This allows plugins to create custom dbcontexts, which would be namespaced in the scheme with a prefix. Migrations are supported too and the table would be prefixed too
* Plugins: Load plugins by order, aesthetic plugin dependency system
Introduces plugins loading in order of installation, BTCPay itself shows up as a system plugin, and that plugins can define other plugins as dependencies.
* use a proper type for plugin dependencies
* rebase fixes
* message when cannot install
This allows external integrations ( btcpay docker fragments) to highlight specific plugins as recommended to be installed. Also moved the remote option to a config option instead of a url query param to avoid messy situations where users could get deceived with a generated url. The dockerfiles also have an additional csproj to build and the plugin dir was renamed correctly from extensions to plugins
Adds a warning to configure the e-mail server before "Requires a confirmation mail for registering" checkbox can be checked if e-mail server is not configured.
* BTCPay Extensions Part 2
This PR cleans up the extension system a bit in that:
* It renames the test extension to a more uniform name
* Allows yo uto have system extensions, which are extensions but bundled by default with the release (and cannot be removed)
* Adds a tool to help you generate an extension package from a csproj
* Refactors the UI extension points to a view component
* Moves some more interfaces to the Abstractions csproj
* Rename to plugins
* Allow disabling notifications per user and disabling specific notifications per use
* Add disable notifs for all users
* fix term generator for notifications
* sow checkboxes instead of multiselect when js is enabled
* remove js dependency
* fix notif conditions
* This refactors the email sending so that all the logic related to users and emails are now contained in one location.
* The Reset password screen has been updated from its ugly plain self to use the same layout as the login.
* An admin can now create a new account without specifying a password. A link is generated that can be given to the intended user to configure the password. If emails are configured, it also sends an email
* An admin can now create accounts that still require the user to verify their if the setting is enabled from the server settings. A link is generated that can be given to the intended user to configure the password. If emails are configured, it also sends an email.
* The above features can be used in conjunction: An email will have to verify their email through a link. Once verified, the user is redirected to setting the password.
* When an email has been verified OR a password has been set, users are now redirected to the login page with the email filled in and a success status message shown instead of a dedicated thank you page.