password. If emails are configured, it also sends an email.
* The above features can be used in conjunction: An email will have to verify their email through a link. Once verified, the user is redirected to setting the password.
* When an email has been verified OR a password has been set, users are now redirected to the login page with the email filled in and a success status message shown instead of a dedicated thank you page.
* Allow entry in wallet send via fiat
* fix min amount in wallet send
* Add divisibility when setting amount from fiat
* Improve invoices list view
* Pager: Only show options that make sense
* ListInvoices formatting
* Add separator for dropdown toggle split
* Minor ListInvoices improvement
* Improve payment requests list view
* Distinguish empty and filtered lists
* Properly align invoice details
* Add payment symbols to invoices list
* Improve payment symbols in invoices list
* Always display search on list pages
* Inline variable
* Move display logic to pager
e5040ede55 (commitcomment-41698272)
* Support wasabi file format input
This adds support to importing the wasabi file format which seems to be used more for imports by Wasabi,ColdCard,BlueWallet & Cobo Vault (and way better than electrum anyway)
* fixes
* add test